Minutes Extraordinary Meeting 20th November 2012
Held at the School on Tuesday, 20th November 2012. Starting at 7.30pm
Present: Margaret Chadwick Chairman(MC), Lynn Reed Vice-Chairman(LR), Brian Ambrose(BA), Bert Collins(BC), Sharyn Robinson(SR), Sue Romero(SRo), Mary Smith(MS) and Ian Woodroffe(IW).
Members of the Public: None.
In attendance:
Karen King – Clerk
3143: Apologies for Absence:
3144: Members’ Declaration of Interest for Items on the Agenda + Requests for Dispensation:
• Ian Woodroffe declared a personal interest for item 3 of the agenda (min.ref.383/3145).
• As required by the new Code of Conduct, councillors had submitted a request for a dispensation to allow them to consider the Parish Council Budget/Precept. This was granted by the Clerk to enable Parish Councillors to participate/speak and vote in respect of this item and was granted on the below legislative grounds as stated in the Localism Act:
[Under Section 33(2)(a)] without the dispensation the number of persons prohibited by section 31(4) from articipating in any particular business would be so great a proportion of the body transacting the business as to impede the transaction of the business;
[under Section 33(2) (c)] granting the dispensation is in the interests of persons living in the Authority’s area; and
This dispensation was granted for the period from November 2012 – May 2015.
3145: Donation Request from Youth Club:
The Treasurer of the Youth Club had written asking the Parish Council to consider a donation towards the cost of using the Fenland Elite Youth Bus – current cost £3,500/annum.
Following discussion, concerns were raised about whether the cost of using the Bus could be sustained. As a consequence it was agreed that the Clerk would reply confirming the Parish Council’s support but asking to see the accounts to ensure the Youth Club’s viability. IW suggested that PC ask for a breakdown of the £3,500. All agreed. Action: Clerk
3146: Consideration of Draft Budget & Precept for 2013/14 for later approval:
Following review of the budget schedule, it was considered important to keep the Precept at its same level and avoid an increase. Following discussion it was agreed to submit to ECDC a draft Precept figure of £16,000. This would be confirmed at the January 2013 meeting. Full detail and updated schedule available from the Clerk.
3147: Clerk’s Report:
Use of football pitch/pavilion: a request to use the facilities was received from Burwell Tigers Football Club. There followed some discussion at the hire fee and it was suggested that this should be reduced to £25/match. Clerk to go back to BTFC. Action: Clerk
3148: Parish Councillors’ Reports:
Sign on War Memorial Triangle: It was reported that a sign had been placed on the WMT advertising the Christmas Fayre at BVC. Following discussion it was confirmed that no signs should be allowed.
Meeting closed at 9.55pm
3149: Dates of Next Meetings:
4th December
8th January 2013
5th February
5th March