Minutes 3rd December 2013


Held in the School on Tuesday, 3rd December 2013, starting at 7.30pm

Present: Margaret Chadwick-Chairman (MC), Brian Ambrose (BA), Gordon Reid (GR) Lynn Reed (LR), Sharyn Robinson (SR), Sue Romero (SRo) Mary Smith (MS) and Ian Woodroffe (IW).

Members of the Public: None.

In attendance:
CCC – Cllr David Brown
Karen King – Clerk

3389: Apologies for Absence:
ECDC – Cllr Allen Alderson
Bert Collins (unwell)

3390: Members’ Declaration of Interest for Items on the Agenda + Requests for Dispensation:
LR declared an interest for item 8 of the agenda; PlanSurv-Proposed extension and alterations to the Country Store, 31 High Street. (Min.ref: 3396).

3391: To Approve & Sign the Minutes of Meeting Number 399, 5th November 2013:
BA asked for change – Fire Station Closure: Amended to read “….. whether any of the proceeds would be donated to the village after the merger.”
SRo asked for change to item 3371 – Condition of pavement on Green Bank Road bends: “….. to allow access for pushchairs and children’s bicycles”.
The following amendments were agreed and the minutes signed as a correct record. Proposed: Brian Ambrose. Seconded: Sue Romero.

3392: To Approve & Sign the Minutes of Meeting Number 400, 19th November 2013:
Minutes agreed by all and signed as a correct record. Proposed: Gordon Reid. Seconded: Mary Smith.

3393: Matters Arising from Previous Minutes (for information only):
Min.ref.399/3363: Zebra Crossing, Station Road: MC told the meeting she had received an email from Matthew Belton of CCC confirming that he was currently costing the scheme and completing the necessary exemption paperwork and would be in touch once this was completed.
Min.ref.399/3368: Parish Paths Meeting: SRo confirmed that she attended the meeting finding it very informative and useful particularly the detail given about mobility access gates as a replacement for kissing gates. There followed discussion on the possibility of using the new type of gate in the village with particular reference to the kissing gate on Commercial End. SRo suggested writing to the landowner and agreed to draft a letter and circulate for approval. She would also speak with the Parish Paths ‘Group’. Action: SRo
Adjournment – Fire Station Closure: IW asked Clerk to follow up with Julian Fountain re the ownership status of the building. Action: Clerk

3394: County Councillor’s Report: Cllr David Brown reported to the meeting.
No questions for DB.

3395: District Councillor’s Report: No report.

3396: Correspondence for Consideration/Circulation:
CCC – Draft new Constitution for Cambridgeshire County Council. Noted.
ECDC – Community Right to bid for Assets of Community Value. MC summarised for meeting. Noted.
PlanSurv- Proposed extension and alterations to the Country Store, 31 High Street. Following discussion Clerk was to write and suggest PlanSurv investigate suitable alternative locations for bus stop and the costs involved.
Action: Clerk
Additional correspondence:
ECDC – Funding for Town and Parish Councils to compensate for a Reduced Taxbase. Carried forward to January meeting.
ECDC – approval of tree works at The Denny. Noted.

Cllr David Brown left the meeting at 8.10pm

3397: Parish Clerk Vacancy:
MC confirmed 4 applications were received and 2 candidates interviewed. A decision was to be made following the receipt of references.

3398: Parish Council adoption of Equal Opportunities and Child Protection Policies:
Copies of policies were circulated prior to meeting. SRo confirmed that draft copies were to be submitted with application to ECDC for Section 106 monies. SR considered there had not been sufficient time to consider the detail of the draft policies with particular reference to a monitoring/action procedure. Following discussion, SR agreed to review policies – carried forward to January meeting. Action: SR

3399: Consideration of Planning Application for 52 Commercial End – construct 2No new dwellings. Ref: 13/01010/OUT:
There were no objections or comments.

3400: Consideration of Planning Application for Nye-Myln, Mill Lane – demolition of existing single storey rear extension and substitution with larger single storey rear extension. Ref: 13/00902/FUL:
There were no objections or comments.

3401: Replacement trees at Recreation Ground/Denny – confirmation of tree type and cost:
SR had obtained estimates for the replacement trees and it was agreed to ask Simpsons of Fordham to supply and plant trees as below:
a) To supply a 10 -12cm girth, 30 litre turkey oak – £60 including VAT
b) To supply a 10 -12cm girth, rootball Fagus sylvatica Rohanii – £60 including VAT c) To deliver the above two trees – £10 + VAT
d) To plant the above two trees (estimate only as can not take into account any problems with site conditions) £25 per hour + VAT and assuming no problems, would estimate the job would take one and a half hours, maximum two hours.
Simpsons were also to be asked about adding ‘flexi-hoses’ to make watering easier.
MS to find out the cost of tree guards.

3402: Green Bank Road Pavement:
MC reported on meeting held with Jason Tyrrell of CCC Highways & Footpaths. JT gave an approximate cost of £7,601.92 for the work needed to improve the pavement. MC was to finalise the Local Highways Improvement application and submit to CCC. MS suggested this stretch of footpath needed clearing back. IW agreed to organise this for a Saturday morning in the New Year. Action: MC/IW

3403: Approval of Grant of Exclusive Right of Burial:
Grant No 168 in the name of Ayres – plot no L133. Agreed and signed.

3404: Clerk’s Reports:
Cemetery fencing: Contractor to provide detailed quote for replacement concrete posts and wire fencing at the top of the cemetery.

3405: Finances including Approval of Payment of Outstanding Accounts:
a) Karen King – Clerk’s salary, November 2013 £ 247-01
b) Inland Revenue – Clerk’s PAYE £ 61-60
c) Karen King – expenses+annual allowances £ 150-98
d) Honorarium for Bin Emptying/Litter Picking £ 150-00
e) SB School – room hire for meetings £ 110-00
f) Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance – grass cutting £ 372-00
g) CAPALC – reference book £ 49-99
Total: £1,141-58

The above payments were agreed. Proposed: Mary Smith. Seconded: Sue Romero.

ECDC (October) – ½-year Precept £ 7,866-00
BAA Bank Interest – October £ 1-25
BTFC – hire fees (transferred to Pavilion Charity) £ 360-00
H J Paintin – memorial inscription (Ella Ashby-P190) £ 50-00
W T Shrubbs – land rent £ 532-00
R H Wedd – land rent £ 1,200-00
Southgates F.S. – plot/burial fees (Ayres-L133) £ 175-00
Total: £10,184-25

3406: Parish Councillors’ Reports
Parish Paths: SRo explained to the meeting CCC’s programme for cutting back rights of way and the need to inform CCC of any that are being missed.
Application for Section 106 Monies: SRo told the meeting that she would be hand delivering the applications and documentation to ECDC by 11th December. Again a big thank you to Sue!
Recreation Ground: Further problems with dog owners not clearing up after their pets. Clerk asked to put reminder in Beacon. Action: Clerk
Overnight parking sign: IW asked for update on replacement sign. Clerk to chase Algar Signs. Action: Clerk
Play area inspections: SRo reported on November inspections. MS to carry out inspections for December.
Action: MS
Fen Lane/White Drove: BA told the meeting of concerns raised with him about the state of the road. Following discussion it was agreed that the Clerk would write to landowners asking for their help in keeping the road/s clear of mud. Action: Clerk
Format of Budget/Precept Spreadsheet: IW asked if a simpler form might be easier to understand and follow. Examples of new format to be reviewed ready for April 2014.

Meeting closed at 9.30pm

3407:- Dates of Next Meetings:-
7th January 2014
4th February
4th March
1st April
6th May
20th May (Annual Parish Meeting)

Lily David – Draft new Constitution for Cambridgeshire County Council
Ian Lorman – tree works approval – Recreation Ground
Ian Lorman – tree works approval – 2 Station Road
Julie Cornwell – Community Right to bid for Assets of Community Value
Lynne Smart – Chairman’s Weekly Highlights
Su Field – East Cambridgeshire Local Plan – DRAFT Inspector’s Matters, Issues and Questions
Linda Grinnell – Funding for Town and Parish Councils to Compensate for a Reduced Taxbase
PlanSurv – Proposed extension and alterations to the Country Store, High Street
Planning Application – 52 Commercial End – construct 2No new dwellings. Ref: 13/01010/OUT
Planning Application – Nye-Myln, Mill Lane – demolition of existing single storey rear extension and substitution with larger single storey rear extension. Ref: 13.00902/FUL.
SLCC – Parish Councils to be allowed to make electronic payments
Applications – Parish Clerk vacancy
SLCC – Grants available to local councils
VCAEC – summary of services