Minutes 3rd September 2013
Held in the School on Tuesday, 3rd September 2013, starting at 7.30pm
Present: Margaret Chadwick-Chairman (MC), Bert Collins(BC), Brian Ambrose (BA), Lynn Reed(LR), Sue Romero(SRo) and Ian Woodroffe(IW)
Members of the Public: None.
In attendance:
Parish Council Clerk – Karen King
3329: Apologies for Absence:
CCC – Cllr David Brown
ECDC – Cllr Allen Alderson
Sharyn Robinson (work commitments)
Gordon Reid (work commitments)
Mary Smith (away)
3330: Members’ Declaration of Interest for Items on the Agenda + Requests for Dispensation:
3331: To Approve & Sign the Minutes of Extraordinary Meeting Number 396, 13th August 2013:
Min.ref.396/3320: SRo expressed concern that options for Section 106 funding were discussed prior to the close date of the consultation. SRo was assured that this was general discussion with no decisions taken and that formal consideration was to be given to the responses of the consultation under item 10 of the agenda and would be recorded in the minutes. It followed that the minutes were agreed and signed as a correct record. Proposed: Brian Ambrose. Seconded: Lynn Reed.
3332: Matters Arising from Previous Minutes (for information only):
Min.ref.396/3323 – Waste & Recycling Services: LR and IW attended the Pre Launch Open Day at AmeyCespa Waste Park, Ely Road, Waterbeach. LR had circulated a report on the day’s programme which included an introductory talk in The Education Centre followed by a visit to the Materials Recycling Centre and Mechanical & Biological Treatment Facility followed by a tour of the 400 acre site. Both LR and IW agreed the day was very interesting and informative. Copy of LR’s report on file.
Min.ref.396//3323 – Community Facilities Audit: Julie Weekes of Cambridgeshire ACRE asked to meet with representative from Parish Council at the Pavilion to carry out this audit. The Clerk explained members’ view that sufficient detail and information had already been provided and the Parish Council did not have the resources for such a project. JW replied that ECDC had requested this audit for a number of parishes in the District. It was suggested that this could possibly lead to future funding. As a consequence, MC met with JW at the Pavilion and reported to the meeting. Copy of MC’s report held on file. Following discussion, the Clerk was asked to clarify with ECDC’s Chairman the reasoning behind the audit and what was to be done with the information once collated with a request for a report to be provided to the Parish Council. Action: Clerk
Min.ref.396/3324 – LHI bid: MC confirmed she had heard nothing further but would chase this with Matthew Belton of CCC. Action: MC
Min.ref.396/3325 – Play area: Prices received for replacement parts for play equipment. BC confirmed he had carried out repairs to the zip wire and would look at the cantilever swing. Action: BC
Min.ref.396/3325 – Boundary hedge/footpath, Commercial End: Jason Tyrrell of CCC inspected the boundary hedge and confirmed this was the responsibility of the landowners. Clerk to send letter. Action: Clerk
3333: County Councillor’s Report:
A copy of Cllr David Brown’s report was read out to the meeting by MC. There were no questions.
3334: District Councillor’s Report:
No report.
3335: Correspondence for Consideration/Circulation:
ECDC – ‘Door-stepping Data’ (introduction of new waste/recycling services) – Noted
General – Swaffham Internal Drainage Board – maintenance/improvement works – SB Lode. Following discussion it was suggested that the land affected by these works was that leased to the National Trust. MC said she would check this and the Clerk would notify the appropriate tenant.
3336: Diamond Jubilee Woods Update:
SRo updated the meeting. In summary, the proposal is to regenerate and develop two areas of woodland for the benefit of the village (Gutter Bridge Plantation and The Denny Wood) working closely with the community through a comprehensive programme of consultation. Copy of SRo’s report on file.
There followed discussion on the National Trust lease for the Gutter Bridge Plantation. SRo confirmed that the Parish Council would not take on the lease until issues such as safety, etc., are resolved. There was also discussion on insurance requirements.
SRo asked that the woodlands project be taken into account when considering S106 monies. IW suggested a figure of approximately £5,000 be set aside.
BA asked that a piece was put in the Beacon to keep people informed about the proposals. SRo said she would do this. Action: SRo
3337: Results of Consultation with Residents – Section 106 Monies:
SRo had collated the results of the consultation and circulated a table showing responses. These were discussed. SRo suggested a working group to look at results and report back to next meeting with a more structured proposal. This was agreed. SRo to arrange date/time for working party of 3 to meet. BC suggested a piece in the Beacon to thank people for taking part in the consultation. SRo said she would do this. Everyone thanked SRo for her hard work. Action: SRo
3338: Proposed Tree Works on Parish Land:
Following the submission of application to fell a Horse Chestnut and Copper Beech on the Recreation Ground, ECDC’s Tree Officer responded asking for confirmation of public consultation on the felling of the Horse Chestnut. Following discussion it was agreed that through the Beacon and the Parish Council minutes, residents were informed of the Parish Council’s decision to fell the Horse Chestnut now rather than to crown the tree and plant a suitable replacement nearby with a view to felling at a later date as it was felt this would lead to the trees being out-of-line. The Clerk was to reply to Tree Officer. Action: Clerk
3339: Consideration of Parish Council Annual Insurance Premium with 3-year option:
LR referred to the changes to the policy particularly the ‘Definition of Unoccupancy’ asking how this affected the cover. Following discussion it was agreed to pay the insurance premium on a 1 year option in the sum of £848.58, subject to the clarification of this change. The Clerk was to check with insurers. Proposed: Brian Ambrose. Seconded: Bert Collins. Unanimously agreed. Action: Clerk
3340: Clerk’s Reports:
Vicarage Close/Downing Court signs: Amended signs ready for installation but to be checked by Jason Littleboy of ECDC to ensure they are correct this time.
Tree in Denny Wood (August): Report received of fallen tree causing some obstruction to the path. It was noted that a ‘pathway’ had been created around the tree and there was no immediate action required.
Footpath – Gutterbridge to Cowbridge: CCC informed of concerns raised about the condition of footpath and access.
Additional correspondence:
Planning Permission (August): The Bungalow, Abbey Lane.
Planning Permission (September): Free Church, Commercial End.
Tree works approval (August): 91 High Street
3341: Finances including Approval of Payment of Outstanding Accounts:
a) Karen King – Clerk’s salary – August 2013 £ 210-29
b) Inland Revenue – Clerk’s PAYE £ 52-60
c) Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance – grasscutting £ 656-40
d) Balfour Beatty – street lighting maintenance £ 25-85
e) Broker Network – insurance £ 848-58
Total: £ 1,793-72
Payments agreed; Proposed: Lynn Reed. Seconded: Brian Ambrose.
BAA Bank Interest – August £ 1-34
Peasgood & Skeates F.D. – cemetery fees (burial-Butler-R206) £ 90-00
Cambridge F.S. – cemetery fees (cremation plot/ashes-Johnson-AB3) £100-00
Total: £191-34
3342: Parish Councillors’ Reports
Bert Collins reported overgrown hedges on the footpath to Maryland Avenue. Clerk to contact Sanctuary Hereward. Action: Clerk
Ian Woodroffe reported tree overhanging pavement on High Street (R.H. side going out of village towards Bottisham). Clerk to contact residents responsible. Action: Clerk
BC carried out play area inspections for August and reported on repairs carried out to wooden shelter.
Meeting closed at 9.40pm
3343:- Dates of Next Meetings:-
1st October
5th November
3rd December
7th January 2014
4th February
4th March
The Connecting Cambridgeshire Team – better Broadband – update
Jason Tyrrell – hedge at Commercial End
Lynne Smart – Chairman’s Weekly Highlights
Patrick Pierrepont – Door stepping data (waste/recycling)
Ian Lorman – treeworks at The Recreation Ground
Jason Littleboy – signs at Vicarage Close
Planning Permission – Free Church, Commercial End
Lois Baker, Community Liaison Forum – meeting re parking
Cambridge ACRE – Community Activities for older people in the Parish
SCDC – LDF – Publication of Proposed Submission – extension of consultation
Came & Company – insurance renewal
Action Play & Leisure – replacement parts for play equipment
Justin Willmott – price for new fencing at cemetery
Swaffham Internal Drainage Board – Notice of Impending Drainworks
Burwell PC – inspection of trees on Parish Land
Chris Rule, Environment Agency – badger sett