Minutes 7th June 2011


Held at the School on Tuesday, 7th June 2011, starting at 7.30pm

Present: Margaret Chadwick (Chairman), Bert Collins, Brian Ambrose, Lynn Reed (Vice-Chairman), Sharyn Robinson and David Turner + 3 members of the public.

In Attendance: Cllr Allen Alderson
Karen King-Clerk

2765: Apologies for Absence:
Cllr David Brown – conflicting meeting
Giles Merritt – work commitment
Mary Smith – conflicting commitment

2766: To Approve & Sign the Minutes of Annual Meeting Number 353, 11th May 2011:
The minutes were approved and signed as a correct record. Proposed: Lynn Reed. Seconded: Brian Ambrose.

2767: To Approve & Sign the Minutes of Meeting Number 354, 11th May 2011:
The minutes were approved and signed as a correct record. Proposed: Lynn Reed. Seconded: Brian Ambrose.

2768: Matters Arising from Previous Minutes (for information only):
Min.ref.354/2759: Sharyn Robinson suggested the best way to review the Asset Register was for a group to go around village to inspect and record items listed. Brian Ambrose and David Turner agreed to help Sharyn with this task. It was suggested that this would also be a good opportunity to check on the condition of items and note where any maintenance might be needed. Action: SR/DT/BA
Min.ref.354/2763: Lynn Reed asked if letter had been sent to residents. The Clerk confirmed that it had.

2769: Members’ Declaration of Interest for Items on the Agenda:
There were none.

2770: County Councillor’s Report: (report read out in Cllr Brown’s absence):
• Both before and after the Annual Council meeting on 17 May, where I was officially confirmed as Lead Member for Children and Young People, May has been dominated by meetings to allow me to get to grips with my new role. I have had numerous individual briefings with senior staff on my new responsibilities and I am relishing the challenge.
• My first meeting of Cabinet was on 24 May, where I introduced 2 papers. The first regarded amendments to the current policy for home to school transport for those individuals with statements of Special Educational Needs and the second to inform Cabinet of the results of an unannounced visit by OFSTED to the Children’s Social Care assessment team.
• With the new cabinet settling in to our roles there has also been a number of informal cabinet meetings as well as more formal meetings of the cabinet with the senior management team as well as a number of training events.
• On the more social side, I had the privilege of joining the Mayor of Cambridge’s procession to distribute coins at Reach Fair on May Bank Holiday Monday.

2771: District Councillor’s Report: (Cllr Allen Alderson reported to the meeting):
• May Elections: The Conservatives continue as the controlling group with an increased majority comprising many new members. The new Chairman is Cllr Tony Parramint, member for Soham with Richard Hobbs, an Ely member, as Vice Chairman. The new Council Leader is Peter Moekes, member for Sutton.
• Committees: Asked to sit on the following:
Development and Transport
East Cambridgeshire Traffic Management Area Joint Committee which also comprises County Councils
• We shall continue with the weekly black sack collection.
• Further opportunities to build affordable housing to be explored.
• Newmarket Waste Site: Meetings are ongoing to find a way to keep this site open. Next meeting scheduled for 14th June.
• Unauthorised Traveller Encampment – Forty Acre Drove: George Hays, the CCC Rights of Way Officer and Trish Andrews, the CCC Travellers’ Liaison Officer had a meeting with the CCC solicitors to progress an enforcement notice on the traveller family on Forty Acre Drove and any other travellers that arrive on the site. They are now waiting on notice to be served. There followed some discussion on time scales.

At this point Margaret Chadwick, Chairman, brought forward item 10 of the agenda “Access to Play Area and Parking Problems” and suspended the meeting to allow members of the public to speak. (As per Parish Council Standing Orders, each member of the public is entitled to speak once only in respect of business itemised on the agenda and shall not speak for more than 3 minutes.)

Simon Butler-Finbow spoke on behalf of Mrs Molly Butler and family. He explained that they were becoming increasingly concerned about the number of people parking their cars at the entrance to Lordship Farm when using the play areas. Their main concern was for the safety of children and people using the play area but also the obstruction caused. The issue of ‘Right of Access’ to the parking area was also raised. Simon Butler-Finbow finished by saying that he was sure these matters could be dealt with in partnership with the Parish Council.
Following some general discussion on ways to alleviate the parking problem, Simon Butler-Finbow said he would produce some design options for consideration by the Parish Council at their next meeting.
SBF thanked the meeting for their time and left the meeting with Mrs Diane Butler-Finbow and Mrs Molly Butler at 8.30pm.

Margaret Chadwick, Chairman, reconvened the meeting.

2772: Correspondence for Consideration/Circulation:
CCC – Application for Civil Parking Enforcement Powers – East & South Cambridgeshire. Noted
CCC – Library Service – Opening Hours Consultation. Noted (individuals to comment – close date 18/6/11).
ECDC – Managing Growth and Change in East Cambridgeshire – Village Visions. This was discussed. The main concern was the suggested timescale for completing the questionnaire referred to (close date the 18/7/11). It was agreed that this period should be extended to September/October to allow for annual holidays, etc. Also under the questionnaire heading of “Local infrastructure and facilities” it noted “improvements to the community/village hall”. It was agreed that as there is not currently a village hall this should be changed to “provision of a community/village hall”. The Clerk was to reply. Action: Clerk

2773: Consideration of Planning Application for 97 Commercial End – octagonal wooden summer house. Ref: 11/00361/FUL:
This was discussed retrospectively. There were no objections or comments.

2774: Access to Play Area and Parking Problems:
The points raised by Simon Butler-Finbow were noted. It was agreed that this required further consideration and was to be included on the July meeting agenda.

Cllr Allen Alderson left the meeting at 9.10pm

2775: Review of RoSPA Play Area Safety Inspection Report:
Bert Collins told meeting that he had looked at the requirement for a second gate for the play area noting that the materials to build a small gate with the required return spring, etc., would cost approximately £65-£70. He asked for approval of this cost so he could go ahead and carry out the work. This was agreed.
Sharyn Robinson agreed to review report and asked for last year’s inspection report for comparison.
Action: Clerk

2776: Clerk’s Reports:
• Min.ref.354/2961: Damage road sign at Heath Road – this has now been repaired
• Surfacing Dressing Works – Heath Road. Start date delayed from 18/6 to 20/6.
• Tree works – details received from ECDC – felling of a tree at 70 High Street.

2777: Finances including Approval of Payment of Outstanding Accounts:
a) Karen King – Clerk’s salary, May 2011 £ 265-27
b) Inland Revenue – PAYE £ 66-20
c) Herts & Ground Maintenance – grasscutting £ 848-40
d) ECDC – admin costs for uncontested Election £ 100-00
e) Playsafety Ltd – annual inspection of play area £ 100-80
f) Pavilion Charity – subvention £ 450-00
g) Quadrant Printing – printing of walks leaflet £ 260-00
Total: £2,090-67

The above payments were approved: Proposed: Lynn Reed. Seconded: Bert Collins.

BIAA Bank Interest – May 2011 £ 0-68
ECDC – ½-year Precept £7,750-00
Total: £7,750-68

2778: Parish Councillors’ Reports:
Bert Collins reported that Jean and Cecil Nash would not be available to carry out rubbish collection at the beginning of July. He also said that the black sacks were not big enough for the new litter bins. Sharyn said she would speak with Jean and Cecil.
Min.ref.354/2752: Brian Ambrose and Bert Collins confirmed that they had completed the repairs to the bus shelter. Vote of thanks recorded.
Brian Ambrose reported that rabbits were again causing problems on the Recreation Ground and suggested this was looked at again in the winter months.
Margaret Chadwick carried out the play area inspections and reported that some of the wet pour surfacing was loose.
Bert Collins to carry out June play area inspections.

Meeting closed at 9.35pm

2779: Future Meeting Dates:
5th July
No August meeting unless called
6th September
4th October
1st November
6th December

Richard Preston, Application for Civil Parking Enforcement Powers – East & South Cambridgeshire
Jo Lansberry – Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Minerals and Waste Plan
Christine May – Library Service Review – Opening Hours Consultation
Environment Services – surface dressing works – Heath Road
Chairman – Weekly Highlights
Giles Hughes – notification of tree works at 70 High Street
Brendan Troy – Managing growth and change in East Cambridgeshire – Village Visions
Lynne Smart – details of new Chairman, Vice-Chairman, etc.
Julie Cornwell – East Cambs Strategic Partnership Newsletter
Planning application – 97 Commercial End – Octagonal wooden summer house. Ref: 11/00361/FUL (for information)
RoSPA – annual inspection report for play area
Ben Rayner – offer of seat for the Denny
Mr Hardwick, 114 High Street – email re overhanging hedges, etc
National Trust – Wicken Fen Cycle Hire
Cambridgeshire ACRE – News Digest