Minutes 5th March 2013


Held at the School on Tuesday, 5th March 2013. Starting at 8.10pm following the Pavilion Charity Meeting.

Present: Margaret Chadwick Chairman(MC), Brian Ambrose(BA), Mr Bert Collins(BC), Gordon Reid(GR), Sharyn Robinson(SR), Sue Romero(SRo), Mary Smith(MS) and Ian Woodroffe(IW).

Members of the Public: Brian Wegg and Robin Sewell.

In attendance:
CCC – Cllr David Brown
Karen King – Clerk

There was a brief Open Forum before the official meeting to allow members of the Youth Club Committee to respond to questions by Parish Councillors on the details of the Youth Club accounts provided at the February meeting.

3209: Apologies for Absence:
Cllr Allen Alderson – unwell
Parish Councillor Lynn Reed – unwell

3210: Members’ Declaration of Interest for Items on the Agenda + Requests for Dispensation:
Sue Romero declared an interest for item 13 of the agenda (min.ref.3222).
Ian Woodroofe declared an interest for item 13 of the agenda (min.ref.3222)

3211: To Approve & Sign the Minutes of Meeting Number 387, 5th February 2013:
The minutes were agreed and signed as a correct record. Proposed: Sharyn Robinson. Seconded: Brian Ambrose. All agreed.

3212: To Approve & Sign the Minutes of Extraordinary Meeting Number 388, 19th February 2013:
The minutes were agreed and signed as a correct record. Proposed: Sharyn Robinson. Seconded: Sue Romero.

3213: Matters Arising from Previous Minutes (for information only):
Min.ref.387/3200: Rubbish bin outside School: SR met with Darren Hughes of ECDC and reported the bin had been emptied but was now overflowing again.
Min.ref.387/3189: War Memorial: MS reported that the memorial base was uncovered by contractors and had faired well with just the waterproofing work to be carried out.
Min.ref. 387/3189: Faster Broadband for Cambridgeshire: GR noted that BT had been awarded the contract to bring superfast Broadband to rural areas.
Min.ref.388/3205: Fire Station-consultation: MC asked if dates had been confirmed for consultation and the Clerk replied that they had not. SR noted that no response had been received on questions raised with CFO Graham Stagg.

3214: County Councillor’s Report:
Cllr David Brown reported to meeting. Copy of report circulated prior to meeting. There were no questions.

3215: District Councillor’s Report:
There was no ECDC report.

3216: Correspondence for Consideration/Circulation: (see Appendix 1 for correspondence received)
ECDC – Buildings of Local Interest: Details of a project to create a list of Buildings of Local Interest within the Parish. The overall aim of this project is to identify buildings of special architectural or historical interest and offer them a level of protection against undesirable alterations and/or irreplaceable loss. GR expressed some concern and there followed discussion. The Clerk confirmed that ECDC’s Conservation Officer was to give a presentation on the project at the next Neighbourhood Panel Meeting. MS was to attend the meeting and GR said he hoped to also attend.
ECDC – Updates on Recycling Service Changes: MC summarised the detail noting ‘roll out’ period of September – November for the new waste and recycling arrangements.

3217: ECDC’s Draft Local Plan/Village Consultation (11th February – 25th March 2013):
It was confirmed that the document was still circulating and currently with IW. Following discussion it was agreed to submit to ECDC the following comments:
Amendment: P322 “Infrastructure and community facilities” – point 2-suggestions; delete “at the pavilion” and just have “Provide Village Hall”.
Comment: The changes in the boundaries of the Development Envelope could create potential problems where the boundary line marked on plan runs through residents’ properties/land causing it to be part in and part out of the Development Envelope. The Parish Council considers changing the boundary and reducing facilities of existing properties is wrong in principle.
There was also discussion on traffic calming measures already in place or planned for neighbouring villages plus the increasing volume of traffic using Heath Road and the impact on the village now and in the future. The Clerk was to invite a CCC Highways Officer to attend a meeting to discuss these issues. MS said she would also raise the question at the NHP meeting. Action: Clerk/MS

3218: Consideration of Planning Application for Swaffham Bulbeck C of E School, 84 High Street – extending lobby. Ref: 13/00108/FUL:
Following consideration there were no objections or comments.

MC put forward motion to consider the following planning application in order to meet close date for comments. This was agreed by all.

3219: Consideration of Planning Application for 22 Quarry Lane – demolition of existing dwelling and construction of 5 bedroom chalet bungalow. Ref: 13/00009/FUL.
It was noted that this was an amendment involving the redesigning and repositioning of the proposed dwelling. There were no objections or comments following consideration of this application.

MC adjourned the meeting at 8.55pm to allow discussion with members of the public on the Diamond Jubilee Wood project. Sue Romero gave a brief outline of the project to date and responded with Robin Sewell to questions raised. The meeting reconvened at 9.20pm.

3220: Progress Report on Diamond Jubilee Wood:
Following the above, MC thanked Sue Romero and Robin Sewell for their hard work and support for the project. SRo confirmed that a meeting was to be held on the 7/3/13 with The National Trust to look at the detail of the lease agreement for the Gutterbridge Plantation area. It was suggested that a representative of The National Trust team is asked to come along and speak with the Parish Council. SR was concerned about the future maintenance of the wood and the potential for high costs to the Parish. GR was concerned about access and safety aspects. All agreed to progress this further.

3221: Review of School Hire Agreement for Meetings and Confirmation of Insurance Arrangements:
Clerk confirmed that the current Parish Council insurance covered meetings at the School and the additional cover through the School was not needed. An amended invoice for just the hire of room for meetings was received in the sum of £79.27. SR noted that the hire agreement referred to details of fire emergency procedures, etc. The Clerk was to ask for a copy of these from the School. Action: Clerk

3222: Youth Club – Request for Donation and Review of Accounts:
With reference to the Open Forum, MC asked councillors if they were happy with the accounts summary provided by the Youth Club. GR was concerned about some of the detail of the accounts and the potential for losses. MC proposed a donation of £500 to help support the Youth Club. There followed a vote resulting in 5 for (MC, SR, BC, MS & GR) one abstention (BA). The motion was carried. IW & SRo having declared an interest did not take part in discussion or vote.

3223: Clerk’s Report:
School Caretaker: The School had appointed a new caretaker, Paul King.
Cemetery: Clerk asked for help in finding out family contact details so that they can be asked to refix headstones. SR offered to speak with Lawrence Butler.
Play area/Recreation Ground: Confirmation received of RoSPA’s annual inspection in April of play area and recreation ground equipment.

3224: Finances including Approval of Payment of Outstanding Accounts:
a) Karen King – Clerk’s salary, February 2013 (29/1-25/2/13) £ 267-33
b) Inland Revenue – Clerk’s PAYE £ 67-00
c) Suffolk ACRE Services – cemetery building insurance £ 101-12
d) SB C of E Primary School – room hire & CCC insurance £ 79-27 (subject to above)
Total: £ 514-72

Payments unanimously agreed.

a) BIAA Bank Interest (February) £1-31

3225: Parish Councillors’ Reports:
Min.ref.370/2983: Charles Stevens Trust: MC confirmed with members that they were happy for her to sign the legal document received.
Internal Auditor: SR referred to the recent guidelines received from CAPALC and the requirement to comply with these suggesting this as an item for next meeting.
Play Area: SR carried out inspections for February and reported on maintenance items.

Meeting closed at 10.00pm

3226: Dates of Next Meetings:
2nd April
7th May
21st May (Annual Parish Meeting)
4th June
2nd July
6th August (if called)

Anne Prime – Kevin Hall
Sally Bonnett – Village Visions Consultation Posters
Stuart Patience – Consultation dates – LDF
Alistair McKie – East Cambridgeshire Sport Club & Coach Conference 2013 – posters
Lorraine Brown – Buildings of Local Interest
Julie Weekes – Community Transport Fund
Issy Bridge – Domestic Violence Awareness Event
Lynne Smart – Chairman’s Weekly Highlights
Dave White – Recycling Service Changes – updates
Andy Shaw – Ely Cycling Strategy
Julie Cornwell – NHP – details of next meeting/poster
Planning Approval/LBC – Mitchell Hall, 1 Quarry Lane
Planning Approval/LBC – 98 High Street
Planning Approval/LBC – Mitchell Lodge Farm, Quarry Lane
Planning application – SB CofE Primary School, High Street – extending lobby. Ref: 13/00108/FUL
(LDF) – Mr & Mrs Butler – report –Representations in Respect of Proposed Changes to the Village Envelope
Planning Application – 22 Quarry Lane – demolition of existing dwelling and construction of 5 bedroom chalet. Ref: 13/0009/FUL.
Community Liaison Forum – notes of meeting
ICO – confirmation of renewal
Suffolk ACRE Services – Insurance renewal details
HMRC – Real Time PAYE
Brian Wegg, Youth Club – donation
School – copy of hirer’s agreement + amended invoice
Barcham Trees – “The Physiological Health of Nursery Trees”
David Rayner – review of land rent
Robert & Janet Moreton – permissive footpath Commercial End – Swaffham Prior – copy email to SPPC