Minutes 3rd July 2012
Held at the School on Tuesday, 3rd July 2012. Starting at 7.30pm
Present: Margaret Chadwick-Chairman (MC), Brian Ambrose (BA), Bert Collins (BC), James Hardwicke(JH) and Sharyn Robinson (SR).
Members of the Public: None.
In attendance:
Karen King – Clerk
3050: Apologies for Absence:
Cllr David Brown
Cllr Allen Alderson
Mary Smith – holiday
Lynn Reed – holiday
Sue Romero – holiday
Ian Woodroffe – conflicting commitment
3051: Members’ Declaration of Interest for Items on the Agenda:
3052: To Approve & Sign the Minutes of Meeting Number 375, 12th June 2012:
The minutes were approved and signed as a correct record. Proposed: Sharyn Robinson. Seconded: Brian Ambrose.
3053: Matters Arising from Previous Minutes (for information only):
Min.ref.375/3041: Repairs carried out to equipment in play area. The meeting thanked JH, BC & BA for their hard work.
Min.ref.375/3040: SR asked if any progress had been made with the questionnaire. The Clerk replied that this was pending but she would action. Action: Clerk
Min.ref.375/3038: SR asked how the monitoring of the car parking at the play area was to be carried out confirming that some cars were still parking badly. SR suggested a note be put under the windscreen wiper of cars not parked correctly. MC and others agreed this as a good idea. An article for village magazines was also pending and the Clerk was to action. Action: Clerk
Min.ref.375/3039: Nick Harris of Redmayne Arnold and Harris confirmed that he would carry out rent review as requested. Clerk to send notifications to tenants of land. Action: Clerk
Min.ref.375/3041: The Clerk and MC to meet Fenland Leisure Products at the play area to look at the options for repair/replacement surfacing. Wicksteed Ltd also asked to visit site and advise. Action: MC/Clerk.
Min.ref.375/3048: SR and MC met with Kevin Hall of CCC to discuss the options for a pedestrian crossing. Kevin Hall commented on the proposal for a crossing on Station Road suggesting that this would not be the best option due to such issues as visibility, number of driveways onto road, noise from feature such as a ‘hump’ plus also the supply of electricity if beacons were used. Kevin suggested a better option would be an uncontrolled crossing in the form of a raised ‘platform’ between Pound Way and the cemetery with the possibility of adding a zebra crossing on top at a later stage. BC was concerned that this would not be practical for elderly residents. SR suggested that there should be consultation on the options with village residents. Clerk to invite comments through Beacon report. Action: Clerk
Min.ref.375/3048: MC referred to the possible closure of the fire station and the letter to James Paice. JH asked that any letter be put on hold.
Min.ref.375/3042: JH reported that he had walked the parish footpaths finding the Cowbridge to Gutter Bridge footpath particularly overgrown and almost impassable. The Clerk was to let CCC know so this footpath could be added to their cutting schedule for September. BC offered to cut back with a strimmer. Action: Clerk
3054: County Councillor’s Report: A copy of Cllr Brown’s report was circulated prior to meeting.
Min.ref.375/3036: Cllr Brown asked the Clerk to pass on his apologies for giving the wrong figure with reference to the proposed development north of Ely – it was actually 3000 houses plus associated infrastructure – schools, shops, facilities, etc.
Reference Cllr Brown’s report – there were no questions.
3055: District Councillor’s Report:
No report for July.
3056: Correspondence for Consideration/Circulation:
• ECDC – Local Elections (Declaration of Acceptance of Office) Order 2012. Noted.
• ECDC – Code & Councillor Complaints Handling and Disclosable Pecuniary Interest. Some discussion. Requirement for the adoption of a new Code of Conduct. Clerk noted delay in agreeing the detail. Carried forward.
• ECDC – Waste Consultation: Invitation for people to express their views on recent application to the Department of Communities and Local Government for funding to improve the current waste service. SR reviewed the details and completed the survey on ECDC’s website. There was particular concern about the proposed use of wheelie bins and the costs involved.
• CAPALC – cheque signing: MC noted that only 2 signatures were needed.
3057: Consideration of Diamond Jubilee Commemorative Gift for Children
Judith Rice, as Chair of the School Governors, wrote to ask if it was possible to purchase a suitable souvenir for the children from the School out of the profits made from the Jubilee celebrations. One suggestion was a commemorative spoon. Following discussion it was agreed that it would be difficult to organise particularly as it was now after the event and also to justify the expenditure under PC regulations. The Clerk had asked the advice of SLCC – a charitable organisation could purchase the spoons and the PC could then pay the cost under section 137(3)-contribution to the funds of a charitable body. It was noted that the PSA was not a charitable organisation. MC reminded the meeting that it was the original remit of the Diamond Jubilee Committee to hold any surplus funds towards a possible Jubilee wood or memorial. MC said she would reply to Judith Rice.
Action: MC
BC left the meeting at 8.30pm.
3058. Clerk’s Reports:• Min.ref:371/2997: 118 High Street – cutting back of hedge: Details of work to be carried out by Tree Surgeon.
• ECDC’s ‘Village Vision’: Draft copy received for Parish Council comments. Carried forward to Extraordinary Meeting – 17th July 2012.
3059. Finances including Approval of Payment of Outstanding Accounts:
a) Karen King – Clerk’s salary, June 2012 £ 210-29
b) Inland Revenue – Clerk’s PAYE £ 52-60
c) Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance – grasscutting services £ 788-40
d) Algar Signcraft – sign for play area parking. £ 245-04
e) CAPALC – Clerk’s training £ 35-00
Total: £ 1,331-33
The above payments were agreed. Proposed: Brian Ambrose. Seconded: Sharon Robinson.
Southgates F.S. – burial (Rowe-Plot M153) £ 175-00
Southgates F.S. – burial (Stepney-Plot M150) £ 90-00
Relief-in-Need Charity – Jubilee donation £ 100-00
UK Power Networks – wayleave £ 76-86
B.J. & V.J.A. Ambrose – purchase of burial plot £ 85-00
BIAA Bank Interest – June 2012 £ 1-19
National Trust – rights to access £ 60-00
Waterbeach Angling Club – fishing rights £ 5-00
Total: £ 593-05
3060. Parish Councillors’ Reports:
Play Area inspections: SR carried out inspections for June – no immediate problems. SR reported damage to the rubbish bin near the shelter on the Recreation Ground. It was noted that this had happened several times. SR suggested that minor items such as rubbish bins, dog bins, etc., should be taken off the insurance schedule as with the policy excess it was not viable to claim for any damage to these items. To be reviewed.
Parish street lighting: SR gave a summary of a presentation she attended by CCC on the programme of street lighting replacement. This was to be achieved through a PFI scheme (Private Finance Initiative) awarded to Balfour Beatty on a 25 year contract. It was important to note that the PFI scheme affects CCC lights only, not those adopted by parish or district councils. There had been a lack of consultation to date but this had now been recognised and steps taken to rectify – 6 months before work was due to start in a parish, consultation letters would be sent to district and parish councils. If the Parish wants to keep any of its current street lights, it could but it would be at the expense of the Parish. Parishes should be notified by September 2012 when their lights are due for changeover. Full summary held on file.
Meeting closed at 9.05pm
3061. Dates of Next Meetings:
7th August (if called)
4th September
2nd October
6th November
4th December
Chairman’s Weekly Highlights
Jeanette Thompson – Code & Councillor Complaints Handling and Disclosable Pecuniary Interest
Tracy Cooper – The Local Elections (Declaration of Acceptance of Office) Order 2012
Darren Hughes – waste consultation
Adrian Friday – copy letter to CCC re cutting back of hedge
Red2Green – thank you note for donation
CAPALC – cheque signing
CAPALC – Code of Conduct
Jean & Cecil Nash, Ron Butler and Margaret Roberts – thank note for Diamond Jubilee nomination
Moore Stephens – confirmation of receipt of Annual Return
Deborah Welton – grass cutting
Nick Harris – Redmayne, Arnold & Harris – rent reviews for Parish land