Minutes 20th December 2011
Held at the School on Tuesday, 20th December 2011. The meeting started at 7.30pm.
Present: Margaret Chadwick-Chairman (MC), Bert Collins (BC), Lynn Reed-Vice Chairman (LR), Sharyn Robinson (SR), Mary Smith (MS) and David Turner (DT).
In attendance:
Karen King – Clerk
2895: Apologies for Absence:
Brian Ambrose – unwell
Sue Romero – conflicting commitment
2896: Members’ Declaration of Interest for Items on the Agenda:
MC, MS & LR declared a personal interest for item 3 of agenda (Min.ref: 2896) – relatively close proximity to property submitting planning application.
2897: Consideration of Planning Application for The Country Store, 31 High Street – variation of condition 13 of planning permission 03/01223/FUL dated 09.01.2004. Ref: 11/01093/VAR:
There were no objections but the Clerk was to record the following comments when replying to ECDC:
– The original conditions relating to parking, smells and litter must be adhered to.
– Signage relating to parking needed to be installed.
The Clerk also noted that there appeared to be a slight error in that the variation was for Condition 13 but the application form referred to Condition 11.
2898: Clerk’s Report:
No reports.
2899: Parish Councillors’ Reports:
MS reported Pound Way residents’ concern that vegetation had not been cut back at junction with the B1102 making it difficult to see traffic. DT said he would speak with landowner.
The meeting ended at 7.50pm
2900: Future Meeting Dates:
3rd January 2012
7th February
6th March
3rd April
1st May
15th May – Annual Parish Meeting
5th June