Minutes Extraordinary Meeting 16th July 2013


Held in the School on Tuesday, 16th July 2013, starting at 7pm

Present: Margaret Chadwick Chairman (MC), Brian Ambrose (BA), Bert Collins (BC), Lynn Reed(LR), Gordon Reid, Mary Smith (MS).

Members of the Public: One member of the public attended part-way through meeting.

In attendance:
Deputy Fire Officer – Chris Strickland
Station Commander of SB Fire Station – Julian Fountain
Acting Head of Media and Communication for the Fire Service – Emma Rogers
CCC – Cllr David Brown
Parish Council Clerk – Karen King

3308: Apologies for Absence:
Cllr Allen Alderson
Sharyn Robinson – unwell
Sue Romero – away
Ian Woodroffe – away

3309: Members’ Declaration of Interest for Items on the Agenda + Requests for Dispensation:

MC adjourned the meeting at this point and invited members of the Fire Service to speak on the results of the consultation.

Deputy Fire Officer, Chris Strickland, outlined to those present the results of the consultation that ran from 7th May – 2nd July 2013 noting that there were 152 responses received with 134 (88%) in favour and 18 (12%) against the proposed combination of Swaffham Bulbeck and Burwell Fire Stations. A report summarising the detail of the responses received was circulated to Parish Councillors. There followed generally discussion.

Following the above MC thanked representatives for attending and commented that the process and effort put into the consultation by the Fire Service had been very good. MC reconvened the meeting at 8.50pm.

3310: Results of Consultation on proposal to build a new Fire Station in Burwell and then amalgamate Swaffham Bulbeck and Burwell Fire Stations:
MC summarised the discussion on the consultation results. Copies of the report provided by the Fire Service were circulated to all. Copy held on file.

3311: To Approve & Sign the Minutes of Meeting Number 394, 2nd July 2013:
The minutes were agreed and signed as a correct record. Proposed: Brian Ambrose. Seconded: Mary Smith.

3312: Matters Arising from Previous Minutes (for information only):
Min.ref.393/3276: BA confirmed he had met with Jason Littleboy of ECDC and agreed changes to some of the sign locations and wording.
Min.ref.394/3298: GR asked about the Local Highways Improvement bid. MC said no further details had been received to date.
Min.ref.394/3302: MS said she had spoken with the website designer about the size of files, i.e., Beacon copies. This was to be further looked at to see what could be done to reduce the file size.

3313: Correspondence for Consideration/Circulation:
• ECDC – Waste Service Change update – A schedule of delivery dates for the wheelie bins was included. These will be delivered to households in the Swaffhams week commencing the 7th October 2013.
• ECDC – Local Development Framework – update. Noted.
• General – Balfour Beatty – Renewal of street lighting maintenance contract. Following discussion it was agreed to go for the 3-year option.
Additional correspondence:
• ECDC – copy of Planning Permission for 32 Quarry Lane
• ECDC – copy of Planning Permission for 17 Heath Road

3314: Clerk’s Reports:
Use of Pavilion for information:
Request to use facilities through the Summer Holidays for Mums’ Group. No objections and no fee.
Request from BTFC to also play on a Sunday. No objections subject to condition of pitch.

3315: Parish Councillors’ Reports
Buildings of Local Interest: GR referred to recent email received from Lawrence Butler and suggested that this project should be given more consideration. Clerk referred to an information ‘handout’ from Lorraine Brown about this project and was to circulate a copy to Parish Councillors.
PAT testing of Pavilion equipment: BA confirmed this had been carried out by Barnwell Electrical.

Meeting closed at 9.15pm

3316:- Dates of Next Meetings:-
6th August (if called)
3rd September
1st October
5th November
19th November (Precept Meeting)
3rd December