Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting 11th May 2011
Held at the School on Tuesday, 11th May 2011, starting at 7.15pm
Explanation Note for change of date of meeting:
LGA 1972 schedule 12 s 7(2). To comply with the requirement for 4 clear days from the Election Day of the 5th May 2011 before the annual Parish Council meeting to elect Chairman, Vice-Chairman, etc., the meeting date was moved from Tuesday 10th to Wednesday 11th May with correct notice. (Notification from CPALC).
Present: Margaret Chadwick, Bert Collins, Brian Ambrose, Lynn Reed, Sharyn Robinson, Mary Smith and David Turner (late arrival).
In Attendance: Karen King-Clerk.
2743: Apologies for Absence:
Giles Merritt (work commitments)
2744: Signing of ‘Declaration of Acceptance of Officer’ by Elected Councillors:
These were signed by all attending.
2745: Parish Council Vacancy:
The Clerk confirmed that following an uncontested election 8 seats were taken leaving one vacancy for co-option. Casual Vacancy notices to be displayed.
The Clerk took the meeting for item 2746 and invited nominations for Chairman to the Parish Council.
2746: Election of Chairman:
Bert Collins proposed that Margaret Chadwick continue as Chairman for another year. This was seconded by Brian Ambrose and unanimously agreed. There were no other nominations. Margaret Chadwick agreed to continue as Chairman, duly signed the ‘Declaration of Acceptance of Office’ and took the Chair for the remainder of the meeting.
2747: Election of Vice-Chairman:
Bert Collins reported that he did not wish to be considered for Vice-Chairman for the coming year. The Chairman thanked BC for filling in during her time away.
Bert Collins proposed Lynn Reed as Vice-Chairman. This was seconded by Sharyn Robinson and unanimously agreed. Lynn Reed agreed to be Vice-Chairman for the coming year.
2748: Election of Officers:
• Property Maintenance Committee:
It was noted that due to the resignation of Loder Bevington as Parish Councillor a replacement officer was needed. Lynn Reed proposed Giles Merritt, Brian Ambrose & David Turner and Sharyn Robinson as officers for the Property Maintenance Committee. This was seconded by Mary Smith and agreed by all.
• Relief-in-Need Charity:
It was proposed by Sharyn Robinson that Bert Collins and David Turner be elected as Parish Council representatives for the Relief-in-Need Charity. This was seconded by Mary Smith and agreed by all.
The Chairman asked if there was a need for additional committees. Reference was made to the Neighbourhood Panel and Mary Smith agreed to continue as Parish Council representative but noted that anyone could attend and others should be encouraged to do so.
Meeting closed at 7.30pm
2749: Future Meeting Dates:
11th May
17th May (Annual Parish Meeting)
7th June
5th July
No August meeting unless called
6th September
4th October
1st November
6th December