Minutes Extraordinary Meeting 17th April 2012
Held at the School on Tuesday, 17th April 2012.
Present: Margaret Chadwick-Chairman (MC), Brian Ambrose (BA), Bert Collins(BC), Lynn Reed-Vice Chairman (LR), Sharyn Robinson (SR), Sue Romero (SRo) and Mary Smith (MS).
Members of the Public: Molly Butler, Diane Butler-Finbow, Lawrence Butler, Peter & Helen Harding.
2991: Apologies for Absence:
Ian Woodroffe – conflicting commitment
2992: Members’ Declaration of Interest for Items on the Agenda:
MC declared a personal interest for item 5 of the agenda (min.ref.371/2995).
2993: Parish Council Vacancy:
Expressions of interest were considered from James Hardwicke and Gordon Reid. A secret ballot of Parish Councillors was held resulting in the co-option of James Hardwicke as Parish Councillor. Agreed by all.
2994: Access & Parking at Play Area, Cemetery Corner:
• Land ownership and boundaries: The Clerk emailed Roythornes Solicitors asking for a reply to her letter dated 7/3/12 by the next PC meeting on the 1/5/12.
• Site meeting – request to Susan Mills, CCC Highway Development Control Engineer: A reply was pending. MC confirmed that she would be replying to Diana Butler-Finbow’s email (30/3/12) by the end of the week.
General point – MC referred to a query raised confirming that Taylor Vinters were to be asked to advise.
2995: Consideration of Planning Application for 91 High Street – rear extension.
Ref: 12/00223/FUL: There were no objections or comments.
The Chair adjourned the meeting at 7.40pm to allow a member of the public to speak on the following item.
The meeting reconvened at 7.45pm.
2996: Free Church, Commercial End – letter from new owners reference a change of use from non-residential institution to single dwelling:
In reply to Peter Harding’s request in his letter dated the 3/4/12 and following discussion it was agreed that the Clerk would write to ECDC Planning and confirm that the Parish Council did not require the Free Church as a community facility as it considered the village had more suitable buildings such as the School, Pavilion and Church and there were currently adequate facilities for local groups and organisations. The Free Church was also considered unsuitable for community use due to the need for extensive structural repairs and refurbishment resulting in high costs. Additional points raised were the building size and lack of parking area. Agree unanimously.
2997: Clerk’s Reports:
• Village Street Market: A request was received from Margaret Roberts to use the Denny for additional stalls and the memorial triangle for handing out programmes. Councillors agreed but suggested that any use of the memorial triangle be kept to the High Street side to avoid any distraction to traffic on the main road.
• Min.ref.370/2982: Nominations put forward for Jean & Cecil Nash and Ron Butler & guest.
• Min.ref.370/2987: Paul Butcher confirmed a letter was to be sent to property owners.
2998: Parish Councillors’ Reports:
• SR had received a request from Red-2-Green to use the Pavilion for their Cream Tea event on the 19th July 2012-agreed. Red-2-Green will also be holding a Diamond Jubilee event at their centre on the 6th June and invited members to attend. They were hoping to create a piece of artwork for the Pavilion with a Diamond Jubilee theme. It was to be confirmed that this would be ‘portable’.
• Brian Ambrose reported that he had visited the Pavilion on the 5/4 to find it in an untidy state with the light left on in one of the changing rooms. Users of the Pavilion are to be asked to complete checklist displayed in the Pavilion before leaving the building to ensure everything is left as it should be.
• Margaret Chadwick reported that a member of Lode Parish Council had spoken with her to ask for the support of SBPC for the installation of a cycleway between Lode-Quy.
• SRo reported that the main advertising for the Jubilee event would be in the next Beacon. The Jubilee Group was hoping that the event would be mostly self-funding but asked if the Parish Council would consider a shared contribution with the PCC for any gap in funding. To be agenda item for May meeting.
• SR asked about project for a Jubilee wood. SRo said there was a possibility but it was very early stages.
The meeting closed at 8.15pm
2999: Future Meeting Dates:
1st May
15th May – Annual Parish Meeting
12th June
3rd July
7th August (if called)
4th September