Minutes 6th March 2012
Held at the School on Tuesday, 6th March 2012.
The evening started with an Open Forum at 7.15pm to give members of the public the opportunity to put their views on items of the agenda. There were 10 members of the public in attendance.
The official Parish Council meeting started at 7.40pm (following brief Pavilion Charity meeting).
Present: Margaret Chadwick-Chairman (MC), Brian Ambrose (BA), Bert Collins(BC), Lynn Reed-Vice Chairman (LR), Sharyn Robinson (SR), Sue Romero (SRo) and Mary Smith (MS).
In attendance:
ECDC – Cllr Allen Alderson
Karen King – Clerk
2958: Apologies for Absence:
Cllr David Brown – conflicting meeting
2959: To Approve and Sign the Minutes of Meeting Number 367, 7th February 2012:
Following correction of name in listing of members of the public in attendance, the minutes were approved and signed as a correct record. Proposed: Brian Ambrose. Seconded: Mary Smith.
2960: To Approve and Sign the Minutes of Extraordinary Meeting No 368, 21st February 2012:
The minutes were approved and signed as a correct record. Proposed: Mary Smith. Seconded: Brian Ambrose.
2961: Matters Arising from Previous Minutes (for information only):
Min.ref.367/2939 – new village hall/community facility: SRo confirmed that the Church Group had not yet met.
Min.ref.367/2942 – Jubilee Group: LR confirmed that a further meeting was held and she was putting together the minutes. The main priority was the cleaning of the Pavilion as it was currently in a poor state. SRo said more members were now needed.
Min.ref.368/2953 – parking at play area: A reply was received from Donna Cornwell – Head Teacher confirming that she would prefer not to include a note in the School newsletter as she was aware this issue was causing a lot of problems and did not wish the School to be involved. SR said she had since spoken with Donna Cornwell and suggested that a note be put into the village magazines of Lode, Swaffham Prior and Burwell as well as Swaffham Bulbeck. Action: Clerk
2962: Members’ Declaration of Interest for Items on the Agenda:
Margaret Chadwick declared a personal interest as a near neighbour for item 11 of the agenda (Min.ref.369/2967).
2963: Parish Council Vacancy:
The Clerk reported that a letter was received from David Turner confirming his resignation as Parish Councillor. It was recorded that DT was a Parish Councillor for 36 years, 23 of those years as Chairman. Everyone agreed this was a very impressive achievement and the Chair had written to DT expressing the Parish Council’s gratitude and thanks for his support. The Clerk confirmed that ECDC had been informed of the vacancy.
Two letters expressing interest in becoming a Parish Councillor were received for the current vacancy open for co-option; Ian Woodroffe of Station Road and James Hardwicke of Maryland Avenue. A secret ballot of Parish Councillors was held which resulted in the co-option of Ian Woodroffe as Parish Councillor. Agreed by all.
Following the statutory 14 working days notice to ECDC, it was suggested that the new vacancy might be filled at the April meeting.
2964: County Councillor’s Report: A copy of Cllr Brown’s report was circulated prior to meeting:
As reported in January the Integrated Plan for the next 4 years was the main item discussed at Full Council in February. Following a 5 hour debate the proposed plan was passed by a majority vote. The plan, including the programme for capital investment will come into effect from April 2012. For the villages in Burwell Ward this means our council tax for 2012/13 for a Band D property will be: Burwell £1,498.35 Reach £1,501.23 Swaffham Bulbeck £1,496.28 Swaffham Prior £1,493.67
2965: District Councillor’s Report: (Cllr Allen Alderson reported to the meeting)
There were no questions for Cllr Alderson.
2966: Correspondence for Consideration/Circulation:
Clerk reported on general items of correspondence.
2967: Access & Parking at Play Area, Cemetery Corner:
The Chair read to the meeting a letter received from David Turner to clarify his position as he remembered it in 1995. He confirmed that he could not recall a meeting with Peter Butler but believed on comments made at a previous Open Forum this must have been the case.
Land ownership and boundaries – consideration of letter received and reply: As requested during the Open Forum the Chair read out the following:
• Letter sent to the Butler family – dated 15/12/11 requesting to see details to confirm land ownership.
• Reply received from the Butler family solicitors dated 20/2/12.
The Chair circulated a reply to the Butler family solicitors requesting more information and asked for Parish Councillors’ approval to send. Following consideration this was agreed. Proposed: Brian Ambrose. Seconded: Sharyn Robinson. To be discussed further once reply received.
Easement application to Land Registry: The Chair reported that this was carried forward from last meeting to:
• Request a signed copy of Bob Thomson’s Statutory Declaration and circulate for Parish Councillors to consider before meeting.
• Clarify with Taylor Vinters the cost of submitting easement application to the Land Registry.
• Clarify process to complete easement application.
The Chair read out Taylor Vinters reply to the above as follows:
• Signed copy of Statutory Declaration provided for circulation.
• Estimated costs for bringing this matter to its conclusion would be between £850- £1,450 as fee quote dated 3/8/11 – so far billed for £1,250.
• All the work is done in relation to preparing the Statutory Declaration. All that is needed is to send it to the Land Registry.
• Estimated that this will take another 1-2 hours of solicitor’s time (£150 per hour) so matter concluded within original estimate of £1,450 or thereabouts.
There following discussion with mixed views on how to proceed. SR was still unclear on the procedure of applying for prescriptive easement and felt this should be further clarified. SRo noted that the Parish Council was not interested in ownership of the land just access for the parking area.
The Chair adjourned the meeting at 8.25pm to allow members of the public to speak. The meeting reconvened at 8.55pm.
The Chair summarised points made during Open Forum:
• Simon Butler-Finbow referred to PC correspondence and associated paperwork as previously seen (copies provided).
• Discussion on question of ownership of land and detail of Statutory Declaration.
• Bob Thomson and Loder Bevington acknowledged that land ownership was discussed at time of Sustrans meeting.
• Hazel Bradley said it was important the Parish Council represent the community as a whole with access to the parking area of prime importance.
The Chair asked if members wished to take a vote on whether to submit application for easement. This was confirmed.
Vote taken to go ahead with application – 4 for (BA, SRo, LR, MS) and 2 against (SR, BC). Majority of 4-2. Motion carried to go ahead with submission of easement application. Clerk to confirm to Taylor Vinters.
Action: Clerk
Update from Working Party: MS circulated draft letter requesting a further meeting with Susan Mills of CCC to Parish Councillors and members of the Working Party before meeting. SR noted that there was no mention of cemetery users.
The Chair adjourned the meeting at 9.05pm to allow members of the public to speak. The meeting reconvened at 9.10pm.
It was confirmed that letter should be sent on behalf of Parish Council not Working Party. SR felt that the letter was not needed and should not be sent. It was decided that an amended version be circulated to all for final comments before sending.
MS suggested that there was no need for a further meeting of the Working Party. The Chair agreed as no further progress could be made on the planning application.
The Clerk confirmed to Diana Butler-Finbow that she had received her request to view minutes, correspondence, etc and was currently dealing with this. SR offered office premises for Diana Butler-Finbow to view the documents.
Cllr Allen Alderson left the meeting at 9.15pm.
2968: Consideration of Planning Application for Mitchell Hall, 1 Quarry Lane – alterations to front garden wall and erection of traditional style railings and new window to side elevation. Ref: 12/00114/FUL & 12/000115/LBC:
Following consideration there were no objections but the Clerk was asked to add a comment that the current brick pillar and vegetation at the High Street end corner does restrict vision when coming out from Quarry Lane due to its height and perhaps this might be taken into consideration.
The following application was not received in time to be included on the agenda but due to the relatively minor nature and the close date for comments, the Chair put forward a motion to consider the application. This was agreed by all.
2969: Consideration of Planning Application for 72 Commercial End – alterations to fireplace to accommodate woodburning stove. Ref: 12/00113/LBC:
There were no objections or comments.
2970: Parish Council representative for Cambridgeshire County Council’s Parish Paths Partnership Scheme:
It was suggested that Ian Woodroffe as a keen walker might be interested in this scheme. It was agreed to carry this forward to the April meeting for further discussion with IW present.
2971: Clerk’s Reports:
Min.ref.367/2944 – zip wire: RoSPA confirmed that an accompanied inspection would cost an additional £35.
Min.ref.368/2953 – signs for play area parking: Draft template and prices received from Algar Signs. Carried forward to next meeting for discussion as agenda item.
The Chair adjourned the meeting briefly to allow a member of the public to speak .
Once the meeting reconvened the Chair noted with thanks Tim Oates suggestion that a Working Group made up of suitably trained residents might be a useful way of sorting out play area issues such as the tightening of the zip wire.
2972: Finances including Approval of Payment of Outstanding Accounts:
a) Karen King – Clerk’s salary, February 2012 £ 256-04
b) Inland Revenue – Clerk’s PAYE £ 64-00
c) Anglian Water – cemetery water supply £ 194-48
d) Suffolk ACRE Services – cemetery building insurance £ 98-13
e) SB Pavilion Charity – subvention £ 100-00
Total: £712-65
The above payments were agreed. Proposed: Brian Ambrose. Seconded: Mary Smith.
BIAA Bank Interest – February 2012 £ 0-88
2973: Parish Councillors’ Reports:
• Resident of Fen Lane expressed concerns about the way nearby verges were cut by the farmer of the adjacent land. It was done too regularly to allow wild flowers etc to grow.
• BA carried out play area inspections for February and reported on minor maintenance items.
• SR reported that the rubbish bin outside the School was in a poor condition and not being emptied regularly. Clerk to contact ECDC and request a new one. Action: Clerk
• SR asked if the ‘Happy New Year’ message could be removed from the website.
• MS said she had asked the contractors to inspect the recent work to the War Memorial as she had noticed some of the cement to the base was ‘crazing’.
• MS reported that she had been asked if the standpipes in the village could be turned on again.
The meeting ended at 9.45pm
2974: Future Meeting Dates:
1st May
15th May – Annual Parish Meeting
12th June
3rd July
7th August (if called)
4th September
Ann Barnes – Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Minerals and Waste Plan and the RECAP Waste Management Design Guide.
Amanda Warburton – Cambridgeshire Older Peoples’ Newsletter
Joanne Smith – Parish Clerk information on the launch of Buy With Confidence – Trading Standards Approved
Amanda Warburton – Raising Awareness of Adult Abuse in Community Groups
Passenger Transport – Subsidised Bus Services Review
Chairman’s Weekly Highlights
Darren Hughes – update recycling/refuse collections
Sarah Ratcliffe – East Cambridgeshire Local Plan – consultation on strategic issues
Planning application – Mitchell Hall, 1 Quarry Lane – alterations to front garden wall and erection of traditional style railings and new window to side elevation. Ref: 12/00114/FUL & 12/000115/LBC
Planning application – 72 Commercial End – alterations to fireplace to accommodate woodburning stove. Ref: 12/00113/LBC:
Information Commissioners’ Office – confirmation of renewal
Cambridgeshire ACRE – News Digest