Minutes 1st November 2011
Held at the School on Tuesday, 1st November 2011.
The evening started with an Open Forum at 7pm to give members of the Public the opportunity to put their views on items of the agenda.
Present: Margaret Chadwick-Chairman, Brian Ambrose (BA), Bert Collins (BC), Giles Merritt (GM), Lynn Reed-Vice Chairman (LR), Sharyn Robinson (SR), Mary Smith and David Turner (DT).
In attendance:
CCC – Cllr David Brown
ECDC – Cllr Allen Alderson (arriving at 7.20pm)
ECDC – Brendan Troy, Forward Planning Officer
ECDC – Sarah Ratcliffe, Planning Officer
Karen King – Clerk
Members of the Public: Simon Butler-Finbow, Diana Butler-Finbow, Molly Butler, Julia & Loder Bevington, Bob Thomson, Peter Raby, David & Ann Holton, Rod Smith, David Butler, David & Hazel Bradley, Sue Romero & Brian Wegg, Geoffrey Reed, Robin Sewell and Christopher Welton (arriving at 7.15pm).
Margaret Chadwick as Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.
(Agenda item 9) ‘Village Vision Questionnaire’: Brendan Troy attended the Open Forum to present the results of the questionnaire. Following the presentation, BT replied to questions. There was concern about the short time given to the Parish Council to respond to the findings of the questionnaire. BT explained that ECDC had a very tight timescale but reassured people that there would be another consultation opportunity in the New Year.
(Agenda item 11) Access & Parking at Cemetery Corner: Several issues were raised and discussed with conflicting opinions and concerns. Reference was made to letter received and reported at the last meeting from Lawrence Butler.
The Open Forum closed at 7.45pm and was immediately followed by the Parish Council meeting:
Present: Margaret Chadwick-Chairman, Brian Ambrose (BA), Bert Collins (BC), Giles Merritt (GM), Lynn Reed-Vice Chairman (LR), Sharyn Robinson (SR), Mary Smith and David Turner (DT).
In attendance:
CCC – Cllr David Brown
ECDC – Cllr Allen Alderson (arriving at 7.20pm)
ECDC – Brendan Troy, Forward Planning Officer
ECDC – Sarah Ratcliffe, Planning Officer
Karen King – Clerk
Members of the Public: Simon Butler-Finbow (S B-F), Diana Butler-Finbow, Molly Butler, Julia & Loder Bevington, Bob Thomson, Peter Raby, David & Ann Holton, Rod Smith, David Butler, David & Hazel Bradley, Sue Romero & Brian Wegg, Geoffrey Reed, Robin Sewell and Christopher Welton.
Complying with Council procedures, MC amended the order of the agenda.
2853: Apologies for Absence:
2854: To Approve & Sign the Minutes of Meeting Number 360, 4th October 2011:
Lynn Reed noted minor amendment to min.ref.2850 and subject to this being corrected the minutes were agreed and signed as a correct record. Proposed: Lynn Reed. Seconded: Sharyn Robinson. Agreed by all.
2855: Matters Arising (for information only):
Min.ref.360/2838: MS reported that the Pub signs were still on the War Memorial triangle and asked the Clerk to follow up with CCC Highways. Action: Clerk
Min.ref.360/2851: SR asked if the Clerk’s contract had been updated. MC confirmed that this was pending. Action: MC
Min.ref.360/2844: Clerk asked if there were any comments on correspondence circulated. There were none.
2856: Declaration of Interests for Items on the Agenda:
2857: ECDC – Results of ‘Village Vision’ Questionnaire:
MC asked councillors if they agreed with the results presented by Brendan Troy. BT explained to the meeting that the results raised a number of issues but that he would particularly welcome the Parish Council’s input on:
• New housing growth on sites on the edge of the village outside the development envelope.
• Following discussion, a vote was taken – 4 in favour (DT, BC, BA, GM), 4 against (MS, SR, LR, MC). The Chair used her casting vote against the proposal.
• More opportunities for small businesses.
• It was felt that there was not adequate infrastructure to accommodate additional businesses in the Parish. Majority against proposal.
• Additional issues raised in the results were discussed as below:
• Village envelope revised or modified. Majority vote against this proposal.
• Infrastructure and priorities
• Parish Council recorded the following priorities:
– improvement of bus services
– pedestrian crossing
– traffic calming
– cycle routes
– new village hall (when funds available).
2858: Parish Council Vacancy:
This was pending. The Clerk was to contact possible candidates. Action: Clerk
2859: County Councillor’s Report: (Cllr David Brown reported to the meeting)
A copy of Cllr Brown’s report was circulated prior to meeting. He confirmed that he attended a site meeting with Highways Officers to seek to resolve parking issues associated with the playground at Swaffham Bulbeck and also dealt with a number of enquiries on behalf of individuals.
With reference to the report from the independent remuneration panel – this was reviewed by the Standards Committee and found to be flawed and no longer exists.
2860: District Councillor’s Report: (Cllr Allen Alderson reported to the meeting)
Newmarket Recycling Centre: Met with Recycling Centre’s Manager to check on progress. Weekends very good but weekday use is a lot lighter. Considering extending opening hours but closing on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Ely Rail Crossing: CCC is running a pre-planning public consultation until 11th November which suggests 4 options. Earliest start date for preferred route would be April 2014.
Village Vision: Over 1000 people came forward with their ideas for their village and community. The majority of people preferred small scale growth.
Downing Court Refuse Collection: Meeting held with two residents at the far end of Downing Court to discuss their concerns. Inappropriate items are regularly being left for collection and being ignored by Veolia. Alan Saville at Sanctuary Hereward and Darren Hughes, Environmental Officer at ECDC to find a way of resolving the issue.
MS said there had been a noticeable increase in fly-tipping since the changes to the Newmarket Recycling Centre. AA replied that there had not been any increase in household fly-tipping but there has been some dumping of conifer clippings and recently tyres.
BA asked if AA could help with a problem on the allotments – one of the allotment holders was concerned about the amount of rubbish creeping over the allotments. The stream at the side of the allotments was also full of rubbish. AA asked BA to email him the details and he would have a look.
2861: Correspondence for Consideration/Circulation:
• CCC – Parish Council’s Heavy Commercial Vehicle (HCV) Strategy Meeting. MS to attend.
• CCC – Street Lighting Maintenance 2010/11. Noted.
• CPALC – Localism Update. Noted
The Clerk asked if there were any comments or action for correspondence circulated following the October meeting. Confirmed items noted but no action or comments.
2862: Notice of Rescission Motion – To re-open discussion on the decision taken by the Parish Council on the 2nd August 2011 – Min.ref.357/2804:
The Clerk reported the receipt of the above notice signed by 4 Parish Councillors (GM, DT, RC, SR) and read out to the meeting:
‘I hereby give notice of my intention to move at the next meeting of the Council the following rescission motion:
That Council rescind the motion carried 2nd August 2011 in relation to the Caution in place at Land on the South Side of Green Bank Road.
357/2804 resolved to instruct Taylor Vinters Solicitors to prepare a revised Statutory Declaration in order to apply for the grant of an easement to the Land Registry as specified in Option 2 of their advice given in July 2011 (the PC could refuse to withdraw the caution and contest the private landowners application for first registration by resubmitting a revised Statutory Declaration and application from Robert Thomson for the registration of the easement).”
A vote was taken on the above – 5 for (GM, DT, RC, SR, BA) and 2 against (LR, MS). The motion was carried to reopen discussion.
2863: Access & Parking at Play Area, Cemetery Corner:
• Caution in place at land on the South Side of Green Bank Road: Following the above, it was confirmed that the Caution still stands.
There followed discussion on the Highway boundary. MC said that S B-F had offered to show definitive map/deeds to Parish Council to confirm ownership. DT suggested that perhaps someone independent of the Parish Council should look at deeds, etc. It was agreed that there was a need to see the plans. SR commented that there was no suggestion that the PC owned land.
MC adjourned the meeting at 8.40pm to allow members of the public to speak on the foregoing. S B-F showed plan of highway boundary.
MC reconvened the meeting at 8.50pm.
To follow on from above, MC Proposed to look at the deeds. Vote taken – 5 for (MS, BA, GM, LR, BC) 1 against (SR) and 1 abstention (DT).
MC adjourned the meeting at 8.55pm to allow members of the public to speak on the forgoing.
MC reconvened meeting at 9pm
S.R. suggested that a professional person should accompany Parish Councillor when viewing plans/deeds. The Clerk reminded councillors that anyone asked to do this must be independent of the Parish Council and have no direct input to avoid any ‘declaration of interest’ issues.
MC adjourned the meeting at 9pm to allow members of the public to speak.
MC reconvened the meeting at 9.05pm.
Further discussion within meeting.
MC adjourned the meeting at 9.15pm to allow members of the public to speak.
MC reconvened the meeting at 9.22pm.
MC Proposed that she spoke with S B-F following the meeting about arranging to view the deeds to confirm land ownership and boundaries. MS Seconded. Agreed by all.
• Statutory Declarations:
It was confirmed that the Statutory Declaration of Robert Thomson had been engrossed. Two further Statutory Declarations were withdrawn.
• Proposal to extend Car Parking at Play Area:
A meeting was held with CCC Officers on the 6th October 2011. Notes taken by S.R. (copy on file).
• Consideration of layout plans:
A draft plan drawn up by Geoff Reed was circulated prior to meeting. This was discussed. LR said that this plan could be changed but would help to obtain some initial costings. DT said he had discussed the work with a local contractor and the suggested figure was approximately £13,000 for car park and £1,500 for access/entrance.
Cllr David Brown and Cllr Allen Alderson left the meeting at 9.35pm.
• Replies to queries raised in letter reported at October meeting:
A copy of MC’s reply to Lawrence Butler’s letter was circulated and agreed. Proposed: MS. Seconded: LR.
• Formation of subcommittee:
It was agreed to set up a Working Party rather than a subcommittee. The Clerk was to check on the procedures. The Working Party would be made up of – DT, GR, MS, BA, S B-F. The Clerk was to pass to MS any details already collated – utilities, etc.
2864: Outstanding Section 137 Payments:
• Bottisham Village College – held for consideration at a future meeting.
• SB Primary School – held for consideration at a future meeting.
• Remembrance Wreath – Clerk to organise.
• Red-2-Green Charity – donation of £300. Proposed by BA and Seconded by LR
• SB Youth Club – donation of £500. Proposed by BA and Seconded by LR
2865: Review of Asset Register:
SR confirmed that the review had been completed and the register updated with those items needing attention or maintenance highlighted. It was suggested that several minor items of maintenance could be dealt with by a Working Party. Estimates required for some of the work needed.
2866: Clerk’s Reports:
Email from Donna Cornwell about some issues with parents parking in the bus stop zone outside the school but asking if the bus stop was still used. It was generally thought that the bus stop was not used at the moment but hopefully it would be in the future.
K H Services requested to provide the Parish Council with a quotation for an “all year round maintenance proposal”. Not to be taken forward.
Report of a damaged bin on the Denny. DT said he would inspect.
2867: Finances including Approval of Payment of Outstanding Accounts:
a) Karen King – Clerk’s salary, October 2011 £ 274-30
b) Inland Revenue – PAYE £ 68-60
c) Herts & Ground Maintenance – grasscutting £ 394-80
d) E-ON – streetlighting – (direct debit) £ 5-79
e) Taylor Vinters – professional charges £ 1,500-00
f) Balfour Beatty – street lighting (maintenance) £ 24-06
g) SB Youth Club – Section 137 payment £ 500-00
h) Red-2-Green Charity – Section 137 payment £ 300-00
Total: £3,067-55
The above payments were agreed Proposed: MS. Seconded: LR. Agreed by all.
BIAA Bank Interest – October 2011 £ 0-75
ECDC – ½-year Precept Payment £ 7,750-00
ECDC – NNDR Rebate £ 67-10
W T Shrubbs – land rent £ 430-00
David Rayner Farms – land rent £ 2,160-00
Mr R Wedd – land rent £ 960-00
Simon Butler-Finbow – photocopies £ 0-80
Total: £11,368-65
2868: Parish Councillors’ Reports:
BC told the meeting that the new salt bin on Quarry Lane/Heath Road junction was in place.
GM reminded everyone that he still had litter pickers in his shed should anyone wish to use them. MC & MS said they would use these.
GM informed meeting that he would be standing down as Parish Councillor in New Year and that the December meeting would be his last. GM asked to confirm in writing to Clerk.
The meeting ended at 10.10pm
2869: Future Meeting Dates:
15th November – Precept meeting
6th December
3rd January 2012
7th February
6th March
Street Lighting Maintenance and Energy 2010/11
Cambridgeshire Renewable Infrastructure Framework – invite
Highway Warden Inductions Invitation
Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Minerals & Waste …………… final inspector’s report
Parish Precepts – Year Ending 31st March 2013
Darren Hughes – details of Witchford HRWC
Chairman’s Weekly Highlights
K H Services – Quotation for Village & Cemetery Maintenance
CPALC – Localism Update
CPALC – 2012 Small Grants Scheme