Minutes Extraordinary Meeting 20th September 2011
Held at the School on Tuesday, 20th September 2011
Present: Margaret Chadwick (Chair), Mary Smith (MS), Bert Collins (BC), Giles Merritt (GM), Sharyn Robinson (SR) Lynn Reed (LR).
2828: Apologies for Absence:
Brian Ambrose
2829: Members’ Declaration of Interest for Items on the Agenda:
There were none.
2830: Cemetery Corner:
The Chair read out a summary outlining discussions and actions agreed to date adding that she wished members to be clear on the decisions taken to remove the Caution as requested by Simon Butler-Finbow and suspend work on the Land Registry application.
SR said she had spoken with Geoff Reed who confirmed he was happy to help with details for proposed changes to the parking area. He suggested PC start to contact the providers that may have services that cross the area (BT, Eastern Electricity, Anglian Water, etc). Action: Clerk
SR spoke with Adam Cobb about another site meeting. Adam suggested that Patrick Joyce would be the best person to take this forward for the PC and will speak with PJ and ask for a site meeting. PJ has not made contact. Clerk to chase. Action: Clerk
SR researched funding through the Lottery and suggested this may be a possibility through “Awards for All”.
MS said she was researching the highway boundaries and would visit Shire Hall to check records. It was hoped that the area of manholes would belong to CCC Highways. Action: MS
2831: Consideration of Quotation received for Tree Works on Cemetery Boundary:
Quotation received from Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance in the sum of £310 + VAT. This was agreed. Proposed: MS. Seconded: SR. The removal of the Laburnum tree was omitted from quote but SR spoke with Justin Wilmott and he verbally confirmed that he would include this. Clerk to confirm in writing. Action: Clerk
2832: Parish Council Insurance Renewal with 3-Year Long-Term Option:
SR contacted Came & Company to inform them of wall re-build revised cost and clarification of three-year term (premiums will increase in line with increase of assets – currently 3% per annum). SR queried whether the new playground equipment was included on renewal as this did not appear on schedule. They agreed to add this to the policy, along with the wall re-build costs for the same premium. Additional quotes obtained:
Suffolk ACRE produced a higher quote (£1,400 annual premium).
S-Tech reported verbally that they could not beat the renewal quotation received.
It was agreed by all to accept the quotation from Came & Company for the annual premium of £1,126.54 but not to take up the 3-year option as there would be no benefit in doing this. Agreed by all.
2833: Clerk’s Reports:
Cycling through Downing Court Sheltered Scheme: The Sheltered Housing Officer of Sanctuary Housing has raised concerns about the safety of the elderly residents as despite the ‘No Cycling’ signs people continue to cycle through the bungalows to the High Street. She noted that there had recently been some ‘near misses’. Following discussion the Clerk was asked to add to Beacon report and organise a letter drop to residents of Downing Court asking cyclists not to use this footpath. Action: Clerk
2834: Parish Councillors’ Reports:
Zip Wire – Play Area: LR reported that the wire needed tightening up. The Clerk was asked to speak with DT and Loder Bevington about this. Action: Clerk
Football Pitch – ‘roll & spike’: SR reported that the grass cutting contractor suggested this work. It was thought a good idea and the Clerk was asked to obtain a quotation for October meeting. Action: Clerk
MS reported that the Pub was again displaying advertising stands on the War Memorial ‘island’. Clerk to follow up with Highways. Action: Clerk
The meeting ended at 8.25pm
2835: Future Meeting Dates:
1st November
15th November – Precept meeting
6th December