Minutes 3rd August 2010


Held at the School on Tuesday, 3rd August 2010, starting at 7.42pm. (Following on from Pavilion Charity meeting).

Present: Margaret Chadwick-Chairman, Bert Collins-Vice-Chairman, Loder Bevington, Daphne Dodds, Giles Merritt, Lynn Reed. No members of the public present.

In Attendance: Cllr Allen Alderson-ECDC
Karen King-Clerk.

2593: Apologies for Absence: Sharyn Robinson (holiday)
David Turner (holiday)
Mary Smith (holiday)
Cllr David Brown (conflicting meeting)

2594: To Approve & Sign the Minutes of Meeting Number 339, dated the 6th July 2010:
The minutes were agreed and signed as a correct record. Proposed: Loder Bevington. Seconded: Giles Merritt.

2595: To Approve & Sign the Minutes of Extraordinary Meeting Number 340, dated 20th July 2010:
The minutes were agreed and signed a correct record. Proposed: Giles Merritt. Seconded: Loder Bevington.

2596: Matters Arising from Previous Minutes (for information only):
Min.ref.339/2582: Loder Bevington confirmed that he and David Turner had inspected the zip wire and felt that there was no need for any action at this time suggesting that it would be best to leave the tightening of the wire until Winter. He noted that the rubber on the seat chain had pulled down but was unsure what could be done about this.
Min.ref.340/2589: Bert Collins confirmed that he had new bin for Recreation Ground and would install it in due course.
Min.ref.339/2577: Margaret Chadwick confirmed that she had reviewed the play area inspection report and considered that there were no items requiring urgent attention. With regard to reference to entrapments, the Clerk was asked to clarify with Adventure Playgrounds. Action: Clerk
Min.ref.340/2587: The Clerk confirmed detail of letter to ECDC. This was now to be sent. Action: Clerk

2597: Members’ Declaration of Interest for Items on the Agenda: None.

2598: County Councillor’s Report: (written report):
• The Environment and Sustainability Scrutiny Committee met with the County Council’s Climate Change Strategy and an update on the Guided Busway the main agenda items.
• The Safer and Stronger Communities Scrutiny Committee held its first meeting, which largely centred around developing a work programme for the coming year for this new committee. We agreed that the first topic for a member-led review should be an in-depth look at how the Integrated Offender Management programme is to operate in future.
• Full Council met in July. The major debate regarded the plans to enter into a shared services agreement with Northamptonshire County Council. This way forward was agreed by Council and as time goes on should deliver real savings to council tax payers in both counties. A Labour Party motion criticising the ability of Schools to apply for academy status was defeated as was a Lib Dem motion about creating publicity to say that Council accounts are available for people to inspect.
• Attended member seminars regarding the PFI scheme to replace street lights across the County, academy schools and the school transport system, where we are looking to better co-ordinate activities to deliver savings, whilst still meeting our obligations.
• The Neighbourhood Panel hosted a special meeting at Bottisham Village College devoted to the Wicken Vision, which gave members of the public an opportunity to question a range of speakers.
• Attended a meeting of the East Cambs Community Safety Partnership. A recent increase in burglaries and vehicle crime across the District was discussed, with the Police indicating that the majority of offences were caused by 2 individuals, recently released from prison, both of whom have been arrested and charged. The CSP felt this highlighted the need for better information-sharing when known offenders are released from prison. The proposed closure of Ely magistrate’s court was also discussed as was work surrounding under-age sales of alcohol.
• Attended a public meeting at Swaffham Prior regarding ECDC proposals to site a 6-pitch gypsy site on County Council owned land at Heath Road, Swaffham Prior.

2599 District Councillor’s Report: Cllr Allen Alderson reported to the meeting.
• Travellers’ Site at Swaffham Prior: Proposal for a six pitch (eighteen caravans) travellers’ site contained with ECDC’s Site Allocations Options Paper. Report within the three village magazines has explained reasons for opposing this. All concerned residents must fill in the consultation document to add weight to the argument to abandon this proposal. Pressure currently being brought to bear at District Council level through relevant officers and councillors. Hoping for decision by November meeting of the Strategic Development Committee.
• Affordable Housing: Due to the recession less houses are being built within the District so the Council is falling behind on its affordable housing targets. All options for meeting targets to be examined for the medium term. Perhaps Parish Councils could consider any likely Rural Exception Sites with their village. Margaret Chadwick asked if a site was available who would develop it? Cllr Alderson replied that any potential site would be discussed between the Parish Council and ECDC explaining that this would be quite a long-term project and could take approximately 2 years.
Loder Bevington asked why existing ‘Hereward Housing’ sites could not be revamped with the land being better used.
• Licensing Committee: Meeting attended on the 19th July. Asked to approve public consultation on ECDC’s draft Pavement permit Policy. This set out a list of conditions that premises such as Public Houses and Café’s would have to adhere to, to have a licence for placing tables and chairs on the pavement at the front of their premises. At the moment this is administered in an ad-hoc manner by CCC. The Committee decided not to proceed with the consultation but to recommend that CCC should have an overall policy regarding Pavement Permits and should encourage the City of Ely Council and other local councils to deal with it by means of a voluntary Code of Conduct on a local basis.

Bert Collins left meeting at 8.09pm

2600: Correspondence for Consideration/Circulation: (see Appendix 1 for correspondence received):
CCC – forthcoming changes to Stagecoach Bus Routes for Cambridge Service No 10: Details were received by email. These were considered particularly unclear and the Clerk was asked to reply requesting clearer details.
Action: Clerk

2601: Clerk’s Reports:
• Min.ref.339/2579: Karen Whymark of CCC replied to the Clerk confirming that the fingerpost sign at Gutter Bridge had been installed on the opposite side of the road at the landowners’ request due to the original sign having been hit several times by cars.
• Min.ref.338/2561: Letter received from Jeanette Thompson-ECDC confirming that in the light of the change in central Government and announcement that it had made regarding related matters, the Council would not be proceeding with consideration of a potential change to a Cabinet system.
• Min.ref.339/2576: Quote received from K H Services for the installation of second gate at play area. Carried forward as agenda item for September meeting.
• Min.ref.339/2576: Changes to Mobile Library Service confirmed. Details to be put in Bulbeck Beacon.
• Request for a full copy of the cemetery plan to be used as part of research into family history. This was discussed with a view to charging for the time spent by the Clerk researching details when requested. To be carried forward as an agenda item for next meeting.
• BT informed of repairs needed to the telephone kiosk at Commercial End.

2602: Finances including Approval of Payment of Outstanding Accounts:
a) Karen King – Clerk’s salary, July 2010 £ 246-61
b) Inland Revenue – PAYE £ 61-60
c) E.ON Energy – streetlighting, July 2010 £ 1-93
d) K H Services – grasscutting £ 917-03
Total: £1,227-17

The above payments were agreed. Proposed: Loder Bevington. Seconded: Lynn Reed

• BIAA Bank Interest – July 2010 £ 0-77

Cllr Allen Alderson left the meeting at 8.44pm

2603: Parish Councillors’ Reports:
• Loder Bevington noted the need for keeping copies of important documents.
• Daphne Dodds asked how often the dog bins were emptied. The Clerk was to check with ECDC. Action: Clerk
• Loder Bevington suggested that the Parish Plan should be reviewed by a sub-committee. Item for future agenda.

The meeting closed at 9.50pm.

2604: Dates of Next Meetings:
7th September
5th October
2nd November
7th December
4th January 2011
1st February

Details of changes for mobile library services
Highways – notification of works to be carried out at Vicarage Close
Building Control Services – Schedule of Certification of Street Numbering – Commercial End
East Cambridgeshire Strategic P/ship – East Cambridgeshire Sustainable Community Strategy 2011-2031
Chairman – Weekly Highlights
Trees Officer – copy of approval for treeworks at 103 Commercial End
Taylor Vinters – Easement for access over land in favour of The National Trust
CPALC – Quality Status