Minutes 1st March 2011
Held at the School on Tuesday, 1st March 2011, starting at 7.30pm
Present: Bert Collins (Vice-Chairman), Brian Ambrose, Giles Merritt and David Turner.
In Attendance: Cllr David Brown – CCC
Cllr Allen Alderson – ECDC
Karen King – Clerk
2705: Apologies for Absence: Loder Bevington – family commitment
Margaret Chadwick – holiday
Lynn Reed – holiday
Mary Smith – holiday
Sharyn Robinson – work commitment
Vice-Chairman Bert Collins chaired the meeting in the absence of Chairman Margaret Chadwick.
2706: To Approve and Sign Minutes of Meeting Number 349, 1st February 2011. Minutes agreed and signed as a correct record. Proposed: Brian Ambrose. Seconded: Giles Merritt.
2707: Matters Arising from Previous Minutes (for information only)
• Min.Ref.349/2696: Cllr David Brown confirmed that concessionary passes can be used this year for Park & Ride.
• Min.Ref.349/2704: Sharyn Robinson asked to record a vote of thanks to David Turner, Bert Collins and Brian Ambrose for their hard work in installing the seat at the bus stop opposite the shop (Denny side). SR also asked about security for the seat. BC confirmed that the seat had been fixed down to the concrete.
• Min.ref.349/2701: Bert Collins asked if references had been received for Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Ltd–grass cutting contractors. The Clerk confirmed that she was in receipt of very good references from current users and read these out to the meeting. As a consequence a letter had been sent to H&CM confirming their appointment for the next three-year period – subject to annual review.
2708: Members’ Declaration of Interest for Items on the Agenda: None.
2709: County Councillor’s Report: Cllr David Brown reported to the meeting.
• February at the County Council was dominated by the full meeting of Council on 15 February, with the main agenda item being the Budget for 2011/12 and Integrated Plan for the coming 5 years. The meeting started with a large number of protestors in the public gallery. After numerous interruptions and 3 separate arrests of protestors the Council finally managed to agree a balanced budget with the proposals reported last month going through. It was a long and stormy meeting and I eventually got home at 8.20pm.
• In the run-up to the full Council meeting 3 separate scrutiny committee meetings were attended to examine budget proposals in greater detail – the Environment and Sustainability Scrutiny Committee, the Safer and Stronger Communities Scrutiny Committee and the Corporate Services Scrutiny Committee plus 3 informal cabinet meetings.
• Cllr Jill Tuck has announced that, for personal reasons, she will not be seeking re-election as Leader of the Conservative Group and therefore Leader of the Council. The Conservative Group will elect a new Leader, probably in April.
Brian Ambrose expressed his concerns about the proposed closure of Fire Stations. Cllr Brown said he would take this up with the Fire Authority.
2710: District Councillor’s Report: Cllr Allen Alderson reported to the meeting.
• Full Council Meeting: This took place on the 22nd February before May’s local elections. Following a meeting lasting 5 hours, a balanced budget was set for 2011/12 with no increase in Council Tax despite the cuts in central Government funding. There will be a zero percent rise for all staff other than those earning a full time salary of £21,000 or less, who will be eligible for a £250 per annum increase in line with central Government’s suggestion. Council’s elected members will be taking a 10% cut in their allowances.
Changes to Council’s committee structure and timings of its meetings were also agreed with the result of significant savings.
• Neighbourhood Panel meetings: The March series of NHP’s have been cancelled. The next south area meeting will be on the 28th June at the Ellesmere Centre, Stetchworth.
• Newmarket Recycling Centre: Suffolk County Council is to close this centre on the 9th May 2011 as part of its budget cuts. As this is used by many people in the south of East Cambs district, officers have been made aware that there could be an increase in fly-tipping.
• New Leisure Complex: This will be for the whole district and the designs have received planning permission. It is to be built on land beside the Ely by-pass and adjoining land owned by Ely Outdoor Sports Association.
2711: Correspondence for Consideration/Circulation:
CCC–Highway Wardens scheme. Summary of successful pilot schemes focusing on relationships between Highways Depots and their local town and parish councils with an invitation to appoint someone to be a Highway Warden for Swaffham Bulbeck. Cllr Brown explained a little about the scheme. It was decided to review after the May election to see if anyone might have an interest in becoming a Highways Warden.
CCC – Bus Services – proposed changes from April 2011. It was noted that the changes did not affect Swaffham Bulbeck.
ECDC – Working Together to Manage Future Growth. It was suggested that a ‘refresher’ of the Core Strategy documents was needed in partnership with a review of the Parish Plan. Agenda item for a future meeting.
2712: Proposed Removal of Bus Shelter – consultation with residents:
Following the request in the last Beacon report, the views and suggestions received clearly confirmed that residents do not wish to see the removal of the bus shelter next to the shop. As a consequence, it was decided to try and clean the panels of the shelter and inspect the damage further to decide what repairs were needed.
Action: GM/DT/BA/BC
Cllrs David Brown & Allen Alderson left the meeting at 8.20pm
2713: Management of Village Website:
Giles Merritt suggested that it might be helpful to ask the Bottisham ‘magazine’ (Cresset) team to come along and advise on how to use the website. A meeting was also to be organised with the Editors of the Bulbeck Beacon. Action: GM
2714: End-of-Year: Outstanding Items of Expenditure including:
• Footpaths Leaflet: Giles Merritt presented to the meeting the final version of the leaflet noting that he would be adding circular walks. The leaflet was also to be uploaded onto the website. GM was hopeful of an invoice for payment by year-end but said this would not include for printing costs. Action: GM
The Clerk asked to show the leaflet to Swaffham Prior Parish Council as she felt they would find it very interesting. This was agreed.
• Second Gate for Play Area: David Turner was to follow up with James Hardwicke. Action: DT
• Extra Litter Bin for Recreation Ground: It was agreed to go ahead and purchase an additional bin. Bert Collins said he would install when it arrived. Action: Clerk/BC
• Renovation of Fingerposts: David Turner said the work was ongoing but he would invoice for materials, etc., for year end. Action: DT
2715: Clerk’s Report:
• Min.ref.349/2702: Further to report on street light outside 14 Vicarage Close, CCC’s contractors had confirmed that they were waiting for E-ON to install a power supply to this column and that once this had been done, they would remove the old column.
• Planning items:
Min.ref.344/2639: Notification of Appeal for land to r/o 79 High Street – construction of a single one and half storey house with associated garaging/storage. It was agreed that the original comments submitted by the PC on this application were sufficient and no further comments were needed for the appeal.
Min.ref.347/2667: Copy of Planning Permission received for 97 Commercial End – to put solar panels on rear roof of the house.
• Royal Wedding Celebration: A request was received for a small donation towards the costs of putting on a picnic on the Denny to celebrate this occasion. Carried forward as an agenda item for April meeting when more details available.
2716: Finances including Approval of Payment of Outstanding Accounts;
a) Karen King – Clerk’s salary, February 2011 £ 205-77
b) Inland Revenue – Clerk’s PAYE £ 51-40
c) Karen King – Clerk’s expenses (30/11/10-21/02/11) £ 51-42
d) CCC – Street lighting – annual maintenance £ 18-93
e) CPALC – Clerk’s training “Power of Wellbeing” £ 12-50
Total £ 340-02
The above payments were agreed. Proposed: David Turner. Seconded: Brian Ambrose.
BIAA Bank Interest – February 2011 £ 0-74
SPPC – refund payment (A.W.) £ 47-64
Total £ 48-38
Change of signatories: The Clerk informed the meeting that the forms had been returned by the Bank with a request for further details. Following discussion it was suggested that no further action was taken until after the May Elections when possible additional changes may be needed.
2717: Parish Councillors’ Reports
• Brian Ambrose referred to a recent newspaper article which referred to a 1911 report on the “Parish Council’s application to borrow £800 to purchase Denny Close for use as a recreation ground….”. This was passed to the Clerk to be kept on file.
• Giles Merritt said that he still had some litter pickers in his shed should people wish to use them. Reminder in Beacon. Action: Clerk
• Giles Merritt reported on February’s play area inspections noting that the grass was wearing in some areas.
• March inspections to be carried out by David Turner. Action: DT
Meeting closed at 8.50 pm
2718: Future Meeting Dates:
5th April
3rd May (10th May subject to resolution)
17th May – Annual Parish Meeting
7th June
5th July
2nd August (if called)
Clare Robson – Highway Wardens
Traffic Managers Business Support – Meeting with Parish Councils to Plan a New Lorry Strategy
Chairman – Weekly Highlights
Alan Williams – NHP updates and details
Joan Cox – District & Parish Elections
Lucy Flintham – Parish Consultation Responses to Planning
CPALC – online newsletter
CPALC – Bulletin
CPALC – important notice – Clerk & RFO PAYE & Tax Status
John Roebuck – email re removal of bus shelter
Peter Searby – email re removal of bus shelter
Cllr Jose Hales – reference for Justin Wilmott (grass cutting contractor)
E-Cops report – PCSO Annie Austin