Minutes 3rd April 2012


Held at the School on Tuesday, 3rd April 2012.

Present: Margaret Chadwick-Chairman (MC), Brian Ambrose (BA), Lynn Reed-Vice Chairman (LR), Sharyn Robinson (SR), Sue Romero (SRo), Mary Smith (MS) and Ian Woodroffe (following signing of Declaration of Acceptance of Office)(IW).

Members of the Public: Molly Butler, Diane & Simon Butler-Finbow, Lawrence Butler, Guy Marsden and Bob Thomson.

In attendance:
CCC – Cllr David Brown
ECDC – Cllr Allen Alderson
Karen King – Clerk

The Chair welcomed Ian Woodroffe and invited him to take his place as Parish Councillor.

2975: Apologies for Absence:
Bert Collins – unwell

2976: To Approve and Sign the Minutes of Meeting Number 369, 6th March 2012:
The minutes were approved and signed as a correct record. Proposed: Brian Ambrose. Seconded: Sharyn Robinson.

2977: Matters Arising from Previous Minutes (for information only):
Min.ref.369/2961: Play area parking: The Clerk reported that the article for village magazines was pending and she would circulate a draft to members. Action: Clerk
Min.ref. 369/2968: Planning application: Additional details received for information only.
Min.ref.369/2973: War Memorial: MS confirmed that she was to follow up with contractors. Action: MS
Min.ref.369/2973: Bin outside school: ECDC had confirmed to the Clerk that a new replacement rubbish bin was to be sited out side the School.
Min.ref.369/2961: new village hall/community facility: SRo confirmed a meeting of the Church Group on 8th May.
Min.ref.369/2961: Jubilee Group: SRo said progress was going well and there was to be a further meeting with all interested parties. MC suggested an agenda item for the May meeting.

2978: Members’ Declaration of Interest for Items on the Agenda:

2979: Parish Council Vacancy:
A letter expressing interest in becoming a Parish Councillor was received from Mr Gordon Reid of Commercial End. It was agreed to carry this forward to the extraordinary meeting on the 17th April.

2980: County Councillor’s Report: A copy of Cllr Brown’s report was circulated prior to meeting
There were no questions for Cllr Brown.

2981: District Councillor’s Report: (Cllr Allen Alderson reported to the meeting)
There were no questions for Cllr Alderson.

2982: Correspondence for Consideration/Circulation:
CCC – Mark Lloyd, Clerk to the Cambridgeshire Lieutenancy – HM Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Picnic at Burghley House, Stamford, Wednesday 13 June 2012. The Parish Council was asked to nominate 2 people from the Parish to attend this event. The Clerk was to speak with those nominated to check on their availability and whether they wished to attend. It was agreed that the £20 car parking fee would be paid by the PC.
ECDC – East Cambridgeshire Local Plan – consultation on strategic issues. The Clerk confirmed that the consultation period ended on the 26/3 but that posters were displayed on noticeboards for information.

Cllrs David Brown and Allen Alderson left the meeting at 8pm.

2983: The Evelyn May Stevens Will Trust:
Taylor Vinters Solicitors provided a background summary for the Trust and outlined a proposal by the Trustees. The current Trustees wished to retire from the trusteeship and appoint in their place partners in the firm of Ward Gethin. As an outcome of past difficulties with the management of investments for the Trust, Ward Gethin asked, before taking on the Trusteeship, that the PC confirm that it will not in the future take any action on this particular aspect and release them from any liability in connection with it. Following consideration of the options listed by Taylor Vinters, it was agreed unanimously to accept option 6.2 as listed;
“To agree the release. In this case Ward Gethin will become trustees and the family trustees will be able to retire. The Council will not be able to pursue Ward Gethin on this point in the future but will retain their right to sue the family trustees whose liability will not be affected by their retirement.”
There was some discussion on how to commemorate the memory of the late Charles Stevens and it was agreed to wait until approached by the family.

2985: Date, Venue and Agenda for Annual Parish Meeting:
The date was agreed as 15th May 2012. The Clerk confirmed the venue as Downing Court Community Room.
Suggestions for agenda;
Presentation by Cambridgeshire Care Network
Reports from village groups – Youth Club, Relief-in-Need Charity, etc.
Report by Jubilee Group on arrangements for Diamond Jubilee Celebrations
The Clerk confirmed that our local PCSO would be attending – duties permitting.
Refreshments were to be organised by PC’s.

2986: Access & Parking at Play Area, Cemetery Corner:
• Land ownership and boundaries: No reply to the Clerk’s letter dated 7/3/12 had been received from the Butler family Solicitors.
• Easement application to Land Registry: Following the submission of the application, Taylor Vinters Solicitors confirmed by email dated 3/4/12 that it was not possible to register the easement as the owner of the unregistered land over which the right of way is exercised remains unidentified. Once the owner of this land can be identified it will hopefully be possible to register this right of way as a legal easement as there will be documentary evidence granting the legal easement. Clerk to forward copy of email to all interested parties.

Before continuing to the next item the Chair read out in full an email received from Diana Butler-Finbow – a copy of this email is kept on file – copy available on request to the Clerk. The Chair confirmed that she would reply to the points raised in writing.

• Approval of letter to Susan Mills, CCC Highway Development Control Engineer requesting further meeting on site: MC circulated to all interested parties a draft letter to Susan Mills summarising the basic problem and seeking her advice. MC noted that Simon Butler-Finbow’s original plan was a good one and part of the reason for moving on from this was the possibility of extending parking spaces which had resulted in consultation with other parties. SRo commented that the letter gave Susan Mills the opportunity to respond in writing or come out to meet with PC members.

The Chair adjourned the meeting at 8.30pm to allow members of the public to speak.
The meeting reconvened at 8.45pm.

SRo suggested amendment to wording in last paragraph of letter to Susan Mills asking for help to find acceptable solution to the problem.
A vote was taken to agree letter to Susan Mills; 5 in favour (SR, SRo, MS, LR, BA) with 1 abstention (IW).

(The Chair referred to SLCC guidance about the recording of discussions, etc during an adjournment.)

• Approval of signage for car parking area. Changes were made to the wording. SR asked about the possibility of adding “No Overnight Parking” – Clerk to check with Algar Signs. Subject to the foregoing, it was agreed to ask Algar Signs to supply and install 1No sign. The Clerk was asked to check with Conservation Officer before placing order. Unanimously agreed.

2987: Clerk’s Reports:
• Email received from new owners of the Free Church, Commercial End, Mr & Mrs Harding, asking to attend the next PC meeting to outline to councillors their plans for the building.
• Paul Butcher asked to inspect hedges encroaching on High Street footpath.
• Paul Butcher asked to look at chevron sign close to the footpath on cemetery corner.
• Copy of Planning Permission received for Hill Side House, Heath Road
• Damage to footpath on High Street reported. Area cordoned off by CCC and repairs are pending.

2988: Finances including Approval of Payment of Outstanding Accounts:
a) Karen King – Clerk’s salary, March 2012 £ 272-04
b) Inland Revenue – Clerk’s PAYE £ 68-00
c) CAPALC – annual membership fee £ 276-23
d) Action Play & Leisure Ltd- parts for play area swing £ 82-69
e) Viking Direct – computer/stationery items £ 48-18
Total: £747-14

The above payments were agreed. Proposed: Lynn Reed. Seconded: Mary Smith.

BIAA Bank Interest – March 2012 £ 0-82

2989: Parish Councillors’ Reports:
• MC reported an incident of dog fouling in the cemetery. Reminder to be added to Beacon report.
• MS attended the panel meeting in support of the Parish Council’s application for funding towards measures to reduce the speed of traffic and provide a safe crossing for pedestrians on Station Road. This confirmed that the total fund available for the whole of the District was £50,000 with each scheme being awarded no more than £10,000. SBPC would be required to pay 10% of the cost plus any shortfall should there be one. It was suggested that Adam Cobb/Kevin Hall come out to site and meet with councillors to discuss. KH said he would look into costings from EDF for the electricity supply needed ready for a possible submission next year.
• Margaret Chadwick carried out the March inspections of the play area. She reported that the bin by the shelter was found tipped over and Brian Ambrose confirmed that it had previously been found in the ditch. Repairs to the wetpour surfacing were discussed.
• Mary Smith raised the issue of the advertising signs on the memorial triangle. It was suggested that someone spoke with staff at the Black Horse.

The meeting closed at 9.20pm

2990: Future Meeting Dates:
1st May
15th May – Annual Parish Meeting
12th June
3rd July
7th August (if called)
4th September

Mark Lloyd, Clerk to the Lieutenancy – HM Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Picnic at Burghley House, Stamford – invitation to nominate two people from Parish to attend.
Adam Cobb – LMHI decision date
Anna Furse – Economy, Transport & Environment – Who’s who
Passenger Transport – Bus Services, what you might like to know
Chairman’s Weekly Highlights
Julie Cornwell – NHP Newsletter & poster
Rachel Doyle – changes to waste & recycling services for bank holidays
Sarah Ratcliffe – request for photo’s of village
Planning Application (additional information) -Mitchell Hall, 1 Quarry Lane – alteration to front garden wall and erection of traditional style railings. New window to side elevation.
Planning Approval – Hill Side House, Heath Road
CAPALC – advantages of membership
Moore Stephens – Annual Audit Return
RoSPA – confirmation of annual inspection of play area during April
Woodcraft UK – memorial benches
Suffolk ACRE – confirmation of insurance
Came & Co Insurance – The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee