Minutes 6th July 2010

Held at the School on Tuesday, 6th July 2010, starting at 7.35pm (following Pavilion Charity meeting)

Present: Margaret Chadwick-Chairman, Loder Bevington, Giles Merritt, Lynn Reed, Sharyn Robinson, Mary Smith and David Turner. No members of the public present.

In Attendance: Cllr David Brown-CCC
Karen King-Clerk.

2570: Apologies for Absence: Bert Collins (work commitments)
Daphne Dodds (work commitments)
Cllr Allen Alderson-ECDC (holiday)

2571: To Approve & Sign the Minutes of Meeting Number 338, dated the 1st June 2010:
Sharyn Robinson noted an error in the item numbering. Following this amendment the minutes were agreed and signed. Proposed: Sharyn Robinson. Seconded: Loder Bevington.

2572: Matters Arising from Previous Minutes (for information only):
Min.ref.338/2564: The Clerk confirmed that Kim Sheldrick had inspected seats and re-stained the seat inside the play area and the one immediately outside the play area. Sharyn Robinson raised further concerns about some of the other seats; Silver Jubilee seat opposite cemetery, seat at Cowbridge, seat at Commercial End junction and bench seat on The Denny. Clerk to ask Kim Sheldrick to inspect these additional seats and re-coat where needed. Action: Clerk
Min.ref.338/2562: Loder Bevington explained that the Youth Club Committee had organised for the Youth Club bus to visit the village on two dates to assess the interest amongst the young people. With regard to the Youth Club funds currently held by the Parish Council, he had spoken with members of the committee and asked for formal details such as bank account information, etc should these be needed.
Min.ref.338/2562: The Clerk confirmed that she asked the advice of CCC with regard to the possibility of moving the bus stop opposite the shop to near the Recreation Ground car park with a lay-by for buses to pull in off the road. A reply was received from Andy Hunt, CCC’s Public Transport Network Co-ordinator confirming that they were currently assessing the safety of the location.
Min.ref.338/2565: The extra insurance premium for the new valuation figure of £7,600 was £43.86+2.19 tax pro rata.
Min.ref.338/2568: PCSO Ann Austin confirmed that she was aware of the parking issues and regularly patrolled these areas on a daily basis issuing tickets where necessary. With regard to the speeding problems on Quarry Lane, speed checks were to be carried out asap.

2573: Members’ Declaration of Interest for Items on the Agenda: None.

2574: County Councillor’s Report: Cllr David Brown reported to the meeting:
• Discussions at the County Council have been dominated by announcements from Central Government about cuts in expenditure and a freeze on spending in other areas pending further work. In terms of cuts we have been told of over £5 million in the current year and the freeze includes such work areas as the A14 improvement and the hoped-for new railway station at Chesterton. We are waiting for further detailed information.
• The Highways Review Group I have been asked to sit on has met on a number of occasions and has given initial consideration to highways policy in general, the review of the Winter programme and the role and remit of Area Joint Committees.
• Environment and Sustainability Scrutiny Committee met to discuss work priorities for the coming year. Once again the need to consider the budget situation played a large part in discussions. I have suggested that we need to take a detailed look at some of our basic infrastructure in the County to see where there might be shortfalls in provision of water and energy services.
• The Neighbourhood Panel met at Stetchworth, with presentations regarding a proposed cycleway from Lode to Waterbeach and about caring for older people.
• I also attended a liaison meeting with teaching unions.
• Bus Services. Stagecoach has indicated that it will be making some amendments to bus timetables in late July following concerns raised with them.

2575 District Councillor’s Report: No July report.

2576: Correspondence for Consideration/Circulation: (see Appendix 1 for correspondence received):
• CCC – changes proposed for mobile library services. Due to budget cutbacks changes in frequency and routes for service were being considered. Loder Bevington asked if due to the likelihood of reduced visits books could be kept longer before paying a fine.
• CCC – Locality Teams – budget cuts for Connexions and Youth Work provision. Noted.
• CCC – Passenger Transport – Final Table of Service Changes. Final timetable pending.
• ECDC – Review of Statement of Licensing Policy in Accordance with the Licensing Act 2003. LB had reviewed this on line and said it was far too involved and lengthy with no summary of changes proposed. The Clerk was to reply requesting a brief summary of changes.
• Cambridgeshire ACRE – Swaffham Bulbeck Action Plan (Parish Plan). It was suggested that the Parish Plan should be reviewed but ‘in-house’ in the first instance. To be re-circulated and added as an agenda item for September meeting.
• Waterbeach Angling Club – Environment Agency’s Fisheries Investigation of Swaffham Bulbeck Lode. Considered a good survey and report. Any action to be considered by the Environment Working Group.

2577: Review of RoSPA’s Play Area Safety Inspection Report:
The report only noted low risk items for attention and it was felt that these could be dealt with ‘in-house’. The new equipment was included in the report. Sharyn Robinson noted that some of the matting below the zip wire was coming up. Margaret Chadwick said she would review report more fully and report back.

2578: Jointly Funded Minor Highways Improvements – 2011-12 Bidding Round:
Sharyn Robinson suggested converting the School crossing on Station Road into a public crossing with possibly a raised feature to the crossing. It was considered that this option would link in well with the possibility of moving the bus stop.

2579: Outstanding Matters/Progress Reports:
War Memorial Renovation – Mary Smith confirmed that the War Memorials Trust had awarded a grant of 50% of the lowest quote. Mary suggested that it would be better to use one contractor rather than the two previously discussed and that Fairhavens should carry out all the work. This was agreed. Proposed: Loder Bevington. Seconded: Lynn Reed. Margaret Chadwick signed the agreement from the War Memorials Trust.
Footpaths Leaflet – Giles Merritt reported that he was waiting to see a draft of the leaflet. The Designer had said that she would like to walk the route to get her own ideas before completing draft. Giles was to follow up.
Village website: Giles Merritt confirmed that this was now ‘live’ and work was continuing in adding information. There was concern about the reference to Parish Council website in the title with the suggestion that the emphasis should be more on village website. Everyone thanked Giles for his hard work.
Second gate to playground: The Clerk confirmed that this was outstanding but she would follow up with Kelley Harrington.
Environment Working Group: Loder Bevington provided a summary of how this group would work and invited comments and views. LB suggesting that the group should be made up of approximately 8 people as a diversity of opinion was needed. An item was to be included in the Beacon report inviting people interesting in becoming part of the group to contact LB. The School’s involvement was suggested as very important.
Fingerposts: Sharyn Robinson reported that the new fingerpost at Gutter Bridge had been erected on the wrong side of the road. The Clerk was to contact Karen Whymark. Action: Clerk
The ‘fingerposts’ (road signs) at the junctions of Quarry Lane/High Street and Commercial End crossroads were noted as still in need of attention. David Turner agreed to liaise with Mr Hardwick about getting the work done.
Erection of additional Dog Bins: The Clerk confirmed that this was still pending but she was chasing ECDC. Action: Clerk
2580: Clerk’s Reports:
Items reported under “Matters Arising”.

2581: Finances including Approval of Payment of Outstanding Accounts:
a) Karen King – Clerk’s salary, June 2010 £ 228-75
b) Inland Revenue – PAYE £ 57-00
c) E.ON Energy – streetlighting, June 2010 £ 1-93
d) K H Services – grasscutting £ 1,224-12
e) Swaffham Internal Drainage Board – drainage rates £ 112-56
f) Viking Direct – computer supplies £ 43-45
g) Playsafety Ltd – annual inspection of play area £ 102-23
h) Sanctuary Hereward – hire of community room at Downing Court £ 11-00
i) SB Pavilion Charity – subvention £ 1,500-00
Total: £3,281-04

The above payments were agreed. Proposed: Loder Bevington. Seconded: Lynn Reed

• BIAA Bank Interest – June 2010 £ 0-82
• EDF Energy – network wayleaves £ 71-55
• Waterbeach Angling Club – fishing rights £ 5-00
Total £ 77-37

2582: Parish Councillors’ Reports:
• Sharyn Robinson reported that the Gutter Bridge footpath was overgrown and should be cut back by the landowner responsible, John Clarke. Action: Clerk
• Sharyn Robinson said that as well as the matting under the zip wire lifting, she was concerned about the movement in the platform and the clearance on the top rail. Loder Bevington and David Turner said they would inspect and tighten zip wire. Action: LB/DT
• Sharyn Robinson told meeting about Red-2-Green’s request for hedges to be cut back on the High Street to enable clear use of the pavement. Although some cutting back had been carried out this was still not enough for a wheelchair to get by. Clerk to contact householders and ask that hedges be cut back further.
Action: Clerk
• Mary Smith and Margaret Chadwick said they had taken part in a Speedwatch Session on the High Street. They said the equipment was available to borrow but that further volunteers were needed for training. Clerk was to add request for volunteers to Beacon report. Action: Clerk

The meeting closed at 9.15pm.

2583: Dates of Next Meetings:
No August meeting unless called
7th September
5th October
2nd November
7th December
4th January 2011
1st February

Children & Young People’s Services – budget cuts
Cambridgeshire Older People’s Newsletter
Moving of Bus Stop, Station Road
Notification of Chairman and Vice-Chairman of Council
East Cambridgeshire Local Development Framework – Parish Council Meetings
Approval for Tree Works – tree(s) on the Diocesan Glebe Land, Rear of St Mary’s Church.
Approval of Tree Works – pruning of Horse Chestnut tree at The Merchants House, 97 Commercial End.
Ely-Littleport-Soham Masterplans – newsletter
Sport Physical Activity Strategy 2010-11
Bosh Tour Brochure/Poster
Cambridgeshire Acre – magazine + News Digest (email)