Minutes 7th December 2010
Held at the School on Tuesday, 7th December 2010, starting at 7.30pm.
Present: Margaret Chadwick-Chairman, Bert Collins-Vice-Chairman, Brian Ambrose, Loder Bevington, Giles Merritt, Lynn Reed, Sharyn Robinson, Mary Smith and David Turner. No members of the public were present.
In Attendance: Karen King-Clerk.
2659: Apologies for Absence: Cllr David Brown (conflicting meeting)
Cllr Allen Alderson (conflicting commitment)
2660: To Approve & Sign the Minutes of Meeting Number 345, dated the 2nd November 2010:
An amendment was made to min.ref.345/2647: The minute recorded “Adam Rayner to carry out the necessary work to re-site the seats” – this was noted as incorrect as it had been agreed that the services of AR were not needed. Subject to the deletion of this record and correction of minor typing errors, the minutes were agreed and signed as a correct record. Proposed: Bert Collins. Seconded: Lynn Reed.
Bert Collins asked that a vote of thanks be recorded to Mary Smith for overseeing the renovation works to the War Memorial. Everyone agreed that the War Memorial looked very good on Armistice Day.
2661: To Approve & Sign the Minutes of Meeting Number 346, dated the 16th November 2010:
The minutes were agreed and signed as a correct record. Proposed: Loder Bevington. Seconded: Mary Smith.
2662: Matters Arising from Previous Minutes (for information only):
• Min.ref.345/2657: Loder Bevington asked the Clerk if there had been any news from Adventure Playgrounds. The Clerk confirmed that she had tried by email and phoning to contact Adventure Playgrounds but had not received any replies giving a date for the work. LB suggested that the Clerk write a formal letter to Adventure Playgrounds stressing the need for this work to be completed. Action: Clerk
• Min.ref.345/2647: Giles Merritt confirmed that ECDC had very quickly delivered to him 8No litter pickers. GM said that one was taken by Mr Froy who had volunteered to pick litter between Quarry Lane junction and Burgh Hall. GM was litter picking on Vicarage Close/Downing Court. LB confirmed that Mr & Mrs Moxon had been litter picking in the Cowbridge-Fen Lane area. The continuing hard work by Jean & Cecil Nash was acknowledged but it was hoped that the extra volunteers would ‘lighten the burden’. Margaret Chadwick said she would thank Jean & Cecil Nash in person. There was discussion about the need to co-ordinate areas to avoid overlapping but generally this was felt unnecessary. Action: MC
• Min.ref.345/2654: Giles Merritt confirmed that ECDC no longer provides litter bins.
• Min.ref.345/2654: Giles Merritt confirmed that a draft of the leaflet was circulated and he welcomed any feedback about its content/layout.
• Min.ref.345/2654: Lynn Reed noted that the salt bin on Pound Way was being well used and needed refilling. The Clerk said she would inform CCC. Action: Clerk
• Min.ref.345/2654: David Turner confirmed that the repairs to the fingerpost on the Quarry Lane/High Street junction had been completed. The Clerk was asked to write a letter of thanks to James Hardwicke for carrying out the repairs. David Turner referred to the second fingerpost at Commercial End noting that the arms were missing and would need replacing with new. Also 26 replacement letters were needed at a cost of £1-90 each. The letters would be made of metal and require painting. He asked if the PC wished to go ahead. Everyone considered that the fingerpost should be replaced. DT said that the cost of replacing the two fingerposts would be approximately £100.
• Min.ref.345/2654: Giles Merritt asked if James Hardwicke might be interested in installing the second gate for the play area. David Turner said he would speak with JH about this. As a reminder, Loder Bevington confirmed that the PC was taking liability for the gate. Action: DT
• Min.ref.345/2657: David Turner reported further damage to the bus shelter. After some discussion it was suggested that this should be added as an agenda item for the next meeting. Action: Clerk
2663: Members’ Declaration of Interest for Items on the Agenda: Loder Bevington declared a Personal Interest for item 9 of the agenda (min.ref. 347/2667).
2664: County Councillor’s Report: (In Cllr David Brown provided a written report):
• In my role as Cabinet Assistant, helping with the children and young people portfolios I attended 2 Star Chamber meetings in November. These are meetings where Senior Officers and budget holders are questioned on their initial budget plans for the coming years. The meetings are intense in nature and designed to ask searching questions about future plans. This will then help form the budget proposals, which will be published shortly. I also attended 2 informal meetings of the Cabinet.
• The Environment and Sustainability Scrutiny Committee met. There was 2 major items on the agenda – the current and future position of Section 106/ community infrastructure levy, and a progress report on this winter’s gritting programme. On the first the Committee questioned officers regarding the negotiation process, on how developer contributions are managed so that the money is spent for the intended purpose and on links with District Councils to ensure the system operates as efficiently as possible.
• On winter gritting the committee heard that salt stocks are full, with a further 5,000 tonnes ordered from Ireland for delivery in January. Following responses to the consultation on the precautionary network a number of changes have been made to take into account comments from Parish Councils, including acceptance of changes suggested by Reach and Swaffham Prior Parish Councils. County Council Highways are writing to parish Councils offering to indemnify Parish Council workers who help with snow clearance on footpaths etc. Information for householders saying they can clear snow etc outside their properties has been published on the Directgov and County Council websites. Theirhas also been a good response from local farmers offering to help clear roads of heavy snow.
• I also attended a meeting of the member-led review group looking into how the County Council can help stimulate provision of affordable housing in the County.
2665 District Councillor’s Report: There was no District report.
2666: Correspondence for Consideration/Circulation: (see Appendix 1 for correspondence received):
• ECDC – The Future of Neighbourhood Panels in East Cambs – request for contribution. The members considered that the NHP’s were very useful but the suggested contribution amount of £225/annum was excessive. The Clerk was asked to reply noting that the Budget/Precept for 2011/12 had been agreed but the PC would be willing to contribute £50/annum (£150 for 3 year period).
• ECDC – Details of Appeal for The Bungalow, Abbey Lane – demolish existing bungalow and replace with new dwelling. These were noted with no further comment.
• ECDC – Legal & other work for Parish Councils. The PC confirmed no particular interest in using such a service.
• ECDC – Draft Supplementary Planning Document – Development Contributions and Planning Obligations. Loder Bevington said he would review and circulate comments by email. It was noted that individual members could review and respond. Action: LB
2667: Consideration of Planning Application for 97 Commercial End – to put solar panels on rear roof of the house. Ref: 10/00877/LBC: There were no objections or comments.
At this point the Clerk reported additional planning items received:
• 79 High Street – planning refusal received.
• 11 Heath Road – planning permission received.
2668: Review of Grasscutting Services:
Loder Bevington confirmed that this item was pending to enable maps to be reviewed. Agenda item for January 2011 meeting.
2669: Clerk’s Reports:
• Confirmation of S137 payment for 2011/12 received – £6.44/elector.
• Asked Giles Merritt if he had heard further from CCC about footpath from Cowbridge to Gutter Bridge. He said he had not but would follow up. Action: GM
• Min.ref.345/2654: Requested clarification on consultation with School about new litter bin. The members suggested that a copy of the proposed new litter bin be emailed to Donna Cornwell-Head Teacher explaining that due to cost restraints, a general litter bin was to be purchased. Action: Clerk
• Clerk will be on holiday for January meeting. SR & LR said they would take minutes.
2670: Finances including Approval of Payment of Outstanding Accounts:
a) Karen King – Clerk’s salary, November 2010 £ 265-07
b) Inland Revenue – Clerk’s PAYE £ 66-40
c) Karen King – Clerk’s expenses £ 151-13
d) K H Services – grasscutting £ 485-59
e) Fairhaven & Woods Ltd – renovation of war memorial £ 2,198-14
f) Honorarium for Bin Emptying/Litter Picking £ 140-00
g) Donation to Bulbeck Beacon £ 300-00
h) Subvention to Pavilion Charity £ 300-00
Total: £ 3,906.33
The above payments were agreed. Proposed: Loder Bevington. Seconded: Mary Smith
• BIAA Bank Interest – November 2010 £ 0-97
• Ivett & Reed – memorial (Curtis-N157) £ 50-00
• Taylor Vinters – memorial (Bourne-M152) £ 50-00
Total: £100-97
2671: Parish Councillors’ Reports:
• Margaret Chadwick carried out November inspections of play area. Bert Collins to carry out December inspections.
• Margaret Chadwick informed the meeting that Lynn Reed, Mary Smith and herself would be away for the March & April 2011 meetings. There was some discussion about the timescales for the 2011 election paperwork – the Clerk was to look into this. Action: Clerk
• Loder Bevington confirmed that he would be away for the March meeting.
• Mary Smith confirmed that she would not be able to attend January meeting.
The meeting closed at 9.05pm.
2672: Dates of Next Meetings:
1st February
1st March
5th April
3rd May
17th May – Annual Parish Meeting
7th June
5th July
Kate Day, Rights of Way – County Council Parish Paths and Future Partnerships Meeting 2nd December 2010
Traffic Managers Business Support – Road closures for events
Chairman – Weekly Highlights
Jeanette Thompson – Administration fees for uncontested Parish Elections
NHP – meeting dates, etc
Alan Dover – Planning Committee Site Visit Protocol
Darren Hughes – Tetrapak recycling locations
Andy Dicks – weblinks to forthcoming meeting agendas, etc
Alan Dover – Planning Committee Site Visit Protocol
Cambridgeshire ACRE – confirmation of membership & News Digest
Cambridgeshire ACRE – Digital TV Switchover Project
Draft of Footpaths Leaflet
CPALC – details of S137 payments
Carter Jonas – “Unlock the Planning Gain of your new Local Powers”
LINK – Poster