Minutes 15th March 2011
Held at the School on Tuesday, 15th March 2011, starting at 7.30pm
Present: Bert Collins (Vice-Chairman), Giles Merritt, Sharyn Robinson and David Turner.
In Attendance: Karen King – Clerk
2719: Apologies for Absence: Brian Ambrose – conflicting commitment
Loder Bevington – holiday
Margaret Chadwick – holiday
Lynn Reed – holiday
Mary Smith – holiday
Vice-Chairman Bert Collins chaired the meeting in the absence of Chairman Margaret Chadwick.
2720: Members’ Declaration of Interest for Items on the Agenda: None.
2721: Consideration of Planning Application for Mill Lodge, Mill Lane – demolition of existing garage. New extensions and new double garage and installation of solar panels to rear (south-west) elevation. Ref: 11/00114/FUL:
There were no objections or comments for the above application.
2722: Insurance Premium for Cemetery Building – quote received:
The quote from Zurich in the sum of £116-56 was agreed. Proposed: Giles Merritt. Seconded: Sharyn Robinson,
2723: Clerk’s Report:
No reports.
2724: Finances including Approval of Payment of Outstanding Accounts;
a) Anglian Water – cemetery water supply(1/4/11-31/3/12) £ 175-84
Total £ 175-84
The above payment was agreed. There followed some discussion about the possibility of installing a water meter. The Clerk was to contact Anglian Water. Action: Clerk
2725: Parish Councillors’ Reports
• Min.ref.350/2712: Following inspection of the bus shelter, Sharyn Robinson summarised actions to be taken as follows:
a) prop the front of the leaning roof edge with a couple of metal poles screwed securely into the frame and pavement via metal base plates. Action: DT to arrange materials, BC & BA to help fix Saturday 12th March 2011;
b) try and clean the six polycarbonate sheets fronting the shelter. Action: SR
c) swap one of the less vandalised bottom sheets with the top sheet of the panel nearest the litter bin to aid vision: Action: BC to drill out the pop rivets and swap over the sheets once cleaned;
d) get a quotation for a curved polycarbonate panel to replace the missing roof one. Action: GM to pass measurements to Clerk so she can request quotation from Engineering & Design Plastics. Action: Clerk
• Min.ref.346/2663: Sharyn Robinson reported on inspection of large old Maple noting that as it is on the top of the ditch edge, it was assumed as on Parish land. It was agreed that as very little of it grows over the far corner of property owner’s garden, the best way forward would be for the owner to trim as necessary where it overhung the boundary. It was also agreed to cut/remove the ivy to reduce risk of the tree being blown over and to monitor its health in the Spring.
In addition it was also suggested that a working party raise the crowns to 8′ of the trees around the recreation ground and fell the remains of the dying laburnum tree in the cemetery (which had already been trimmed in readiness for this by the Community Payback team). Action: BC, BA, DT
(As Trustees to the SB Pavilion Charity).
• Bert Collins reported that drain pipes had been ripped away from building, dustbins thrown into bushes with contents scattered. BC said he had carried out repairs to the drain pipes. Everyone thanked BC for his help.
• Pavilion Charity Min.ref.83/558: Bert Collins said the price of a new vacuum cleaner had risen by another £10 to £129.99 + approximately £10 for spare filter bags and asked members if they still wanted to go ahead with purchase as agreed at the last Pavilion Charity meeting. It was agreed the extra cost was minimal and that the Clerk should go ahead and order. Action: Clerk
Meeting closed at 8.00 pm
2718: Future Meeting Dates:
5th April
10th May – subject to confirmation by resolution
17th May – Annual Parish Meeting
7th June
5th July
2nd August (if called)