Minutes 2nd November 2010


Held at the School on Tuesday, 2nd November 2010, starting at 7.30pm.

Present: Margaret Chadwick-Chairman, Bert Collins-Vice-Chairman, Brian Ambrose*, Loder Bevington, Giles Merritt, Lynn Reed, Sharyn Robinson, Mary Smith and David Turner. No members of the public were present.

* Brian Ambrose signed his Declaration of Acceptance of Office before joining the meeting.

In Attendance: Cllr David Brown-CCC
Cllr Allen Alderson-ECDC (from 7.50pm)
Karen King-Clerk.

2644: Apologies for Absence: None.

2645: To Approve & Sign the Minutes of Meeting Number 343, dated the 5th October 2010:
The minutes were agreed and signed as a correct record. Proposed: Loder Bevington. Seconded: Lynn Reed.

2646: To Approve & Sign the Minutes of Meeting Number 344, dated the 19th October 2010:
The minutes were agreed and signed as a correct record. Proposed: Loder Bevington. Seconded: Giles Merritt.

2647: Matters Arising from Previous Minutes (for information only):
Min.ref.343/2624: Loder Bevington confirmed that he had spoken with bus users and they generally agreed that the moving of the seats was a good idea. LB agreed to arrange with Adam Rayner to carry out the necessary work suggesting that the seats are sited slightly up the embankment. Brian Ambrose suggested a working party to help out. Action: LB
Min.ref.344/2642: Sharyn Robinson said she had spoken with Donna Cornwell at the School and asked for her thoughts on the litter problem. Donna suggested speaking with Bottisham Village College. Loder Bevington said that Mr & Mrs Moxon had offered to pick up litter in the White Drove/Red Tile Drove area. This offer of help was accepted with grateful thanks. It was generally thought that ECDC supplied litter pickers, gloves, bags, etc. Giles Merritt agreed to contact ECDC and arrange to collect from their offices in Ely. Action: LB/GM
Min.ref: 344/2642: A continuous line of parked vehicles on the High Street was reported to the PCSO who came out and had a look. She said the vehicles were not actually causing an obstruction but she appreciated the concern and said she would have a word with the vehicle owners or place an advisory notice on their vehicle if she was unable to contact them. She suggested the only way to stop this would be to request double yellow lines which people probably would not want.

2648: Members’ Declaration of Interest for Items on the Agenda: None.

2649: County Councillor’s Report: Cllr David Brown reported to the meeting:
• A meeting of the Neighbourhood Panel was held at Burwell Village College. Problems regarding parking outside Bottisham Village College, and ASB associated with the Bottisham Village College site out of hours dominated the meeting. These issues will be taken up with the relevant authorities.
• The Highways Policy Review Group met twice in October and looked at the winter gritting arrangements and member comments on the policy in general. This will result in a paper going to cabinet shortly.
• Full County Council met on19 October. Various motions were debated including motions about:
– the County Council PR budget, which Council felt should be dealt with through the budgetary process;
– moves to GP consortia and the NHS white paper, where Council accepted the need for close scrutiny;
– schools moving to academy status, where Council felt that following recent Government announcements about the Pupil Premium, schools need good information to help them decide whether academy status is right for the individual school.
• Advised the cabinet members looking after issues surrounding children and young people. Much of that work surrounds budget discussions – two meetings attended in October to look at ideas for budget savings. There is still some way to go for that work.

2650 District Councillor’s Report: Cllr Allen Alderson reported to the meeting.
Licensing Committee Meeting 18/10: Deferred decision from 9/8 – single colour for hackney carriage vehicles. Following a possible legal challenge from the National Private Hire Association it was resolved that no further action would be taken at this time on single colour.
New Sainsbury’s In Ely: Planning permission granted for new store in Lisle Lane. It will employ 300-400 staff when opened in early 2012. Agreement signed to fund £1.5million towards highway, footpath and cycleway improvements as well as a new city bus service.
Government’s Comprehensive Spending Review: The Chancellor has now detailed his public spending proposals for the next four years. There will be a 28.4% reduction in Government grant support over the next 4 years. Specific impact will not be known until the Revenue Support Grant for the Council is announced in December but this will mean significant savings will need to be made over the next four years.
Travellers’ site at Swaffham Prior: At the forthcoming Strategic Development Committee meeting it will be recommended that “Goodwin Farm in Swaffham Prior is not progressed as a gypsy, traveller and travelling showpeople option, given the high level of community opposition and the Committee’s September decision to set a lower interim requirement for the sites”.

2651: Correspondence for Consideration/Circulation: (see Appendix 1 for correspondence received):
CCC–Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Minerals and Waste Plan – Examination of the Core Strategy. Loder Bevington asked Cllr Brown what the actual issues were. Cllr Brown replied that this was part of a procedural process and he was not aware of any local issue.
ECDC–Emergency Planning Awareness Seminar. General discussion with details noted.
Victim Support – request for donation. Not considered eligible for PC donation as it is a National Charity.

Cllr David Brown left the meeting at 8.10pm

2652: Consideration of Planning Application for 11 Heath Road – single storey rear and side extension. Ref: 10/00846/FUL: There were no objections or comments.

2653: Further Consideration of Request for Additional Lighting around Pavilion:
Bert Collins provided a catalogue showing the different types of lighting available to suit the Youth Club’s request for additional lighting of area outside Pavilion and between the Youth Bus and Pavilion pathway. The provision of portable halogen lights was considered that this raised issues of safety, responsibility for the lights and connections to a power supply. It was suggested lights that clamped/fixed to the Pavilion building would be easier. Bert Collins agreed to look at fixing options, etc., and report back to next meeting. Action: BC

2654: Review of Outstanding Expenditure Items prior to Precept Meeting including:
• War Memorial Refurbishment: Mary Smith confirmed that the work was nearing completion and would be ready for Armstice Day.
• Footpaths Leaflet: Giles Merritt confirmed that a draft of the leaflet had been completed and he would request a copy of this from the Designer. There was concern that the leaflet would not be approved and paid for by the end of the financial year. Loder Bevington suggested that the leaflet be ready for approval by January so that costs for printing, etc., could be obtained. GM said he would clarify with the Designer the costs ready for the Precept meeting. Action: GM
• Grit/Salt Bins: New bins sited by CCC; Half way up Pound Way, near the footpath to Green Bank Road in Maryland Avenue and at the junction of Vicarage Close and Downing Court. Margaret Chadwick suggested that it would be useful to have a further bin at the top of Quarry Lane/Heath Road and asked that this be considered at the Precept meeting.
• Installation of Second Gate at Play Area: It was previously agreed that the quote from K H Services in the sum of £949.56 + VAT was too high. There followed discussion about a Working Party installing the gate. Margaret Chadwick noted that this second gate was a requirement of RoSPA’s inspection report for the play area and the work needed to be carried out. Brian Ambrose asked if the volunteer working on the fingerposts might install the gate. David Turner said he would enquire. Action: DT
• Fingerposts: David Turner confirmed that the repair works to the fingerpost on the Quarry Lane/High Street junction was almost complete. He was having difficulty in finding the arms of the fingerpost at the top of Commercial End. Margaret Chadwick asked what costs were involved and DT said he would find out ready for the Precept meeting but thought that any cost would be for materials only. Action: DT
• Purchase of additional Litter Bin for Recreation Ground: Following discussion about the type of bin needed, it was suggested that it might be useful to consult the children at the School on the type of bin. Giles Merritt was also to ask ECDC if they provided additional bins. Action: GM

2655: Clerk’s Reports:
• Min.ref.343/2629: Kate Child, Principal Forward Planning Officer for ECDC, said she was happy to meet with members of the sub-committee at ECDC’s offices to discuss the Parish Plan. Loder Bevington said he would speak with interested parties about suitable dates for a meeting. Action: LB
• Min.ref.342/2614: Loder Bevington confirmed a review of the grasscutting arrangements was pending.
Action: LB
• Min.ref.344/2641: It was noted that the request to use the football pitch was not a request from SUFC but a completely new team – name unknown. In light of this, it was suggested that further details were needed before considering further.
• Min.ref.342/2613: Planning Refusal received for The Bungalow, Abbey Lane.

2656: Finances including Approval of Payment of Outstanding Accounts:
a) Karen King – Clerk’s salary, October 2010 £ 242-29
b) Inland Revenue – Clerk’s PAYE £ 60-60
c) K H Services – grasscutting £ 1,079-37
d) E-ON – streetlighting £ 5-79
e) Cambridgeshire ACRE £ 35-00
Total: £1,423-05

The above payments were agreed. Proposed: Loder Bevington. Seconded: Lynn Reed.

• BIAA Bank Interest – October 2010 £ 0-83
• Mr R H Wedd – land rent £ 960-00
• Ivett & Reed – memorial (Perret-T236) £ 50-00
• ECDC – NNDR rebate £ 63-93
• W T Shrubbs – land rent £ 430-00
• David Rayner Farms – land rent £ 2,160-00
Total: £3,664-76

2657: Parish Councillors’ Reports:
• David Turner reported that the bus shelter was moving again and suggested some maintenance work was needed. The condition of the shelter was discussed. The Clerk was asked to obtain a replacement cost for the shelter in time for the Precept meeting. Action: Clerk
• Loder Bevington confirmed that he had received, as requested, from the SB Youth Club Committee copies of their Constitution, budget for 2010-11 & 2011-12 and copies of invoices from the Fenland Elite Youth Bus. He asked that the transfer of funds held by the Parish Council to the Youth Club be an agenda item for the next meeting. Action: Clerk
• Loder Bevington asked if the Remembrance Wreath had been ordered. The Clerk confirmed it had and she was to collect and leave with the School in time for Armistice Day.
• Loder Bevington reported that he had met with Adventure Playgrounds to inspect the condition of the zip wire unit at the Recreation Ground. He said the installer was concerned about the some of the fixing to the step unit and assured LB that remedial work would be carried out to rectify this and the zip wire. LB asked the Clerk if Adventure Playgrounds had been in contact to arrange a date for the work. The Clerk had not heard from them and was to chase. Action: Clerk
• Loder Bevington carried out the October inspections of the play area and reported that some of the flashings to the shelter had been removed plus there were three roof slates missing on the multi-play unit. LB suggested a working party to replace flashings with a plastic strip. Margaret Chadwick to carry out inspections for November.
• It was reported that the Gutterbridge/Cowbridge footpath was completely blocked. Clerk asked to write to landowner and property owner and ask for vegetation to be cut back. Action: Clerk
• Giles Merritt gave his apologies for the Precept meeting on the 16/11/10.

The meeting closed at 9.15pm.

2658: Dates of Next Meetings:
16th November (Precept Meeting)
7th December
4th January 2011
1st February
1st March

Mobile Library Service – new timetable
Signposting and waymarking improvements under the Fens Adventurers Rural Development Programme
Chairman – Weekly Highlights
NHP – Admission procedures and process of allocation of school/college places (consultation)
NHP – notes from Panel Meetings
Approval for Treeworks – 1 Station Road
Street Naming & Numbering – new dwellings, 1-7 Frank Turner Court, Quarry Lane
Came & Company Insurance – policy details
CPALC – consultation on “Code of Practice for Local Authority Publicity”.
CPALC – “Cambridgeshire Together” – “Changing Political Landscape”
NATS – update on progress regarding airspace change proposals.