Minutes Extraordinary Meeting 20th July 2010

Held at the School on Tuesday, 20th July 2010, starting at 7pm.

Present: Bert Collins (Vice-Chairman), Loder Bevington, Daphne Dodds, Giles Merritt, Mary Smith and David Turner. No members of the public present.

In Attendance: Karen King-Clerk.

2584: Apologies for Absence: Margaret Chadwick (holiday)
Lynn Reed (holiday)
Sharyn Robinson (holiday)

2585: Matters Arising from Previous Minutes (for information only):

2586: Members’ Declaration of Interest for Items on the Agenda: None.

2587: East Cambridgeshire Local Development Framework (consultation on potential site options for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople):
Loder Bevington and Mary Smith attended the ECDC consultation for Parish Councils’ meeting at Stetchworth where the above was discussed as part of the overall LDF. LB reported that 9 sites were being proposed as new/extensions of travellers’ sites including a new site in Swaffham Prior. Daphne Dodds said that she and Margaret Chadwick had attended the public meeting in Swaffham Prior. Following discussion it was felt that Swaffham Bulbeck Parish Council was not in a position to object to the proposal for Swaffham Prior but asked the Clerk to write to ECDC confirming SBPC’s support for any legal moves Swaffham Prior might take in their consideration of the proposals for this site.

2588: Jointly Funded Minor Highways Improvements – 2011-12 Bidding Round (confirming detail of bid for crossing on Station Road):
First bid application – Station Road crossing:
“The suggestion was that the current School crossing on Station Road be converted to a public crossing with possibly a raised feature.
Concern expressed by residents (particularly the elderly) of the difficulty in crossing the road.
The Parish Council is currently liaising with CCC (Andy Hunt-Public Transport Network Co-ordinator) about the possibility of moving the bus stop opposite the shop towards the western Recreation Ground car park with a lay-by for buses to pull into – travelling in Burwell direction.
A crossing would link well with the above proposal.”
It was agreed to include a second bid – The speed of drivers entering the village northbound from Bottisham:
“At Park End, near Stonebridge Farm, the cycle path ends by the Village entrance and cyclists have to cross the road to join the flow of traffic. The pavement is also severely restricted at the blind corner near Burgh Hall. To remind drivers of the speed limit may decrease the risk of any accident. Interactive speed signs were suggested as a possible solution.”
Proposed Loder Bevington. Seconded: Giles Merritt.

2589: Clerk’s Reports:
Min.ref.339/2580: The dog bins had been installed.
Min.ref.338/2568: Litter bin had been delivered to Clerk’s house. Bert Collins was to collect and install.

2590: Finances including Approval of Payment of Outstanding Accounts:
a) SB C of E Primary School (room hire for meetings) £ 72-03
b) Parish Websites Ltd (setting up of village website) £ 450-00
c) Glasdon UK Ltd (new litter bin) £ 187-96
Total: £709-99

The above payments were agreed. Proposed: Loder Bevington. Seconded: Mary Smith

2591: Parish Councillors’ Reports:

  • Min.ref.339/2580: Giles Merritt told meeting of further work carried out on website and the option to now have own email address through website.
  • Min.ref.339/2580: Mary Smith confirmed that the signed grant agreement had been sent to the War Memorials Trust and she was currently liaising with Fairhavens about the work to be carried out.

2592: Dates of Next Meetings:
No August meeting unless called
7th September
5th October
2nd November
7th December
4th January 2011
1st February