Minutes 2nd July 2013
Held in the School on Tuesday, 2nd July 2013, starting at 7.40pm
Present: Margaret Chadwick Chairman (MC), Brian Ambrose (BA), Bert Collins (BC), Sue Romero (SRo), Mary Smith (MS) & Ian Woodroffe(IW).
Members of the Public: None.
In attendance:
CCC – Cllr David Brown
Parish Council Clerk – Karen King
3292: Apologies for Absence:
Cllr Allen Alderson
Lynn Reed – unwell
Gordon Reid – work commitments
Sharyn Robinson – away
3293: Members’ Declaration of Interest for Items on the Agenda + Requests for Dispensation:
3294: To Approve & Sign the Minutes of Meeting Number 393, 4th June 2013:
Min.ref.393/3275: SRo asked that ‘village’ be replaced with ‘High Street’. This amendment was agreed and the minutes were signed as a correct record. Proposed: Mary Smith. Seconded: Bert Collins.
3295: Matters Arising from Previous Minutes (for information only):
Min.ref.393/3275: MC confirmed that she had emailed Matthew Belton about traffic issues in the village and was awaiting a reply.
Min.ref.393/3279: MC confirmed that she had emailed Katie Child re PC comments on LDF/Village Vision and was awaiting a reply.
3296: County Councillor’s Report:
Cllr David Brown reported to meeting. Copy of his report was circulated prior to meeting.
Cabinet met on 18th June. I presented a paper seeking authority to build 3 new Special Schools over the next few years to cope with rising demand in the number of young people with Special Educational Needs. This was approved unanimously, with preferred sits identified as Littleport, Northstowe and the Huntingdon area. Cabinet also agreed our approach to bidding for a City Deal for the Cambridge area and also agreed to get involved in promoting the Green Deal for energy efficiency.
IW asked for clarification on the need for the 3 new special schools.
3297: District Councillor’s Report:
No ECDC report.
3298: Correspondence for Consideration/Circulation:
CCC – Local Highway Improvements 2013/14: Confirmation that the PC’s application for traffic calming measures on Station Road had been approved.
ECDC – inspection of Horse Chestnut on the Denny and Hawthorn in the Cemetery. The Trees Officer had inspected and advised on the appropriate action to take with regard to the trees confirming that a formal application to carry out any work would be required as both were within the Conservation Area and the Horse Chestnut had a TPO on it. Following further discussion it was agreed to submit application to ECDC and to obtain three quotes to fell these two trees and also the Copper Beech by the Village Sign. Further discussion in the Autumn on suitable replacements.
General – Burwell Parish Council – invitation to attend presentation on Community Land Trusts. PC’s to let Clerk know if they wish to attend.
Additional correspondence:
ECDC – comments on the draft Local Plan & Village/Town Visions: Details of further consideration by Development and Transport Committee. To be followed by submission of the draft plan to Government.
3299: Consideration of Planning Application for Free Church, Commercial End – change of use of Church from non-residential (D1) to a single dwelling (C3) together with a new rear extension and new vehicular access. Ref: 13/00440/FUL:
There were no objections or comments.
At this point the Clerk reported additional planning notifications received:
• Planning Refusal – SB Primary School – new retractable awning
• Planning Permission – Chilton House, Park End
• Planning application (amendment) – 17 Heath Road – two storey rear extension. Ref: 13/00180/FUL.
• Planning application (amendment) – 32 Quarry Lane – new side, rear and front extension including loft conversion to playroom (demolition of garage and outbuildings). Ref: 13/00387/FUL.
3300: Consultation with Residents – Section 106 Monies:
SRo circulated a draft questionnaire. This was discussed with minor amendments made. It was agreed that a copy would be included in the Beacon with a request to complete and return by the 31/8/13. MC thanked SRo for her help.
Cllr David Brown left the meeting at 8.10pm.
3301: Further Consideration of RoSPA’s Annual Play Area Safety Inspection Report:
BC reported that he had reviewed the report and dealt with minor items including repair of the wet pour surfacing where it had shrunk back from the edges. Everyone agreed a big thank you to BC for his hard work.
3302: Review of Village Website:
MS said she was happy to update the website. It was proving difficult to upload the Beacon as the files were very big. MS was to ask the advice of website designers on how to deal with some of the problems encountered. With reference to the adding of planning applications received it was suggested that this should be carried out by the Clerk. KK was happy to do this but asked for some help in how to link to the ECDC website to enable the applications to be viewed. MS to report every 3 months on the website as an agenda item. Action: MS/Clerk
The Clerk left the meeting for the next item. Minute taken by Chair.
3303: Clerk’s Annual Appraisal and Review of Contract of Employment – carried forward from June meeting
The Council carried out the annual appraisal of the Clerk’s work and it was agreed unanimously that she has carried out the running of the business of the Council’s affairs efficiently and well, sometimes in difficult circumstances. She was commended for her conscientious and hard-working approach to her job.
The Clerk’s draft contract of employment was reviewed. It is based on the CAPALC model contract. It was agreed that this should be signed provided the Clerk accepted all its terms. It was unanimously agreed that she should receive a gratuity (of £125) this year.
As there was to be no August meeting, the Clerk had asked if her salary could be agreed and paid following approval by the Chair. This was agreed.
On her return to the meeting, the clerk said that she wanted to catalogue the retained paperwork with a view to reducing its bulk.
3304: Clerk’s Reports:
• Reminder that the annual insurance was due on the 1/10/13. Quotes to be obtained for September meeting.
• Reminder that the current grasscutting contract was due for renewal from February 2014. Quotes to be obtained in time for Budget/Precept meeting. Discussion on specification at September meeting.
• Extra meeting on the 16th July when representatives from the Fire Authority will be attending to discuss the results of the consultation.
3305: Finances including Approval of Payment of Outstanding Accounts:
a) Karen King – Clerk’s salary, June 2013 (25/6-24/6) £ 242-29
b) Inland Revenue – Clerk’s PAYE £ 60-60
c) Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance – grasscutting £ 1,322-40
d) Swaffham Internal Drainage Board – drainage rates £ 126-63
Total: £ 1,751-92
Payments agreed; Proposed: Mary Smith. Seconded: Ian Woodroffe.
BAA Bank Interest – June £ 1-47
CCC – agency grass cutting £ 847-09
Total: £ 848-56
3306: Parish Councillors’ Reports
BA carried out the play area inspections for June and reported to the meeting. MC to carry out July inspections and BC to carry out August inspections. Action: MC/BC
SRo told the meeting that she had received a complaint from a resident on the overgrown state of the footpath running from Gutterbridge – Cowbridge. Clerk to contact CCC footpaths.
IW informed the meeting of the possibility of visiting the main recycling centre. If 5 people or more were interested a demonstration could be organised. IW said he would put something in the Beacon to see if anyone would be interested in attending.
MS reported that she had attended the NHP meeting where recycling was discussed and it was confirmed that the delivery of the new wheelie bins to households would be starting from 1/9.
Meeting closed at 9.25pm
3307:- Dates of Next Meetings:-
6th August (if called)
3rd September
1st October
5th November
3rd December
Steve Dighton – Local Highway Improvements 2013/14
Lynne Smart – Chairman’s Weekly Highlights
Cathy White – tree inspections
Julie Cornwell – next NHP Meeting details + Newsletter
Katie Child – LDF/Village Vision.
Planning Refusal – SB Primary School – new retractable awning
Planning Permission – Chilton House, Park End
Planning application (amendment) – 17 Heath Road – two storey rear extension. Ref: 13/00180/FUL.
Planning application (amendment) – 32 Quarry Lane – new side, rear and front extension including loft conversion to playroom (demolition of garage and outbuildings). Ref: 13/00387/FUL.
Planning application – Free Church, Commercial End – change of use of Church from non-residential (D1) to a single dwelling (C3) together with a new rear extension and new vehicular access.
Burwell Parish Council – invitation to attend presentation on Community Land Trusts
Fire Service (Emma Rogers) – YouTube video – consultation
Fire Service (Emma Rogers) – presentation of consultation results at July meeting
Richard Pike Associates – proposed solar panel farm at Heath Road, Exning
Urban Forestry – Ash Dieback advice
Rural Cambs Citizens Advice Bureau – request for funding.