Make a positive change – become a Parish Councillor

Help shape your village and make a positive change by becoming a Parish Councillor


Swaffham Bulbeck Parish Council has a vacancy for a Parish Councillor

This is a great opportunity to make a difference.

The role of the Parish Council includes:

Acting as a consultee on any new developments in the village

Managing recreation facilities, the cemetery, Gutter Bridge Wood, the Pavilion and parish owned land

Liaising with the Swaffham Bulbeck Community Land Trust

Determining how to address a range of different matters

If you think you could make a community contribution, or would like to know more about the role, please contact any Councillor (details in the front of the Beacon), the Chairman or the Clerk. We would be delighted to hear from you!

 No experience necessary, please get in touch and find out more.

Clerk to Swaffham Bulbeck Parish Council: or 07369248998

Chair of Swaffham Bulbeck Parish Council:  or 813635