Minutes 4th December 2012


Held at the School on Tuesday, 4th December 2012. Starting at 7.30pm

Present: Margaret Chadwick Chairman(MC), Lynn Reed Vice-Chairman(LR), Brian Ambrose(BA), Sharyn Robinson(SR), Gordon Reid(GR), Sue Romero(SRo), Mary Smith(MS) and Ian Woodroffe(IW).

Members of the Public: Loder Bevington.

In attendance:
Karen King – Clerk
ECDC – Cllr Allen Alderson

3150: Apologies for Absence:
CCC – Cllr David Brown – conflicting meeting
Bert Collins – unwell

MC started the meeting by welcoming Gordon Reid as a new Parish Councillor. GR signed his ‘Declaration of Acceptance of Office’ and joined other Parish Councillors.

3151: Members’ Declaration of Interest for Items on the Agenda + Requests for Dispensation:

3152: To Approve & Sign the Minutes of Meeting Number 382, 6th November 2012:
Minutes agreed and signed as a correct record. Proposed: Lynn Reed. Seconded: Sharyn Robinson.

3153: To Approve & Sign the Minutes of Extraordinary Meeting Number 383, 20th November 2012:
Minutes agreed and signed as a correct record. Proposed: Mary Smith. Seconded: Brian Ambrose.

3154: Matters Arising from Previous Minutes (for information only):
War Memorial: MS reported that she had contacted Fairhaven & Woods, the contractors who carried out the refurbishment work and asked them to inspect the War Memorial as it was noticed that there were hairline cracks in the bottom part of the plinth. MS confirmed that these cracks have now been repaired with a fine filler and a temporary hessian cover placed for protection. Once dry a layer of water-proofing was to be added.
Min.ref.382/3141: Signage for Downing Court/Vicarage Close: Suggestions for additional signs for Downing Court were received from ECDC. The details and locations were to be checked and then confirmed with ECDC.
Min.ref.382/3141: Lode Cycleway: SR attended a meeting to consider proposals for a cycleway between Lode and Quy and said it was a very positive meeting with Sustrans.
Min.ref.382/3141: SR asked the Clerk if she had contacted families about the headstones. The Clerk said she had looked but was unclear which ones were in need of attention. SR gave more detail and the Clerk was to action. Action: Clerk
Min.ref.382/3141: BA reported that he had cut the Elders back and would clear the leaves in the play area in due course. Action: BA
Min.ref.382/3134:ECDC – Sport & Recreation Audit: SR confirmed that she had completed the paperwork and submitted.

3155: County Councillor’s Report:
There was no CCC report.

3156: District Councillor’s Report: (Cllr Alderson reported to the meeting):
Recycling & Waste Collection Bid: The District Council has successfully won its £5m bid from Central Government to fund a new recycling service and retain weekly waste collections. The funding means residents will find it easier to recycle more of their waste with the new service being introduced in late 2013 or early 2014. The current brown sack and lack box collection system will be replaced with:
• A new wheeled bin recycling collection including paper, glass, metal cans, plastics, cartons and cardboard. This will be collected fortnightly.
• A new wheeled bin for organics to include food and garden waste. This will also be collected fortnightly.
• A fleet of new vehicles for the new services as well as a rescheduling of rounds to reduce carbon emissions.
• The weekly waste collections would be retained and collected via black sacks.
The work to put in place the new system will include a survey of all households in the District to identify anyone whose property would not be suitable for the new services. These homes would retain the current system.
This was further discussed with Cllr Allen Alderson. Councillors repeated their concerns about the changing of the waste and recycling collections in the form of wheelie bins and the costs involved in implementing the service and the lack of consultation with the District’s residents before going ahead.
Cllr Alderson informed members that Cllr Richard Hobbs would be attending Swaffham Prior’s next Parish Council meeting to explain the new service and reply to questions and concerns raised. The Clerk was asked if other parishes were able to attend. The Clerk confirmed this was an open meeting and as such anyone could attend.
Cllr Alderson said he would speak with Cllr Richard Hobbs and MC said she would speak with the Chairman of Swaffham Prior Parish Council. Action: AA/MC

MC proposed that item 10 of the agenda be brought forward for discussion. All agreed.

3157: Community Use of Church – Consideration of Draft Brief for the Re-ordering of the Church:
MC adjourned the meeting at 8.25pm to allow member of the public to speak. Loder Bevington summarised the detail of the draft brief and replied to questions raised by members. MC reconvened the meeting.

Following discussion it was agreed to postpone acceptance of the Draft Brief until the January meeting so that LB could find out more about possible rate charges.

3158: Correspondence for Consideration/Circulation: (see Appendix 1 for correspondence received)
CCC – Winter Gritting Service. Details of gritting schedules were provided. It was suggested that due to the increased volume of traffic Heath Road should be included on the schedule. It was also noted that the road to Bottisham was now included.
ECDC – Development Envelope Changes for Your Patch. Minor amendment details were considered. It was noted that further consultation was to follow in the New Year.
ECDC – Section 106 Developer Contributions. Confirmation that “as of the end of September 2012, Swaffham Bulbeck has £1,006.09 of funding available to be allocated to projects that will improve community infrastructure and £11,000 of funding available to be allocated to projects improving public open space provision”.
Additional correspondence:
ECDC – Approval of Treeworks for Hersonscroft, Mill Lane.
ECDC – Planning Permission for 31 Commercial End – to install a new flue for woodburner.
Ramblers’ Association Cambridge Group – footpath from Commercial End to (the former) Swaffham Prior Station. Request to investigate the possibility of re-opening this footpath. The RACG suggested a notice in the Beacon to see what support there was for this idea.

3159: CCC – Local Highway Improvements Scheme (review of village support for pedestrian crossing):
SR and SRo carried out surveys to assess the support for a crossing and the preferred location. SR said the feedback she had received suggested that a lot of people would prefer to cross where the School currently has a crossing – near War Memorial triangle where there is currently a dropped kerb and flashing lights when needed. Following discussion on the alternatives it was suggested that perhaps this crossing could be improved to allow use by everyone. MC asked SR & SRo to consider the wording for an application and forward to the Clerk who would submit to CCC by the close date of the 21/12/12.

3160: Approval of Exclusive Grant of Burial:
Grant N0 166 – in the name of Mrs P Harrington (late Robert Michael Good) (M154). Agreed & signed.

3161: Clerk’s Report:
No additional items.

3162: Finances including Approval of Payment of Outstanding Accounts:
b) Inland Revenue – Clerk’s PAYE £ 61-60
c) Karen King – expenses/reimbursements £ 134-50
d) Honorarium for Bin Emptying/Litter Picking £ 140-00
e) Bulbeck Beacon – donation £ 300-00
f) Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance – grasscutting
+ rolling & spiking recreation ground £ 550-80
Total: £ 1,433.91

The above payments were agreed. Proposed: Brian Ambrose. Seconded: Lynn Reed.

a) BIAA Bank Interest (November) £ 1-24
c) C E Fuller & Co (burial-Good-M154) £ 350-00
Total: £351-24

3163: Parish Councillors’ Reports:
Trees at Cowbridge: Mary Smith reported that the trees needed cutting back as they were encroaching onto the road.

Meeting closed at 9.55pm

3164: Dates of Next Meetings:
8th January 2013
5th February
5th March
2nd April
7th May
4th June

Anne Prime – A11 Fiveways to Thetford improvement
Amanda Warburton – Older People’s Newsletter
Adrian Scates-Stokes – Councillors’ interests.
Cathy White – update on Ash Dieback Disease
Dave White – Recycling Grant successful
HMRC – Getting your business ready for PAYE Real Time Information
Police – Inspector Paul Ormerod – East Cambridgeshire Safer Neighbourhoods Manager – Engagement with Parish Councils
Brian Wegg – Youth Club Treasurer – request for donation
NALC –Precepts Update
CAPALC – Newsletter Bulletin.