Minutes Extraordinary Meeting 15th January 2013


Held at the School on Tuesday, 15th January 2013. Starting at 7.30pm

Present: Margaret Chadwick Chairman(MC), Lynn Reed Vice-Chairman(LR), Bert Collins(BC), Brian Ambrose(BA), Sharyn Robinson(SR), Mary Smith(MS) and Ian Woodroffe(IW).

Members of the Public: None.

In attendance:
Karen King – Clerk

3180: Apologies for Absence:
Gordon Reid – conflicting commitment
Sue Romero – conflicting commitment

3181: Members’ Declaration of Interest for Items on the Agenda + Requests for Dispensation:

3182: Notice of Rescission Motion – to re-open discussion taken by the Parish Council on the 8th January 2013 in relation to the Final Approval of Budget & Precept for 2013/14 following clarification from ECDC:
The Clerk confirmed receipt of a Notice signed by 3 Parish Councillors requesting the above. Bert Collins proposed and Sharyn Robinson seconded that this be accepted. Unanimously agreed.

3183: Final Approval of Budget & Precept for 2013/14:
Min.ref. 385/3175: Further to correspondence received from ECDC on the ‘Parish Tax Base Funding for 2013/14’, SR had spoken with Lynne Cuthbert in ECDC’s Finance Department asking for clarification on the model used to calculate the tax base changes for 2013/14 and the impact on the Precept.
SR explained to members that the allocated funding of £2,256 would be an additional payment to the Precept figure of £16,000 agreed at the meeting on the 8/1/13 suggesting that this was unacceptable as it was always the Parish Council’s aim to keep the Precept the same so as not to incur an increase in Council Tax to cover the Parish contribution – all agreed.
ECDC had provided a schedule confirming Swaffham Bulbeck’s ‘Precept figure per revised tax base’ as £13,476 + ‘allocation of funding’ of £2,256 = £15,732. These figures were based on the estimated precept figure of £16,000 submitted in November 2012 and would result in a shortfall of £268.
Following discussion it was agreed to accept this shortfall and submit a revised Precept figure of £13,476 for 2013/14 subject to the receipt of the additional funding of £2,256. Proposed: Sharyn Robinson. Seconded: Ian Woodroffe.

Additional item:
MC asked about site meeting with CCC following application for highway improvements. It was agreed that this would be a good idea. Action: SR/SRo/Clerk

Meeting closed at 9.30pm

3184: Dates of Next Meetings:
5th February
5th March
2nd April
7th May
4th June