Minutes 7th August 2012
Held at the School on Tuesday, 7th August 2012. Starting at 7.30pm
Present: Margaret Chadwick-Chairman(MC), Brian Ambrose(BA), Bert Collins(BC), Lynn Reed(LR), Sharyn Robinson(SR), Mary Smith(MS) and Ian Woodroffe(IW).
Members of the Public: None.
In attendance:
CCC – Cllr David Brown
ECDC – Cllr Allen Alderson
Karen King – Clerk
3070: Apologies for Absence:
James Hardwicke – work commitments
Sue Romero – holiday
3071: To Approve & Sign the Minutes of Meeting Number 376, 3rd July 2012:
Subject to amendment of minor typing errors, the minutes were agreed and signed as a correct record. Proposed: Brian Ambrose. Seconded: Sharyn Robinson.
3072: To Approve & Sign the Minutes of Extraordinary Meeting Number 377, 17th July 2012:
The minutes were agreed and signed as a correct record. Proposed: Ian Woodroffe. Seconded: Brian Ambrose.
3073: Matters Arising from Previous Minutes (for information only):
Min.ref.377/3064: Sally Bonnet of ECDC confirmed receipt of amendments and photograph for the ‘Village Vision’.
Min.ref.377/3066: SR asked for clarification on this item as she was not present at meeting. MC explained the detail. SR felt that this should not be in the form of a rent increase but a donation. To be further discussed as an agenda item for September meeting. Action: Clerk
Min.ref.377/3068: BA asked whether the rubbish bin was to be written off or replaced. The Clerk was to check with insurance but it was thought the excess would be more than the cost of the bin. SR reiterated her view that minor items such as this bin should be removed from insurance schedule. Action: Clerk
Meet.ref.377(additional item): MC asked when the replacement pump in the Pavilion was to be installed. The Clerk was to follow up. Action: Clerk
3074: Members’ Declaration of Interest for Items on the Agenda:
3075: County Councillor’s Report: (Cllr David Brown reported to the meeting):
Replacement streetlighting – Burwell: Complaints have taken up a considerable amount of time in July. Most of these complaints have been associated with the quality of work by the contractors but there have also been complaints about the lack of consultation and about lights taken out where they are still needed. Reference complaints, Balfour Beatty has sacked their subcontractors.
High voltage line from Burwell – Soham: The current road closures in Burwell are due to the laying of this line. This could not go overhead due to difficulties in agreeing details with landowners.
DB also referred to further road closures from Anglian Water for approximately the same areas but several weeks apart. It was suggested that utilities communicate better.
DB noted with reference to CCC’s cutting of verges that CCC cut visibility splays or 1m strips. Where verges have been cut back to fields this was done by landowners not CCC.
3076: District Councillor’s Report: (Cllr Allen Alderson reported to the meeting):
Gypsy and Travellers’ Sites: Councillors at the District Council have approved five sites for future gypsy and travellers’ provision as part of the Authority’s Local Plan. In a study last year an additional 38 pitches were identified to meet the needs over the next 20 years. With a number of sites already granted planning permission, a further 14 pitches at 5 locations have been recommended to meet the needs over the next 10 years. There are no pitches proposed for the Swaffham Ward.
Paper and Bottle Banks: If any members of the public need to dispose of these items between the recycling rounds, there are paper and bottle banks at Burwell Community College.
3077: Adoption of New Code of Conduct:
Under S28(1) of the Localism Bill the Parish Council is required to adopt a version of the new Code of Conduct from the 1st July 2012.
MC outlined some of the detail of the ECDC version of the Code of Conduct. It was noted that there were other versions of the Code, NALC being one but the advice from CPALC was that Parish Councils should adopt ECDC’s version.
MC explained some of the reasons for the delay in ECDC’s consideration and adoption of their new Code of Conduct but confirmed that this had now been adopted by ECDC at their full council meeting on the 26th July 2012. This version was then circulated to Parish Councils for their consideration.
This was discussed and councillors were concerned about some aspects of the code and considered that further explanation was needed from ECDC’s Legal Team. It was noted that training sessions were to be organised by ECDC and one requirement of the code was that all Parish Councillors attended training within 6 months of adoption. There was the suggestion that perhaps Cllr Brown might be willing to help with training – the Clerk was to ask. Action: Clerk
Ian Woodroffe proposed that the Parish Council did not adopt the new Code of Conduct without fully understanding its contents and members’ questions clarified. Seconded: Mary Smith. Carried forward to next meeting.
3078: Amendment to Parish Council Standing Orders to comply with item 8:
This was to be considered in partnership with min.ref.378/3077 and was carried forward to next meeting.
3079: Consideration of Draft Complaints Policy:
This was to be considered in partnership with min.ref.378/3077 and was carried forward to next meeting.
3080: Consideration of Proposals and Estimates received for Replacement/Repair of Play Area Surfacing:
Following the site meetings with Fenland Leisure Products and Wicksteed Playscapes, outline estimates were received for the alternative types of replacement surfacing available. These estimates varied but gave an indication of costs involved. BC suggested repairs using matting as currently in the entrance gateway. BC & BA offered to trial on a small area. This was agreed.
In order to make provision for any future replacement of the surfacing, it was agreed that a sum of money should be included in the budget over the next 3 years and ring-fenced. SR suggested that this fund should be as a “General Maintenance Fund” rather than specific to the play area. To be further discussed at November Budget/Precept meeting.
3081: Clerk’s Reports:
• Road manhole cover – cemetery corner: Following repair works carried out by CCC Highways it was noticed that there was still a ‘clunking’ noise when cars ran over it suggesting that the repairs were not firm. CCC was informed with a request that they re-inspect the work.
• Fly-tipping – 4 bags of neatly tied rubbish found in the ditch between the allotments and the Red Tile Farm drive. This was to be reported to ECDC.
• Commercial End/Abbey Lane – cutting back of hedges and vegetation: Request received asking that residents cut back hedges and front garden strips on their property boundaries to ensure the footpaths are kept clear for people to use. Note to be added to Beacon report. Action: Clerk
• Increase in charges for room hire: Confirmation of increase in hourly charge received from the School. For the Parish Council the charge was now £6/hour. IW suggested the use of the Church during Summer months and would make enquiries. Action: IW
• Car sharing scheme – questionnaire: Comments invited on format of questionnaire. As a follow on from discussion on this scheme, it was reported that the Partners at Burwell Health Centre would contribute to mileage costs for volunteer drivers – similar scheme at Bottisham.
• Recreation Ground/Play Area: Article about parking sent to the editors of village magazines at Lode and Bottisham.
• Planning Matters:
• Copy of Planning Permission/Listed Building Consent received from Mitchell Lodge Farm, Quarry Lane. (ref: 12/00031/FUL).
• Notification of withdrawal of planning application for the Free Church, Commercial End.
3082: Finances including Approval of Payment of Outstanding Accounts:
a) Karen King – Clerk’s salary, July 2012 £ 274-30
b) Inland Revenue – Clerk’s PAYE £ 68-60
c) Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance – grasscutting services £ 885-60
d) Swaffham Bulbeck School – room hire £ 105-40
Total: £ 1,333-90
The above payments were agreed. Proposed: Lynn Reed. Seconded: Mary Smith.
a) Cambridge Funeral Services – burial (Trapp-M145) £ 90-00
b) BIAA Bank Interest – July 2012 £ 0-92
Total: £ 90-92
3083: Parish Councillors’ Reports:
• Min.ref.376/3053: Pedestrian Crossing: SR told meeting that she had spoken with residents of Downing Court about the suggested locations for a pedestrian crossing. Residents agreed with the option of a crossing near the shop (as previously reported) but said they would still like to see one in the High Street. Sharyn said she would discuss this further with Kevin Hall of CCC.
• Min.ref.377/3068: Advertising sign: MS again reported that the Pub sign was still on the War Memorial triangle.
• Play area inspections: MS to carry out inspections for August.
Meeting closed at 9.30pm
3084: Dates of Next Meetings:
4th September
2nd October
6th November
20th November (Precept meeting)
4th December