Minutes 2nd August 2011
Held at the School on Tuesday, 2nd August 2011
The evening started with an Open Forum at 7pm to give members of the Public the opportunity to put their views on items of the agenda.
Those attending were; Johanna Barber, Julia & Loder Bevington, Lawrence Butler, Gerry Cowley, Martin House, David King, Mike Proctor, Peter Raby, Bob & Sylvia Thomson and Clare & Christopher Welton.
Also present: Cllr David Brown – CCC, Cllr Allen Alderson – ECDC, Brendan Troy – ECDC Planning Officer,
Parish Councillors and Clerk.
Chairman Margaret Chadwick welcomed everyone and reaffirmed the details with regard to public speaking as Parish Council Standing Orders – each member of the public is entitled to speak once only in respect of business itemised on the agenda and shall not speak for more than 3 minutes.
ECDC ‘Village Vision’ Questionnaire: Brendan Troy, Planning Officer for ECDC was present to reply to any queries raised and started by giving a brief summary of ECDC’s review of the Core Strategy and the importance of consultation with residents to find out their priorities for the future of the village. He replied to queries raised on the content of the questionnaire;
There was concern on how the ‘Village Vision’ consultation would link in with the Parish Plan particularly taking into account the amount of work put into the Parish Plan. Brendan Troy replied that the consultation was not a repeat or replacement of the Parish Plan but would possibly present the opportunity to update or review the Plan.
It was asked what the Parish Council’s position in the study was and Brendan replied that the Parish Council was consulted on the content of the questionnaire and would be further consulted on the results and outcome once collated.
There was some discussion about housing needs with reference to the targets set as part of the Regional Spatial Strategy. Brendan confirmed that the RSS had been reviewed and abolished and as such ECDC now set its own targets but that any plans would need to go through the proper approval process.
Brendan Troy finished by encouraging everyone to complete and return the questionnaire to ECDC by the extended close date of the 22nd August.
Margaret Chadwick thanked Brendan Troy for attending the Open Forum. Those attending agreed that he had helped clarify the detail and purpose of the questionnaire and also thanked him for attending.
The official Parish Council meeting started at 7.38pm
Present: Margaret Chadwick (Chairman), Brian Ambrose, Bert Collins, Sharyn Robinson, Giles Merritt plus members of the public.
In Attendance: Cllr David Brown
Cllr Allen Alderson
Karen King-Clerk
2798: Apologies for Absence:
David Turner – holiday
Lynn Reed – personal reasons
Mary Smith – holiday
2799: To Approve & Sign the Minutes of Meeting Number 356, 5th July 2011:
The Minutes were agreed as a correct record. Proposed: Bert Collins. Seconded: Brian Ambrose.
2800: Matters Arising from Previous Minutes (for information only):
There were none.
2801: Members’ Declaration of Interest for Items on the Agenda:
There were none.
2802: County Councillor’s Report: (Cllr David Brown reported to the meeting):
• Full Council met on 19th July – 2 petitions; the first opposing cuts to the local output on BBC radio Cambridgeshire and the second about cuts to bus subsidies. Council then debated and adopted 3 policy papers – Minerals and Waste Core Strategy; a new Flexible Retirement Policy; and moving IT and Facilities Management into LGSS.
• There was a lengthy debate surrounding the financial problems surrounding Southern Cross Care Homes, and Council is carefully reviewing the position regarding care providers in the County. Motions calling for an independent review of cuts to bus subsidies; calling for political support for Councils to have to institute a policy for independent retailers on high streets; and to come forward with a plan to upgrade the A14 were all defeated after long debates.
• At Cabinet on 5th July it was agreed to purchase land on the site of the Shirley Primary School in Cambridge and to retain the site of an old school in Cambridge for potential future use as a school. It was also agreed to move forward with the Cambridgeshire Future Transport Initiative and agreed to start 3 pathfinder projects to test different models for providing transport in the County. These should start in October, with the aim of rolling out more widely in 2012. In light of the difficult construction situation at Northstowe it was agreed to put back the proposed opening date for the new primary school at Northstowe until September 2016 or the occupation of the hundredth dwelling.
• Visited a number of schools – primary, secondary and special, in role as Cabinet member to gain more experience of the issues facing different schools. Also had the pleasure of speaking at an awards event for School Governors and Clerks. Also as Cabinet member took part in a stakeholder workshop considering how Cambridgeshire should develop a Health and Wellbeing Board in the run up to the county Council taking on responsibility for public health in 2013.
2803: District Councillor’s Report: (Cllr Allen Alderson reported to the meeting):
• Newmarket Recycling Centre: To re-open on 22nd August and will be run by Open Door. The opening times will be 9am-5pm Mon to Sat and 10am-4pm on Sundays. Suffolk County Council will have no involvement with the site. Open Door to dispose of any un-recyclable waste at their expense and a covering charge of £3-£12 will be made depending on size of vehicle. They will not accept wood or garden waste due to cost of disposal. Newmarket Town Council contributing £15,000 towards start up costs. FHDC contributing £40,300 and only charging ‘peppercorn’ rent for site.
• Neighbourhood Panel Meeting venues for 2011/12: 2 at Burwell, 1 at Kirtling and 1 at Stetchworth.
• Waste Recycling and Street Cleansing Services: Present contract with Veolia (April 2008-31st March 2015). A working party set up to look at all future options and cost savings.
• Ely Rail Crossing: On 9th July 2011 a meeting was hosted by City of Ely Council in partnership with CCC and ECDC to discuss the progress that was being made. The County Council has identified the Ely Rail Crossing Project as one of its key transport priorities and is leading the way with the Greater Cambridge/Greater Peterborough Local Enterprise Partnership to develop a funding package.
• Allotments – Vicarage Close: The erection of a shed on the allotments was reported noting that a past covenant on the allotments did not allow for this. It was confirmed that the allotment holder had obtained permission from Sanctuary Hereward who were unaware of the covenant but said they would investigate and if this was the case, would ask allotment holder to remove shed.
2804: Access to Play Area and Parking Problems – further consideration (item brought forward by Chairman):
Margaret Chadwick reminded everyone of the two main issues and these were discussed separately:
Safety: The Clerk contacted CCC Highways to ask for their advice. Adam Cobb, Traffic Engineer replied that from his knowledge of the site the parking area had fair visibility for re-entering the highway. He did not see any compromise with pedestrian safety due to all footways being located on the same side of the carriageway to the playing area and green. He appreciated that due to the amount of parking allocated, overuse could be a problem.
Options were discussed as follows:
• Cutting back of vegetation on the cemetery boundary on the corner to help give a better view of the road. The Clerk was to contact the Probation Team to see if they could help with this work.
Action: Clerk
• Roping off the current parking area but not removing it and providing a larger parking area the other side of the footpath which would allow room for cars to turn and exit safely onto the road.
It was stressed that the Parish Council wished to work with residents on ways to alleviate the parking problem and concerns about public safety but considered that it was important to keep the current parking area. The Clerk was to contact Adam Cobb of CCC to arrange a site meeting to discuss highway safety. All agreed.
Action: Clerk
At this point the Chairman adjourned the meeting to allow members of the public to speak. Reference was made to the historic right of way for vehicles and the need to confirm the Parish Council’s legal position before considering further.
Chairman reconvened meeting.
Access: Margaret Chadwick reported that initial legal advice had been taken. The two options were as follows:
1. The PC could agree to withdraw the caution provided the private landowner agrees to grant them an easement over the access land.
2. The PC could refuse to withdraw the caution and contest the private landowner’s application for first registration by resubmitting a revised Statutory Declaration and application from Robert Thomson for the registration of the easement.
Following discussion Brian Ambrose proposed that Taylor Vinters Solicitors be instructed to prepare a revised Statutory Declaration in order to apply for the grant of an easement to the Land Registry as specified in Option 2. Sharyn Robinson felt that a more conciliatory approach should be taken and the parking problems reviewed before going ahead with any legal action. A vote was taken – 4 in favour, 1 against. The motion was carried.
2805: Correspondence for Consideration/Circulation:
CCC – Preparation for the coming winter season 2011/12: This offered training and guidance for those parishes interested in treating more of their footway network. There was also a reminder that CCC could provide grit bins at a reduced price of £95. It was suggested that a grit bin should be located near the junction of Quarry Lane & Heath Road. To be considered further at next meeting.
ECDC (Planning) – Planning Permission for 1 Mill Lane: Noted.
2806: ECDC Consultation – ‘Village Vision’ Questionnaire:
Refer to ‘Public Forum’. No further discussion.
2807: Lifting Trees on the Recreation Ground – quotation received:
Min.ref.356/2794: A quotation was received from Herts & Ground Maintenance in the sum of £420 + VAT. This was agreed. Whilst considering this work it was suggested that perhaps the contractor could remove the dead Laburnum tree inside the cemetery gates. The Clerk was to first check with the Tree Officer.
Proposed: Giles Merritt. Seconded: Sharyn Robinson. Action: Clerk
2808: Clerk’s Reports:
Denny Car Park: Report of an abandoned car was received. Following some discussion it was decided that this car had now been removed.
A request was received through the Village Website for the introduction of a petanque playing pitch in the village. It was suggested that an informal meeting between members of the Parish Council and interested parties would be useful. Action: Clerk
2809: Finances including Approval of Payment of Outstanding Accounts:
b) Inland Revenue – PAYE £ 23-95
c) Herts & Ground Maintenance – grasscutting £ 1,401-60
d) E-ON – streetlighting £ 5-79
e) Viking Direct – computer supplies/stationery £ 32-96
f) Parish Websites Ltd – annual fees £ 200-00
g) Downing Court Community Centre – room hire £ 11-00
Total: £ 1,675-30
The above payments were approved: Proposed: Mary Smith. Seconded: Lynn Reed
BIAA Bank Interest – July 2011 £ 0-90
CCC – agency services £ 806-75
Simon Butler-Finbow – photocopying £ 5-40
Total: £ 813-05
2810: Parish Councillors’ Reports:
Sharyn Robinson reported what she considered to be a potentially unsafe building and asked the Clerk to contact ECDC and ask for an inspection.
Brian Ambrose carried out the July inspections of the Play Area. He said that some areas of the wetpour surfacing was damaged and he would look at what work was needed.
Sharyn Robinson was told of a BT notice in the phone box at Commercial End which referred to the option of the phone box being adopted by the Parish Council for the cost of £1/annum. If this was to go ahead, the maintenance of the telephone box would become the responsibility of the Parish Council and hence an additional cost to the Parish. It was suggested that a note be put in the Beacon report asking for comments on whether this telephone box should be adopted and possible uses. Action: Clerk
Giles Merritt said he had attended a meeting of the Parish Paths Partnership where the National Trust gave an interesting presentation on their work.
Brian Ambrose received a request from the SB Fire Service asking if it would be possible to place a Clothing Bank & Book Bank at Vicarage Close. This was generally considered a good idea and was to be looked at further.
Meeting closed at 9.00pm
2811: Future Meeting Dates:
6th September
4th October
1st November
15th November – Precept meeting
6th December
Cambrigeshire & Peterborough Minerals and Waste Local Development Framework…..
Richard Preston – HCV Strategy
Street Works – County HAUC Coordination July 2011
Hannah Barrett – ‘Cambridgeshire Localism’ Community of Practice
Amanda Warburton – Cambridgeshire Older People’s Newsletter
Amanda Davies – New Adult Social Care Website
Lynne Smart – Chairman’s Weekly Highlights
Giles Hughes – Details of tree works – 102 Commercial End
CPALC – “Aspects of Localism”
CPALC/Cambs ACRE – Queen Elizabeth II Fields Challenge
Fields in Trust (FIT) – The Queen Elizabeth II Fields Challenge