Minutes Extraordinary Meeting 13th August 2013
Held in the School on Tuesday, 13th August 2013 following the Parish Council meeting at 7.30pm (start time 8.40pm).
Present: Margaret Chadwick-Chairman (MC), Brian Ambrose (BA), Mary Smith (MS), Lynn Reed(LR), Gordon Reid(GR) and Sharyn Robinson(SR)
In Attendance:
Karen King – Secretary to the Charity.
702. Apologies for Absence:
Bert Collins – conflicting commitment
Sue Romero – away
Ian Woodroffe – away
703. Finance Matters:
Barnwell Electrical – PAT Testing £96-60
Mr J Chalmers – reimbursement of hire deposit £50-00
704: Reports:
BA reported that the new heaters had been installed but that there were no timer switches included. It was agreed to add an item to the checklist to remind users to switch off the heaters after use.
BA & BC carried out work to the guttering. BA put lock on ladies toilet.
705: Any Other Business:
Meeting closed at 9.00pm
706. Dates of Meetings:
1st October
7th January 2014
1st April
1st July
7th October