Minutes 5th April 2011


Held at the School on Tuesday, 5th April 2011, starting at 7.30pm

Present: Brian Ambrose, Loder Bevington, Bert Collins (Vice-Chairman), Giles Merritt, Sharyn Robinson and David Turner.

In Attendance: Cllr David Brown
Karen King – Clerk

2727: Apologies for Absence: Margaret Chadwick – holiday
Lynn Reed – holiday
Mary Smith – holiday
Cllr Allen Alderson

Vice-Chairman Bert Collins chaired the meeting in the absence of Chairman Margaret Chadwick.

2728: To Approve & Sign the Minutes of Meeting Number 350, 1st March 2011:
Sharyn Robinson referred to min.ref.350/2717 noting that it was herself and not David Turner who was to carry out the inspections for March. Following this amendment the minutes were agreed and signed as a correct record. Proposed: Giles Merritt. Seconded: David Turner.

2729: To Approve & Sign the Minutes of Extraordinary Meeting Number 351, 15th March 2011: These minutes were agreed and signed as a correct record: Proposed: Giles Merritt. Seconded: David Turner.

2730: Matters Arising from Previous Minutes (for information only):
Min.ref.351/2725: Bert Collins had looked at repairs and said that some of the frame may need to be dismantled to remove/replace panels. Brian Ambrose and Bert Collins were to look further at the work needed confirming that they had replacement panels. It was also suggested to ask the owners if it would be possible to fix a support for the bus shelter to the side wall of the shop. Action: BA/BC
Min.ref.350/2713: Sharyn Robinson asked Giles Merritt about progress on managing/development of the website. GM replied that a meeting with the Beacon team was pending and he would follow this up. SR said it was important to have contact details for the Beacon on the website. Action: GM

2731: Members’ Declaration of Interest for Items on the Agenda: As a matter of record David Turner declared an interest for item 9 of the agenda although application withdrawn – refer to min.ref.352/2735.

2732: County Councillor’s Report: Cllr David Brown reported to the meeting.
• The Highways Policy review group met to finalise their report, which will now go to the Cabinet for discussion.
• Full Council met on Tuesday 29 March, with the main items on the agenda being discussion of the third Local Transport Programme for the County and a Lib Dem motion seeking the reinstatement of the current free City Shuttle bus service in Cambridge City. It is intended that this service, wholly subsidised by the County Council, should cease as part of the budget savings. Discussions have taken place with the City Council and the “Love Cambridge” organisation, but neither appears interested in taking on the service. Following some debate the Lib Dem motion was defeated.
• Household Waste Recycling Centre, Depot Road, Newmarket, question tabled regarding the centre’s future following the announcement by Suffolk County Council that the site will close on 9 May. Various reports have appeared in the local press stating that Suffolk CC had asked Cambridgeshire CC to contribute to keeping the site open – categorical assurance that this is not the case. Cllr Orgee, cabinet portfolio holder has written to his Suffolk counterpart seeking a meeting to explore whether there can be a stay of execution for the site. I am to attend meeting to put the views of local residents.

Min.ref. 350/2709: Cllr Brown had following up the concerns raised by Brian Ambrose and replied that the status of the Swaffham Bulbeck Fire Station was going through a review but that there was no official outcome as yet.
Loder Bevington asked whether there could be alternative trunk routes such as A142 & A14 rather than the B1102 still being recorded as main route. Cllr Brown said he would look into this.

2733: District Councillor’s Report: Cllr Allen Alderson asked Clerk to report the following:
Cllr Alderson was aware of concerns raised about the erection of an agricultural building and items stored on land at Fen Lane. Loder Bevington confirmed that he was aware of the problems and had received an email copy of a letter to ECDC’s Planning Department from one of neighbours – a copy of this was to be forwarded to the Clerk. Following discussion about the scale of the agricultural barn and the type of items and vehicles currently being stored on the land, it was agreed to write informing ECDC that the PC shared some of the concerns raised by residents. Action: Clerk

2734: Correspondence for Consideration/Circulation:
CCC – Street Lighting Maintenance and Energy – 1 July 2011 onwards: Two options were given for the level of maintenance for street lighting in the village. It was agreed to go for Option 1 at £20.05. This was a slightly higher cost but it was considered the additional cost was warranted to ensure fuller, more detailed inspections. Proposed: Loder Bevington. Seconded: Sharyn Robinson.
ECDC – Working Together to Manage Future Growth (additional info): Loder Bevington said he felt that the Parish was “correctly placed” within the summary for the Core Strategy. A meeting with Katie Child of ECDC to discuss the Parish Plan was still to be arranged. It was agreed to carry forward until after the Elections and then look further at the Parish Plan.

2735: Consideration of Planning Application for Downing Farm, Station Road – construction of garage and carport. Ref: 11/00221/FUL: Subsequent to the setting of the meeting agenda, a letter was received from ECDC Planning Services confirming that this had been withdrawn subject to a request for further information.

2736: Resolution to Change Date of Next Meeting to Correspond with District/Parish Elections:
It was agreed to move the meeting to the 10th May 2011. Proposed: Sharyn Robinson. Seconded: Loder Bevington.

2737: Royal Wedding Picnic Tea Party – request for donation: It was agreed that rather than a donation, the Parish Council would pay expenses following the event.

Cllr David Brown left the meeting at 8.10pm

2738: Clerk’s Report:
Min.ref.350/2714: Invoice for the materials used in repairing the fingerposts pending. Action: DT
Min.ref.351/2724: The possibility of installing a water meter was discussed with Anglian Water but it was not considered a viable option for the cemetery.

2739: Finances including Approval of Payment of Outstanding Accounts;
a) Karen King – Clerk’s salary, March 2011 £ 265-27
b) Inland Revenue – Clerk’s PAYE £ 66-20
c) Sarah Wroot – design, research & artwork for footpaths leaflet £ 600-00
d) Insurance – annual premium for cemetery building £ 116-56
e) Glasdon UK Ltd – new litter bin £ 251-96
f) ECDC – non-domestic rates-cemetery £ 67-10
g) Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance – grasscutting services £ 393-60 *
Total: £1,760-69

* This payment was not listed on meeting agenda but it was agreed to pay as this was an agreed contract.

The above payments were agreed. Proposed: Sharyn Robinson. Seconded: David Turner.

2741: Summary of Year End Accounts:
Copies were circulated for information. It was noted that the total subvention amount to the Pavilion was much higher than budgeted. The Clerk said this was due to extra’s such as the redecoration work, repairs following break-in, new water tank and associated work plus PAT testing and testing of fire equipment. Sharyn Robinson noted that the cost of the Remembrance Wreath should be taken out of Clerk’s expenses and added into S137 payments. The Clerk was to ask Frank Readhead to carry out the internal audit.

2740: Parish Councillors’ Reports
Min.ref.349/2694: Loder Bevington reported that the Probation Team were doing a very good job and still with us after several weeks. He noted that the waste heap in the cemetery was growing and would need burning off. It was suggested that the Probation Team move the heap to the land adjacent to the cemetery with the suggestion that it could possibly be burnt off as part of the Royal Wedding celebrations. It was also suggested that the PT could carry out some treeworks (crown work/tree lopping). The Clerk was to check with the Probation Team on future dates and whether they were able to do this work. Action: Clerk
Ute Towriss had some bulbs and asked if the PT would be able to plant them behind tree trunks to the rear of the zip wire.
Min.ref.350/2714: Giles Merritt reported that he had obtained two estimates for the printing of 2,000 copies the footpaths leaflet – £344 & £321. Sharyn Robinson suggested that 2,000 copies were too many and that 1,000 copies should be sufficient. GM agreed to obtain written quotations for the printing of 1,000 copies before the next meeting. Action: GM
Bert Collins reported that he was asked if a bench seat could be sited halfway between the Pavilion and the cantilever swing. As this would not be an item budgeted for it was suggested that a note be put in the Beacon asking if anyone would be willing to donate towards its cost. Action: Clerk
Sharyn Robinson suggested that a Working Party clean up the Pavilion before the Royal Wedding Picnic – agreed for the afternoon of Easter Saturday.

Meeting closed at 9.25pm

2741: Future Meeting Dates:
17th May (Annual Parish Meeting)
7th June
5th July
No August meeting unless called
6th September
4th October
1st November
6th December

Traffic Manager Team – HCV Strategy Consultation – outcome of meeting 2/3/11
Dawn Coleman – Cambridge Library Service Review – Next Stages (email)
Passenger Transport – Outcome of the Consultation Regarding Bus Services (email)
Mark Lloyd – CCC Integrated Plan (email)
Chairman – Weekly Highlights
Darren Hughes – waste & recycling holiday changes (email)
Darren Hughes – can recycling banks (email)
NHP – update on actions
Letter re planning application for Downing Farm, Station Road – notification of request for further info.
Planning permission – 41 Vicarage Close
Moore Stephens – audit return
Cambridgeshire ACRE – “Community Action”
Information Commissioner’s Office – info + training DVD
Brian Tully – Ely Police – “More Effective Responses to Anti-Social Behaviour” (email)
CPALC – Membership 2011-12