Minutes 6th November 2012
Held at the School on Tuesday, 6th November 2012. Starting at 7.30pm
Present: Margaret Chadwick Chairman(MC), Lynn Reed Vice-Chairman(LR), Brian Ambrose(BA), Sharyn Robinson(SR), Sue Romero(SRo) and Mary Smith(MS).
Members of the Public: None.
In attendance:
Karen King – Clerk
3127: Apologies for Absence:
CCC – Cllr David Brown – unwell
ECDC – Cllr Allen Alderson – conflicting meeting
Bert Collins – unwell
Ian Woodroffe – conflicting commitment
3128: Members’ Declaration of Interest for Items on the Agenda + Requests for Dispensation:
None. The Clerk reminded members of the need to sign an application to request a dispensation to allow consideration of the Budget/Precept at the meeting on the 20th November. An application form was to be circulated. Action: Clerk
3129: To Aprove & Sign the Minutes of Meeting Number 381, 2nd October 2012:
Minutes agreed and signed as a correct record. Proposed: Mary Smith. Seconded: Sharyn Robinson.
3130: Matters Arising from Previous Minutes (for information only):
Min.ref.381/3112: SR confirmed that the spiking and rolling of the recreation ground had been carried out.
Min.ref.381/3117: MS reported that she had looked at the NHP questionnaire and explained that it was asking for comments on the value of the NHP meetings. MS had attended as PC representative and found them to be a good “sounding ground” for all Parishes, with particular problems being dealt with efficiently. There followed some discussion on the issue of vandalism and anti-social behaviour in the village and it was agreed that it would be a good idea to raise these issues at the next NHP meeting. MS said she would check on date of next meeting and put in the Beacon and also on website. Action: MS
3131: Parish Council Vacancy:
Following a vote taken, 3 for (SR, BA & MC), 3 abstained (LR, MS & SRo), it was agreed to co-opt Mr Gordon Reid as Parish Councillor. The Clerk was to invite Gordon to attend the December meeting. Action: Clerk
3132: County Councillor’s Report:
A copy of Cllr David Brown’s report was circulated and MC read out to the meeting. There were no questions.
3133: District Councillor’s Report:
Cllr Alderson had provided a written report which the Clerk read out to the meeting.
Waste & Recycling Bid: ECDC’s present waste and recycling contract runs out in 2015. It is estimated that to renew that contract in its present form would cost an extra £1million, a big financial burden on a small authority. To try and ease this, ECDC are considering changing to a wheelie bin service. To this end ECDC has submitted a bid of £5million to the Department for Communities and Local Government to launch the scheme, which would revamp the entire district’s waste and recycling service which currently sees just 37% of waste being recycled – the lowest in the region.
The plan is to retain the District’s weekly waste collections but to replace the brown sack and black box collection system with a new wheelie bin recycling collection including paper, glass, metal cans, plastics and cardboard. There will also be a new wheelie bin collection for organics to include food and garden waste which would also be collected fortnightly. The weekly waste collections would be retained and collected via black sacks.
If the bid is approved, Council Officers will carry out a survey of all households in the District to identify anyone whose property would not be suitable for the new service. These homes would retain the current black box and brown sack collection service while others would convert to the wheelie bin service.
There followed discussion on the foregoing with concerns being expressed about the viability of such a scheme and the costs involved in implementing. It was suggested that this would be a good item for discussion at a NHP meeting.
3134: Correspondence for Consideration/Circulation: (see Appendix 1 for correspondence received)
• CCC – Consultation on the Local Enforcement Plan for Minerals and Waste Development in Cambridgeshire. This was circulated by email prior to meeting with a link for any comments.
• CCC – Local Highway Improvements Scheme 2013/14. MC summarised the discussions held with Kevin Hall of CCC on proposals to install a pedestrian crossing on Station Road, details of which are recorded in previous minutes. The current application was the opportunity to again put forward proposals for a form of pedestrian crossing with two locations in mind – (1) the main road between the shop and cemetery to the Recreation Ground and (2) on the High Street in the vicinity of the lay-by. It was suggested that there should be some form of petition for residents to sign if they supported the need for a pedestrian crossing. Sue Romero and Sharyn Robinson said they would organise petitions. Action: SR/SRo
• ECDC – Independent Remuneration Panel – recommendations on the level of Members’ Allowances. The Clerk confirmed that posters were displayed on noticeboards with details. Details noted.
Additional items reported by Clerk:
• ECDC – Sports & Recreation Facilities Audit 2012/13: The Property Maintenance Committee was to review and complete the details required.
• Redmayne Arnold & Harris – Review of Land Rent at Swaffham Bulbeck. Request for details in order to carry out review. Action: Clerk
• ECDC – copy of planning permission for The Abbey, Abbey Lane.
3135: Change of Date for January 2013 Meeting due to New Year’s Day Bank Holiday:
It was agreed to change the date to Tuesday, 8th January 2013.
3136: Consideration of Planning Application for 31 Commercial End, Swaffham Bulbeck – to install a new flue for woodburner. Ref: 12/00854/FUL:
There were no objections or comments.
3137: Community Car Scheme – Survey Results:
15 completed surveys were received. Following discussion of the results it was concluded that there was not a demand at this time for such a service but it was agreed that this should be kept under review and considered again should a demand became apparent. Action: Clerk
3138: Preparation for Precept Meeting:
Review of Assets Register: Items discussed for follow up included:
– fingerposts – Gutter Bridge and Abbey Lane.
– dog waste bin – Green Bank Road
– gutters on Pavilion
– new Velux window for Pavilion.
It was agreed there were no additional items.
Review of Outstanding 2012/13 Budget Items:
– Donation to Bulbeck Beacon – agreed for payment at December meeting.
– Donation to BVC – no request received.
– Donation to Youth Club – to be further discussed at December meeting.
3139: Clerk’s Report:
Pavilion utility costs: The Treasurer of the Youth Club confirmed they would contribute to these costs.
Free Church: Keys returned to the Trustees as requested.
3140: Finances including Approval of Payment of Outstanding Accounts:
a) Karen King – Clerk’s salary, October 2012 £ 233-07
b) Inland Revenue – Clerk’s PAYE £ 58-40
c) Balfour Beatty – street lighting maintenance £ 27-42
d) E-ON – street lighting £ 5-95 (direct debit)
e) Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance – grasscutting services £ 634-80
Total: £959-64
The Clerk informed the meeting that following an error in the transfer of insufficient funds, a bank charge of £15 had been made. Apologies were noted.
Min.ref.378/3082:The Clerk reported that she had followed up with the School a cheque payment for room hire that had not been presented to the Bank. It was confirmed by the School that this had not been received. The Clerk asked that a new cheque be issued in the sum of £105-40 and the original one cancelled. This was agreed.
The above payments were agreed. Proposed: Sharyn Robinson. Seconded: Mary Smith.
a) BIAA Bank Interest (October) £ 0-84
b) ECDC – ½-year Precept £ 8,000-00
c) W T Shrubbs – land rent £ 430-00
d) David Rayner Farms – land rent £ 2,160-00
e) R H Wedd – land rent £ 960-00
f) Southgates F.S. (Burial-Chalklin-N166) £ 90-00
g) HMRC – VAT refund £ 1,221-63
Total: £12,862-47
3141: Parish Councillors’ Reports:
Play area inspections: BA carried out the inspections for October and reported on items needing attention including the clearing of leaves and cutting back of elders along the cycleway. He also asked if the contractors could cut the recreation ground on a Tuesday/Wednesday next season.
Cemetery: SR reported that a couple of the cremation headstones had been knocked down. The Clerk was to check for family details and inform them.
Lode cycleway: SR said she would be attending a meeting to discuss the possibility of a cycleway between Lode and Quy.
Road signs – Vicarage Close/Downing Court: MC had received a request for clearer signs for Downing Court as deliveries meant for Downing Court were often being confused for Vicarage Close addresses. Although Downing Court was included on the sign at the High Street Junction with Vicarage Close it was in very small print. It was suggested that there should be a further sign directing to Downing Court at the ‘Y’ junction on Vicarage Close.
Meeting closed at 9.30pm
3142: Dates of Next Meetings:
20th November (Precept Meeting)
4th December
8th January 2013
5th February
5th March
Robson Claire – Volunteers for Winter Gritting
‘Connecting Cambridgeshire’ – superfast broadband across Cambridgeshire & Peterborough.
Kevin Hall – LHMI – covering letter including application form
Kevin Hall – High Street parking
Planning – consultation on the Local Enforcement Plan for Minerals and Waste Development in Cambridgeshire
Ian Lorman – approval for treeworks at 97 High Street
Tracy Couper (Independent Remuneration Panel) – consultation on Councillors remuneration
Stacey Miller – revised Draft Local Plan timetable
Alistair Mckie – Sport and Recreation Facilities Audit 2012/2013.
Planning application – 31 Commercial End – to install a new flue for woodburner. Ref: 12/00854/FUL.
Planning permission – The Abbey, Abbey Lane.
Lynn Rayner – letter addressed to Sue Romero & Robin Sewell re Diamond Jubilee Woods and Footpaths.
The Voluntary Network – outline of services provided
Balfour Beatty – contract receipt & invoice for street lighting
Cambridgeshire Playing Fields Association – ‘Playing Field’ magazine
E-Cops newsletters – (email-circulated)
Came & Company – Autumn Parish Matters – newsletter
Care Network Cambridgeshire – Community Navigator Project (email-circulated).
Magpas – donation request