Minutes 2nd April 2013
Held in the School on Tuesday, 2nd April 2013, starting at 7.30pm
Present: Margaret Chadwick Chairman (MC), Lynn Reed Vice Chairman (LR), Brian Ambrose (BA), Bert Collins (BC), Sharyn Robinson (SR), Sue Romero (SRo), Mary Smith (MS) and Ian Woodroffe (IW).
In attendance:
CCC – Cllr David Brown
ECDC Cllr Allen Alderson
3227: Apologies for Absence:
Gordon Reid – business commitment.
Karen King (Clerk) – unwell, in whose absence Lynn Reed took the minutes.
3228: Members’ Declaration of Interest for Items on the Agenda + Requests for Dispensation:
There were none.
3229: To Approve & Sign the Minutes of Meeting Number 389, 5th March 2013:
Min.ref.389/3222: Delete ‘take part in discussion’.
Min.ref.389/3223: Change ‘Lawrence Butler’ to Ron Butler.
BA proposed, seconded by BC that the minutes be signed as a true record. All agreed
3230: Matters Arising from Previous Minutes (for information only):
Min.ref.389/3216: MC and GR had attended the last Neighbourhood Panel Meeting and noted that there were divided opinions expressed about the contentious issue of identifying buildings of special architectural or historical interest.
Min.ref.389/3223: SR reported that she had consulted Ron Butler for information on relatives for two unsafe headstones. These details have been passed to the Clerk. On one headstone there is an unprotected spike which should be made safe. It was suggested that the cemetery be inspected several times a year as has happened in the past. In this context, SR, BA and MS arranged to meet at 9.30am on 5th April at the cemetery. Action: SR,BA, MS
Min.ref.389/3231: David Brown said that the Fire Station consultation dates had still not been published.
Min.ref.389/3217: David Brown said that there was going to be a review of the Quy traffic calming measures.
3231: County Councillor’s Report
Cllr David Brown reported to meeting. Copy of his report was circulated prior to meeting. There were no questions.
3232: District Councillor’s Report
Cllr Allen Alderson reported to meeting. There was a discussion afterwards about the proposed funding for a scheme to help young people into apprenticeships. They had to have been in employment for at least 13 weeks and the money would be paid for one year only. ECDC would be topping up the national grant of £1500 with an additional £2,000 to help employers take on an apprentice, a total of £3,500 per youngster.
3233: Correspondence for Consideration/Circulation:
Swaffham Bulbeck School – An A3 plan of the school layout showing various fire exits had been received. A note of fire exit procedures was still required. Clerk to obtain. Action: KK
CCC – Introduction of Electronic Consultation. It was noted that this new system applies to the County Council planning applications and not the District Council and therefore would not affect SBPC too greatly.
ECDC – Changes to Recycling Banks. Noted.
ECDC – Notification of Parish Precept Increase for 2013/14 – Noted.
Mr Shrubbs – A letter had been received from Mr Shrubbs saying that a 59% increase in his current land rent (£22 per acre) was too high and offering £28 instead of £35 per acre as requested. It was decided that Nick Harris should be shown the contents of the letter and asked to review this piece of land again and suggest a suitably reduced rent if he agreed that the proposed increase was not suitable. Action: KK
Wicken Fen Forum meeting: Sue Romero was given the Agenda for the meeting.
Cllr David Brown left the meeting at this point.
3234: Consideration of Planning Application for Swaffham Bulbeck C of E School, 84 High Street – extending lobby. Ref: 13/00133/LBC.
Councillors did not understand the red lines running across the car park and SR offered to contact Bob Thomson to request clarification before any comment was made. Action: SR
3235: Review of Policies and Procedures for Internal Audit:
It was agreed that further discussion was necessary before we were able to comply with all the policies and procedures that were required.
A meeting was still needed regarding the Clerk’s contract. The Chairman had this in hand. Action: MC
It was also suggested that the Clerk’s annual assessment be placed on the next agenda and a monthly bank reconciliation should be given to councillors every month so they could approve payments and credits. The Clerk would then pay the bills on line after the meeting. Cheques were being phased out in a lot of places and it would save a lot of time and hassle with signatures being obtained at meetings. (Presumably, a cheque book could still be kept in case there was no other suitable method of payment?), This would be discussed more fully and voted on at the next meeting Action: KK
3236: Appointment of Internal Auditor:
It was decided that we would do nothing about the auditor’s qualifications unless we have to appoint a new one.
Frank Frankland has agreed to be the Council’s auditor for another year and his appointment was agreed by all.
3237: Review of Section 106 Monies:
Sue Romero gathered from her recent training that the money allocated for Swaffham Bulbeck should either be spent quickly or a written confirmation obtained that the money will remain in Swaffham Bulbeck’s pot until such time as it is required. Suggestions included constructing suitable disabled access and a disabled toilet in the Pavilion and also refurbishing the safety surfacing in the playground. The Clerk was to be asked to write to ECDC about this. Action: KK
Post-meeting note:-
The Clerk had written a letter to Mrs Julie Cornwell at ECDC as follows saying:-
‘I refer to your letter dated the 14th November 2012 updating the Parish Council on the level of funding held by ECDC; £1,006.09 available for allocation to projects that will improve community infrastructure and £11,000 available for allocation to projects improving public open space provision.
The Parish Council is currently considering possible plans for the use of this funding and in the interim I have been asked to write and request from you written confirmation that the money will be held for the Parish Council permanently and not confiscated if unused. If possible, the preferred option would be the transfer of these funds to Parish Council accounts where it would be ring-fenced until details of projects were agreed.
If you would like any further information or wish to discuss before replying to the above, please do not hesitate to contact me.’
Councillor Allen Alderson left the meeting at this point.
3238: RoSPA Playground Inspection Training – Invitation to attend training session:
Sue Romero and Ian Woodroffe said they would like to attend this training session which was organised by Exning Parish Council. The Clerk was to send an e-mail to confirm their attendance. Action: KK
3239: Date, Venue and Agenda for Annual Parish Meeting:
The date had been confirmed with the Warden of Downing Court Community Room as Tuesday, 21st May at 7.30pm.
Reports would be given by the Chairman, School (given by children as representatives of the School Council), Relief in Need Charity, Youth Club, Red2Green. Sue Loaker will be attending to give a presentation from the Police. Action: KK
Refreshments would be provided:- Tea, Coffee, Milk and Sugar by Lynn Reed and biscuits and possibly fruit by SR, MS and BA. Action: LR, SR, MS, BA
3240: Clerk’s Reports:
The broken waste bin on the recreation ground opposite the shop was to be inspected on 5th April by the cemetery inspection party. Action: SR,BA, MS
Matthew Belton had not confirmed whether he would be able to attend the May meeting.
It was agreed that Herts and Cambs Ground Maintenance would be asked to clear the leaves in the playground as per their quote of £60 plus VAT. The Clerk was to contact Justin Willmott. Action: KK
3241: Finances including Approval of Payment of Outstanding Accounts:
a) Karen King – Clerk’s salary, March 2013 (26/2-22/3/13) £ 247.01
b) Inland Revenue – Clerk’s PAYE £ 61.60
c) Anglian Water – cemetery water supply £ 114.44
d) Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance – grass cutting £ 132.00
It was decided to pay only the first instalment of the cemetery water supply (£114.44) and pay the second instalment (£114.44) at the September meeting.
As this amount, based on rateable value was quite high, the Clerk was also to be asked what she had found out about water meters. Action: KK
IW proposed, seconded by MS, that these payments be approved. All were agreed.
3242: Parish Councillors’ Reports
MS reported on her playground inspection in March and noted lots of leaves and a piece of wet pour having been turned round and replaced wrongly. IW was to inspect the playground in April. Action: IW
SR asked if the Parish Council could give a donation to Red2Green for a raffle being held in May. It was suggested that £50 be given, to be confirmed at the next meeting. Action: KK
It was reported that a car had been driven over the recreation ground and that rabbits were still in evidence.
Neighbourhood Panel Report: It was agreed that the Parish Council write to request that the Heath Road be gritted as it is an extremely busy road and needed to be kept safe in freezing weather. Action: KK
Also, it was to be noted that there had been a serious incident of ASB in Swaffham Bulbeck.
3243:- Dates of Next Meetings:-
7th May
21st May – Annual Parish Meeting
4th June
2nd July
6th August |(if called)
3rd September
The meeting closed at 9.25pm
Amanda Davies – Direct Payments for Social Care
Matthew Belton – Local Highway Improvement Panel
Lynne Smart – Chairman’s Weekly Highlights
Linda Grinnell – Parish Precept Increase for 2013/14
National Non-Domestic Rate Demand – cemetery
Katie Child – East Cambridgeshire Draft Local Plan
Joan Cox – Notice of Election
Darren Hughes – changes to recycling banks
Graham Thomas – Introduction of Electronic Consultation – Planning
Application – SB Primary School, 84 High Street – extension to lobby. Ref: 13/00133/LBC).
Geoff Staff, CFO – Cambridgeshire Fire & Rescue
Suffolk ACRE – insurance confirmation
Barcham Trees – new tree planting service
SB School – fire safety drawing
Came & Company – Spring 2013 edition of “Parish Matters”
Wicken Fen Community Liaison Forum – date for next meeting, etc.
Bottisham Village College – Spring Term Newsletter