Minutes 7th May 2013 NUMBER 392
Held in the School on Tuesday, 7th May 2013, starting at 7.30pm
Present: Margaret Chadwick Chairman (MC), Brian Ambrose (BA), Bert Collins (BC), Gordon Reid(GR), Sharyn Robinson (SR), Sue Romero (SRo), Mary Smith (MS) and Ian Woodroffe (IW).
In attendance:
Chief Fire Officer – Graham Stagg
Station Commander of SB Fire Station – Julian Fountain
Acting Head of Media and Communication for the Fire Service – Emma Rogers
CCC – Cllr Mandy Smith
CCC – Cllr David Brown
ECDC – Cllr Allen Alderson
Parish Council Clerk – Karen King
2 members of the public
The Chair started the evening by inviting Graham Stagg and Emma Rogers to explain the plans for the consultation process on the proposals to build a new Fire Station in Burwell and the closure of the Swaffham Bulbeck Fire Station.
Graham Stagg told the meeting that during the consultation period a questionnaire would be circulated to all households in Swaffham Bulbeck, Burwell and surrounding villages explaining the detail and asking residents for their views on the proposal to close Swaffham Bulbeck Fire Station and amalgamate Swaffham Bulbeck and Burwell Fire Stations. An event was to be held at the SB Fire Station for residents to attend and discuss their concerns, etc.
MC thanked Graham Stagg, colleagues and Cllr Mandy Smith for attending the meeting to explain the consultation process.
3249: Apologies for Absence:
Lynn Reed – away
3250: Members’ Declaration of Interest for Items on the Agenda + Requests for Dispensation:
Margaret Chadwick declared a personal interest for item 9 of agenda – min.ref……)
3251: Consultation on proposal to build a new Fire Station in Burwell and then amalgamate Swaffham Bulbeck and Burwell Fire Stations:
Following on from the above presentation, MC confirmed that the consultation was to run from the 7th May – 2nd July and a priority through this period was to encourage everyone to complete the questionnaire and attend the event to be held at the Fire Station on the 21st May. As this date was the same as the Annual Parish Meeting Graham Stagg/Emma Rogers were asked if a further date could be arranged for June.
3252: To Approve & Sign the Minutes of Meeting Number 390, 2nd April 2013:
The minutes taken by LR in the Clerk’s absence were agreed and signed as a correct record. Proposed: Sue Romero. Seconded: Brian Ambrose.
3253: Matters Arising from Previous Minutes (for information only):
Min.ref.390/3230: SR, MS & BA had carried out an inspection of the cemetery. SR reported:
• Headstones found to be unstable were laid down and the families were to be informed. BA corrected loose cremation plot headstones.
• Wire fence, at the top of the cemetery required reinstating to stop people cutting the corner. Clerk to get prices for new posts, etc. Action: Clerk
• Further tidying up work, etc., was to be carried out by working party on the 18/5/13.
Action: Working Party
• Laburnum inside main gates was being strangled by ivy. Clerk to ask Tree Officer if it was possible to remove this. At this point SR suggested that the Tree Officer inspects the Horse Chestnut behind the seat of the Newmarket bus stop as this appeared to be suffered from weeping kanker. Action: Clerk
• Min.ref.389/3216: GR asked if there had been any further update from ECDC on the ‘Buildings of Local Interest’ listing. The Clerk replied that no additional information had been received and she would follow up.
Action: Clerk
• Min.ref.390/3233: The Clerk referred members to fire procedure details received from School.
3254: County Councillor’s Report
MC congratulated Cllr David Brown on his re-election. DB reported to meeting. Copy of his report was circulated prior to meeting.
• DB informed meeting that he had received an enquiry from a Park End resident suggesting the street lights were turned off at 10pm. This was discussed and it was agreed that DB would reply that perhaps the appropriate time to look at this would be when the new street lighting was installed under the PFI scheme. GR asked for clarification on this scheme and SR said she would forward on her notes taken at a recent meeting.
• There followed general discussion on possible changes within CCC following the recent elections. Cllr Brown said there was to be a meeting on the 10th May to discuss the way forward.
DB left the meeting at 8.20pm.
3255: District Councillor’s Report
Cllr Allen Alderson reported to meeting. SR asked AA to speak with Sanctuary Hereward about water pump.
3256: Correspondence for Consideration/Circulation:
ECDC – Code of Conduct Guide 2013. AA was asked to follow up on changes made.
Additional correspondence:
CCC – Village Grass Cutting. Confirmation that the grasscutting grant from CCC for 2013-14 was to be increased by 5% to £847.09. This was agreed. Clerk to send invoice.
3257: Consideration of Planning Application for Swaffham Bulbeck C of E School, 84 High Street – new retractable awning. Ref: 13/00282/LBC & FUL:
There were no objections to this application. It was commented that Parish Council would like to see the awning colour in keeping with the building rather than stripped as shown on the sketch details.
3258: Consideration of Planning Application at 17 Heath Road–two storey rear extension.
Ref: 13/00180/FUL:
There were no objections to this application.
3259: Consideration of Planning Application for Chilton House, Park End – single storey rear extension and new porch. Ref: 13/00258/FUL:
There were no objections to this application.
MC proposed that the next item be considered to comply with the close date. This was agreed by all.
3260: Consideration of Planning Application for The Bungalow, Abbey Lane – demolition of existing bungalow and construction of new dwelling and garage. Ref: 13/00315/FUL.
There were no objections to this application.
3261: Review of Annual Accounts Summary for Audit – 2012/13:
GR referred to the Assets noted on the return and suggested the Assets Register should be reviewed. Following discussion it was agreed the pass the accounts and annual return to Frank Frankland for internal audit with the explanation that the assets register was to be reviewed and asking his advice. Agreed by all.
3262: Allocation of Section 106 Monies:
MC referred to email received from Julie Cornwell-ECDC confirming that there were no plans for the money to be confiscated if not used but urging the PC to consider spending the funding within the next year. This was discussed and it was felt that any project using this money should cover the whole community and involve consultation with residents. SRo said she was happy to collect residents’ suggestions.
AA left the meeting at 9.50pm
3263: Red-2-Green – donation of raffle prize:
A donation of £50 was agreed for the raffle at Red-2-Green’s fundraising event on the 18th May. Proposed: Sharyn Robinson. Seconded: Bert Collins.
3264: Consideration of RoSPA’s Annual Play Area Safety Inspection Report:
Bert Collins agreed to review and report back to the next Parish Council meeting.
3265: Review of Village Website: CCC Report:
This was carried forward to the June meeting.
3266: Clerk’s Annual Appraisal and Review of Contract of Employment:
This was carried forward to the June meeting.
3267: Clerk’s Reports:
• Vicarage Close/Downing Close signs: ECDC confirmed that these had been made and were waiting installation.
• Traffic calming measures: Mark Belton of CCC Highways to be asked to attend June Parish Council meeting.
• Fencing on Green Bank Road: Some temporary repairs were carried out by CCC but the ownership and responsibility for the fencing was being looked into by CCC.
3268: Finances including Approval of Payment of Outstanding Accounts:
a) Karen King – Clerk’s salary, April 2013 (26/3-29/4) £ 265-27
b) Inland Revenue – Clerk’s PAYE £ 66-20
c) Karen King – reimbursement (subject to approval-item 14) £ 50-00
d) Viking Direct – printer cartridges £ 49-75
e) Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance – grasscutting £ 585-60
f) Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance – clearing of leaves £ 66-00
g) CAPALC – affiliation fees for 2013-14 £ 288-56
h) CAPALC – Parish Councillor training £ 70-00
i) Exning Parish Council – Parish Councillor at RoSPA training £ 20-00
j) E-ON – street lighting £ 5-83
k) Playsafety Limited – annual inspection of play area £ 103-20
Total: £1,570.41
Payments agreed; Proposed: Brian Ambrose. Seconded: Ian Woodrooffe.
3269: Parish Councillors’ Reports
Jubilee Wood: SRo told the meeting that the visit to the ‘Jubilee Wood’ was very successful. The NT confirmed they would carry out basic work before leasing the area but would not be able to do this until next year. The draft lease was received. SRo suggested delaying the agreeing and signing of the lease agreement until March 2014.
RoSPA training: SRo confirmed she had attending the training session arranged by Exning Parish Council and found it very useful and informative. SRo to circulate information pack. Action: SRo
Monthly inspection of play areas: IW confirmed he had carried out inspections for April and would forward inspection sheet to Clerk. GR to carry out May inspections. SRo agreed to do first one with GR.
Action: GR/SRo
3270:- Dates of Next Meetings:-
21st May – Annual Parish Meeting
4th June
2nd July
6th August (if called)
3rd September
1st October
5th November
3rd December
Lynne Smart – Chairman’s Weekly Highlights
Julie Cornwell – Section 106 Funding
Jeanette Thompson – Code of Conduct Guidance
Lorraine Brown – More funding available for War Memorials in England
Jason Littleboy – road signs for Vicarage Close/Downing Court
Planning Permission – 22 Quarry Lane.
Planning Permission – SB Primary School, 84 High Street
Planning Application – 17 Heath Road – 2-storey rear extension. Ref:13/00180/FUL
Planning Application – Chilton House, Park End – single storey rear extension and new porch. Ref: 13/00258/FUL
Planning Application – SB C of E School, 84 High Street – new retractable awning. Ref: 13/00282/FUL & LBC
Littlejohn – Annual Audit Return package
CAPALC – East of England Funding
CAPALC – membership renewal
CAPALC – Newsletter
The Voluntary Network – Dial-a-Ride
Judith Rice – Annual Parish Meeting – School Council
Julia Bevington – flytipping
Laurie Friday – Radio & TV in SB
Giles Merritt – details of free trees from Woodland Trust
Playsafety Ltd – RoSPA Play Area Safety Inspection Report
Wicken Fen Community Liaison Forum – meeting minutes