Minutes 6th September 2011


Held at the School on Tuesday, 6th September 2011

The evening started with an Open Forum at 7pm to give members of the Public the opportunity to put their views on items of the agenda.

Present: Margaret Chadwick (Chair), Mary Smith (MS), David Turner (DT), Bert Collins (BC), Giles Merritt (GM), Brian Ambrose (BA), Sharyn Robinson (SR) – taking the minutes, Lynn Reed (LR) – after 7.15pm.

Members of the Public: Rod Smith, Simon Butler-Finbow (S B-F), Diana Butler-Finbow, Molly Butler.

The Chair welcomed councillors and the members of public.
The Chair invited members of the public to make comments on agenda items.
Simon, representing the Butler family, explained that it was only a two-minute walk from the Station Road car park to the toddlers’ playground and the family would prefer if this was the only car parking area allowed on the Denny recreation field and that the smaller car parking area near the cemetery, with its potential car/young children conflict, was closed. However, mindful that the Parish Council (SBPC) wishes the ‘cemetery corner’ car park to remain in use for cemetery and playground users, he presented a drawing showing how cars would be able to enter and leave the parking spaces in a forward gear and provide users with a defined car park entrance in place of the undefined access and problematic parking on their land at present. The suggested plan would involve the Butler family donating a small wedge of land next to the car parking spaces to the PC and their boundary with Cambridgeshire County Council (CCC) to be pushed back slightly to allow access to the new entrance without crossing their land. If this can be agreed between all parties, the Butlers wish to erect a white picket-type fence (like the one opposite on the edge of their meadow) along the present two car parking spaces, up to the cycle path, to mark their boundary. Access to the car parking spaces will therefore be the other side of the cycle path. The Butler family also wish to re-surface the entrance to their driveway which will hopefully help distinguish their driveway from the highway. If, after adopting this suggested plan, parking on their land continues to be a problem, they will have to consider gates across their entrance.
Suggestions for funding this work included speaking to local businesses; self-help; approaching East Cambridgeshire District Council (ECDC) for Section 106 monies or as part of the Local Development Framework Village Vision plan.
Councillors and members of public were invited to comment and/or ask Simon questions about his suggested plan and any issues linked to proposals for defining their boundary at this location.
The Chair thanked Simon and his family for presenting this plan and for the funding suggestions.

The official Parish Council meeting started at 7.50pm

Present: Margaret Chadwick (Chair), Mary Smith (MS), David Turner (DT), Bert Collins (BC), Giles Merritt (GM), Brian Ambrose (BA), Sharyn Robinson (SR) – taking the minutes, Lynn Reed (LR).

Members of the Public: Simon Butler-Finbow (S B-F), Diana Butler-Finbow, Molly Butler.

Under Council procedure rules, the Chair used her discretion to alter the order of the agenda items.

2812: Apologies for Absence:
Karen King (Clerk) – holiday
CCC Cllr David Brown – conflicting meeting

2813: Members’ Declaration of Interest for Items on the Agenda:
There were none.

2814: Access & Parking at Play Area:
With reference to the notes from the Open Forum above and attached drawings as supplied by Simon Butler-Finbow, subject to agreement on boundaries with CCC, SBPC and the Butler family, DT spoke emphatically in favour. Motion moved to implement the plan as a sensible way forward to resolve access/car parking issues at the play area. Proposed: DT seconded by BA. All in favour – motion carried.
Following discussion, it was decided to arrange a meeting on-site as soon as possible with CCC Highways, CCC Cllr Brown, ECDC Cllr Alderson, a representative for the Butler family and Parish Councillor/s. It was also agreed to approach Geoff Reed to see if he will be willing to deal with the technical side of design and planning permission. Action: SR to arrange asap
DT wished it to be noted that he regretted the actions of the Parish Council in applying for the caution in 2007 thus preventing the land being registered without consulting the Butler family first. David apologised for his involvement in the process.

The meeting was adjourned to allow S B-F to comment.
The meeting was reconvened.

A motion to remove the caution was moved. MC felt strongly that the Parish Council should wait to see whether it would be possible to put S B-F’s plan into action before doing this. The motion was proposed by DT, seconded by SR. GM & BC in favour; MC, LR, MS against; BA abstained. Motion carried. Action: MC to contact solicitors. Further work on the Land Registry application to be suspended.

SR reported that the PC has not received any written correspondence, detailing the outcomes of the land registrations started in 2007, from the solicitors who dealt with the process. Action: Clerk to ask for written confirmation and details of the registrations to allow these to be placed on file.

DT thanked the Butler family for their patience and assistance with the parking issue.

Simon & Diana Butler-Finbow and Molly Butler left the meeting.

2815: To Approve & Sign the Minutes of Meeting Number 357, 2nd August 2011:
Correction made to payments approval 2809 (MS and LR not at the meeting – proposed by BA, seconded by SR). Subject to this correction, it was resolved to accept the minutes (proposed by BC, seconded by GM).

2816: Matters Arising (for information only)
• Min.ref.357/2804. The Probation Service Team Leader contacted the Clerk and said that one of their teams would be happy to help with cutting back of vegetation in the cemetery. Upon further discussion it became apparent that there were Health and Safety implications of working close to the road and it was suggested that it would be better to obtain a quote from a qualified contractor. The Clerk was to ask Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance to quote for this work and also to remove the dead Laburnum tree close to the cemetery gates. (The Tree Officer confirmed that this tree could be removed). Action: Clerk
S.R. suggested the Probation Team may be able to help with moving the spoil heap from the cemetery to the adjacent field but first need to ask School PTA if they want it for Bonfire Night. Action: Clerk
• Min.ref.357/2806. Brendan Troy requested to attend the November PC meeting to discuss the results of the Village Vision Questionnaire and the way forward. The Clerk confirmed.
• Min.ref.357/2808. The abandoned vehicle at the Recreation Ground car park was reported to ECDC who confirmed that they had inspected the vehicle and written to the registered owner. If no reply is received within the allotted time, a notice will be placed on the vehicle and it will be removed.
• Min.ref.357/2808. S.R. said she would liaise with Darren Pritchard about a meeting to investigate pitch requirements, etc. Action: SR
• Min.ref.357/2809. Telephone box at Commercial End – as there had been no responses following the request in the last Beacon for residents’ views and suggestions, no further action will be taken.
• Min.ref.357/2810. ECDC confirmed that they had inspected the damaged building on Quarry Lane and would write to the owners and ask that they cordon off the area and carry out repairs.

2817: County Councillor’s Report:
Cllr David Brown provided a copy of his report. This was passed round for members to read.

2818: District Councillor’s Report:
Cllr Allen Alderson not in attendance. No report.

2819: Correspondence for Consideration/Circulation:
CCC Passenger Services – Changes to Local Bus Services. Noted.
ECDC – Tree Works application to prune 22 & fell 6 Lime trees – Mill House, Mill Lane. No comments.
General – Balfour Beatty – Cambridgeshire Parish Council Annual Street Lighting Maintenance Contract. Noted.

2820: Purchase of Grit Bin for Quarry Lane/Heath Road Juntion:
Proposed: BC.Seconded: LR all in favour – motion carried to purchase salt bin for Quarry Lane/Heath Road junction. Action: Clerk

GM left the meeting

2821: Land Rents – 2011/12:
It was agreed that the invoices for this year should be sent out and DT will make informal inquiries to see whether a rent review is necessary for next year. Action: Clerk & DT (before Precept meeting).

2822: Review of Assets Register:
S.R. reported that this has nearly been completed. The Property Maintenance Committee (PMC) has reviewed and photographed most of the assets and hopes to finish before the October meeting. Action: BA, DT, SR

2823: Parish Council Insurance Renewal with 3-Year Long-Term Option:
Members were unclear as to what the three year long term option, as suggested by the Insurance Broker, would cost in years 2 and 3. Also, after inspecting the cemetery wall recently, the PMC thought the currently listed rebuild insurance value of £3K for this wall was much too low. It was decided to increase this to £8K. It was therefore agreed that SR contact the insurance broker for clarification and inform the broker of the increased cover for the cemetery wall. In line with best practice it was agreed to obtain two other quotes for cover as soon as possible. As cover expires on 30 September 2011, an extraordinary meeting will be called on 20th September to authorise payment. Action: SR & Clerk

2824: Clerk’s report:
• A request to use the Pavilion and football pitch on a Sunday was received from the Wilbrahams Football Team. Following discussion it was agreed that unfortunately this request must be declined as it clashes with current Sunday users. Action: SR to reply
• Te Youth Club requested to use the Pavilion on Tuesday evenings rather than Wednesday evenings. They had also requested to keep their pool table in the main room. Following discussion both the Youth Club requests were granted: Action: DT to inform Youth Club

2825: Finances including Approval of Payment of Outstanding Accounts:
a) Karen King – Clerk’s salary, August 2011 £ 242-30
b) Inland Revenue – PAYE £ 60-60
c) Herts & Ground Maintenance – grasscutting £ 214-80
d) Herts & Ground Maintenance – lifting trees £ 504-00
e) SB C of E Primary School – room hire £ 84-32
Total: £1,106-02

f) Broker Network Ltd – annual insurance renewal £1,126-54 refer to min.ref.2823

The above payments agreed except item f). Proposed: BC. Seconded: LR – all in favour.

BIAA Bank Interest – August 2011 £ 0-77

The External Auditor has raised some questions regarding the audit submission. It was decided that members did not have all the information necessary to answer the questions fully and therefore to wait for the Clerk’s return before responding.

2826: Parish Councillors’ Reports:
• Following the receipt of a request for hedges, etc., to be cut back to improve Pound Way visibility, David Turners said he would speak with landowner. Action: DT
• Street weedkilling: It was noted a Contractor was seen spraying kerbside weeds in the village earlier in the year. SR to contact CCC for current weed control policy. Action: SR
• Pavilion: S.R. reported an incidence recently of the heater in the men’s toilet being turned and left on and also of the terrible condition of toilets that some Pavilion users are leaving them in. As it is very difficult to find out who was responsible for problems and the possible unfairness of penalising the last user, it was agreed to discuss caretaking issues at the Pavilion Charity meeting in October. Action: Agenda item for Pavilion meeting in October
• BA reported that he had emptied some of the rubbish left in and around the litter bin outside the school as Veolia were not emptying it on a regular basis. SR has already reported it to Darren Hughes at ECDC. He is dealing with Veolia on this matter and trying to get the problem sorted. Veolia are claiming there is a problem with the liner and the bin may have to be replaced with a modern plastic bin.

• BA reported that some teenagers approached the PMC during their walk around the village whilst reviewing the asset register and asked if they could have a ‘half-pipe’ for skateboarding and BMX bikes. The teenagers feel that activity facilities for their age group have been ignored. Knowing such furniture is costly, they said they would be willing to help fund raise. This request was discussed and members were reminded that a half-pipe was considered when applying for the CCC grant but had to be dismissed as costs were very high and there were also issues of where to site it. Action: BA/DT/SR to inform teenagers
• BA requested that a letter of thanks be sent to Craig Stretton for repairing the damage to the Pavilion door during the recent break-in. Action: Clerk
• SR requested that a follow-up letter be sent to M Brooke, 116 High Street and the school to remind them that their hedges still impinge the footpath. The hedge outside 116 High Street is especially troublesome as it is growing on the pavement making it impossible for the disabled to use this pavement and it continues to be a hazard for people with buggies and young children. Action: Clerk
• SR requested that a notice be placed in the Bulbeck Beacon reminding dog owners of their obligation of not only clearing up after their dogs but disposing of the mess in an appropriate manner. One particular dog owner that regularly walks their dog along the High Street, and possibly Commercial End, is dutifully clearing up after their dog but then disposing of the plastic wrapped poo by leaving it on the grass verge, in a hedge or down a ditch. This is totally unnecessary. If it continues, ECDC Enforcement Team will be informed and action will be taken against this local offender. Action: Clerk
• SR has possibly sourced some black refuse bags which are longer than ECDC standard refuse bag and therefore may be suitable to use in the recently purchased litter bins. It was agreed to obtain a few bags and pass to Jean and Cecil Nash for them to trial. Action: SR
• GM completed the playground inspection for August.LR is to carry out the inspection for September.

A vote of thanks was given to Margaret for organising and hosting Loder’s presentation party in August – an event which was enjoyed by all.

The meeting ended at 9.50pm

2827: Future Meeting Dates:
1st November
15th November – Precept meeting
6th December

Michael Oakman – Maintenance of protected road verges in your parish
Simon Machen-Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Minerals and Waste Plan–Suggested Changes to the Site
Specific Proposals Plan
Alysoun Hodges – electronic map of public rights of way & countryside access opportunities
In your Parish
Claire Robson – Commemorative Tree and Hedge Planting – Diamond Jubilee
Brendan Troy – Proposed Draft Revisions to Supplementary Planning Document
Street Naming & Numbering – Bay Tree Cottage, High Street
Suzanne Goff – Draft Allotment Report
Julie Cornwell – Annual Neighbourhood Panel Review Meeting
Taylor Vinters – Easement – B1102 Cemetery Corner – T&C