Minutes 5th October 2010


Held at the School on Tuesday, 5th October 2010, starting at 7.30pm.

Present: Margaret Chadwick-Chairman, Bert Collins-Vice-Chairman, Loder Bevington, Lynn Reed and David Turner. No members of the public were present.

In Attendance: Cllr David Brown-CCC
Cllr Allen Alderson-ECDC
Karen King-Clerk.

2622: Apologies for Absence: Giles Merritt (holiday)
Sharyn Robinson (work commitments)
Mary Smith (holiday)

2623: To Approve & Sign the Minutes of Meeting Number 342, dated the 7th September 2010:
The minutes were agreed and signed as a correct record. Proposed: Lynn Reed. Seconded: Bert Collins.

2624: Matters Arising from Previous Minutes (for information only):
Min.ref.342/2620: Loder Bevington reported the lifting of headstones in the cemetery was pending. He confirmed that once carried out Lawrence Butler would be able to complete a full record of the cemetery and create an electronic record which would make research very much simpler.
Min.ref.342/2620: Lynn Reed confirmed that she would be attending the Neighbourhood Panel Meeting in Mary’s absence.
Min.ref.2612: (Clerk reported). Sharyn Robinson suggested the easiest option for a seat by the Newmarket bound bus stop would be to use one of the ‘Wild Cat’ seats as they were not well used, would be relatively easy to site and with the seat being higher than a bench or park seat, easier for people to use. There followed some discussion about moving the seat as it may be concreted in. Loder said he would ask the advice of Adam Rayner. Action: Loder Bevington
Min.ref.342/2612: The Clerk said she had spoken with CCC Highways about the possibility of moving the bus stop and CCC confirmed that they would be happy for the bus stop to move from its current position opposite the Shop to ‘around the corner’ but informed the Clerk that the installation of a lay-by to allow buses to pull off the road would be at the expense of the Parish Council. The cost of this work was very high with a suggested approximate cost of £15,000-£20,000. Following discussion it was suggested that the Parish Council wait a decision on its bid for the installation of a public crossing on Station Road (early in the 2011) before considering any further.
Min.ref.342/2620: The Clerk reported an email received from Adventure Playgrounds noting their costs for coming out to inspect/repair the zip wire unit. The Clerk would follow up with Adventure Playgrounds asking for a meeting on site to discuss the damage at no cost to the Parish Council. Action: Clerk
Min.ref.342/2620: The Clerk confirmed action taken as follows:
• Trip hazard outside No.112 High Street – Paul Butcher of CCC confirmed that some patching work would be carried in due course.
• Overgrown hedges, etc on High Street – letters sent requesting that these be cut back.
• Overgrown hedges, etc on Heath Road – as above.
(Loder Bevington noted that the hedge had been cut back by the School’s contractors but not right back to the boundary line. Similarly with other properties on the High Street where hedges, etc., had not been cut back far enough.
• Encroaching grass on footpath up Heath Road from Commercial End/Heath Road junction – Paul Butcher had inspected but considered there was little that could be done.
Min.ref.342/2620: Clerk reported missing fingerpost at Cowbridge end of Cowbridge to Gutterbridge footpath. This is to be replaced by CCC.

2625: Members’ Declaration of Interest for Items on the Agenda: Lynn Reed declared a Personal Interest for item 10 of the agenda (Min.ref. 343/2628)

2626: County Councillor’s Report: Cllr David Brown reported to the meeting:
• There has been a lot of activity at the County Council in September, with the meeting cycle getting back into the swing following a slow-down over summer. We had a meeting of the Adults and Communities Policy Discussion Group. This meeting discussed County Council responses to Government white papers about the future of policing and reforms of the NHS, as well as providing an opportunity for member input into the review of library services.
• The review of library services was also the main topic for discussion at a meeting of the Safer and Stronger Communities Scrutiny Committee. The responses to the current consultation clearly show how highly valued our library service is, with over 4,000 responses having been received to date. Scrutiny Committee agreed various recommendations to Cabinet about the library service, including recommending further detailed work on seeking joint working with a number of other Councils in Eastern England to run library services at the same time as delivering the savings needed. Mobile libraries will operate on a monthly frequency in future, coupled with the ability to borrow more books for a longer time. It was also agreed to review fees for those services which are currently charged for.
• Chaired 2 service appeal hearings in September, one relating to home to school transport provision and the other to confirm a guardianship order.
• Attended Cabinet in early September when Cabinet received a petition, presented by Mrs Ratcliffe, regarding the state of pavements and dropped kerbs in Burwell. Cabinet instructed the Cabinet member responsible and senior officers to investigate and provide a detailed response to the petitioners.
• Attended a number of meetings of a small group considering Highways Policy and issues, including general policy, the winter maintenance schedule, policy for environmental weight limits and third party funding. We are keen to enable third parties, such as Parish Councils, to help fund local initiatives. On winter maintenance, salt stocks have been purchased in readiness for the winter with top-up stocks pre-ordered for later in the winter.
• Attended the official opening of the Reach Lode Bridge; helped present certificates and medals to the children who had taken part in the library summer reading challenge; and attended the County Council Civic Service at St John’s College Chapel. All of these were a real pleasure.
• Asked by the Leader of the Council to act as Cabinet Assistant to help and advise the cabinet members looking after issues surrounding children and young people. Much of that work will surround budget discussions, where the funding position should become clearer after the Chancellor’s announcement on 20 October.

Cllr Brown added his congratulations to the School for its excellent OFSTED report.

2627 District Councillor’s Report: Cllr Allen Alderson reported to the meeting.
• CCTV Service – ECDC and Cambridgeshire Constabulary have been in discussions to jointly provide the CCTV service for Soham and Ely.
• Proposed Travellers’ Site at Swaffham Prior – Strategic Development Committee met to discuss the interim assessment of the local needs for gypsies and travellers. The Principal Forward Planning Officer was asked to provide a paper giving details of current need within the District. This clearly showed that there were ample pitches for travellers to meet current needs.
• Tesco Zero Carbon Store, Ramsey – Members of the Strategic Development Committee visited the store to view how environmental issues could form part of future planning applications.

Cllr David Brown left the meeting at 8.30pm

Item 10 of the agenda was brought forward at the request of Cllr Allen Alderson

2628: Consideration of Planning Application for 2 Pound Way – extension. Ref: 10/00637/FUL:
There were no objections or comments on this application.

2629: Forming of Sub-committee to Review Parish Plan:
Loder Bevington said that a review of the Parish Plan was needed to bring it up to date. It was suggested that a sub-committee be formed consisting of Loder, Giles, Sharyn and Mary with an invitation extended to the Chairman of the original Steering Group (Geoffrey Datson), ECDC and Cambridgeshire ACRE to advise. The suggested programme; draft ready for consultation by December 2010/January 2011, consultation with residents followed by final amended plan completed by February/March 2011. Loder Bevington to speak with Geoffrey Datson and Clerk to liaise with ECDC and Cambridgeshire ACRE. Action: LB/Clerk

Cllr Allen Alderson left the meeting at 8.50pm.

2630: Correspondence for Consideration/Circulation: (see Appendix 1 for correspondence received):
CCC – Cambridgeshire Flood Risk Management Partnership Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment and Flood Memories Consultation – circulated and detail noted.
Environment Agency – Maintenance Works to Swaffham Lode – circulated and details noted.

2631: Cemetery Records:
This matter was covered under “Matters Arising”. Loder Bevington added that Lawrence Butler would be happy to assist with requests from people researching their family history. Councillors recorded their gratitude to Lawrence Butler for his hard work.

2632: Clerk’s Reports:
• A letter was received from Mark Bury, Stonemason, detailing the fixing of a monolith memorial in the cemetery. It was considered that the fixing as detailed was not sufficient. Clerk to clarify fixing required. Action: Clerk
• Deborah Welton provided a copy of the insurance details for the Fenland Youth Bus with confirmation that the Youth Club’s use of the Pavilion was covered under this insurance subject to confirmation of health and safety checks. Following discussion it was suggested that a meeting with members of the Youth Club Committee was needed to discuss use of the Pavilion. Action: David Turner

2633: Finances including Approval of Payment of Outstanding Accounts:
a) Karen King – Clerk’s salary, September 2010 £ 224-03
b) Inland Revenue – Clerk’s PAYE £ 56-00
c) K H Services – grasscutting £ 917-03
d) Came & Company – annual insurance premium £1,086-13 *
Total: £2,283.19

* Min.ref. 342/2619: Margaret Chadwick reviewed the detail of the insurance received from Came & Company Council Insurance and agreed the reduced premium.

The above payments were agreed. Proposed: David Turner. Seconded: Bert Collins.

• BIAA Bank Interest – September 2010 £ 0-69
• ECDC – 2nd Precept Payment £ 7,500-00
Total: £7,500-69

2634: Parish Councillors’ Reports:
• David Turner carried out play area inspections. Loder Bevington to carry out inspections for October.
• Lynn Reed asked if there were any issues councillors wanted her to raise at the Neighbourhood Panel Meeting.

The meeting closed at 9.30pm.

2635: Dates of Next Meetings:
2nd November
16th November (Precept Meeting)
7th December
4th January 2011
1st February
1st March

Cambridgeshire Older People’s Newsletter
Winter Service Review – extension to consultation period
Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Minerals & Waste Plan Pre-Hearing Meeting and Examination
Integrated Youth Support Service (IYSS) – feedback from consultation
Chairman – Weekly Highlights
Littleport Masterplan Newsletter
Brian Ambrose – application for Parish Councillor vacancy
Land Registry – Registering Council’s Property
Office for National Statistics – Business Register and Employment Survey 2010
CPALC – Membership News 2010-11/Annual General Meeting
CPALC – “The Big Society Survey 2010”
Cambridgeshire ACRE – magazine
CPALC – “Corrupt Councillors will go to Court not Standards Committees” (article)
NALC – Chief Executive’s Report for September 2010