Minutes 12th June 2012
Held at the School on Tuesday, 12th June 2012. Starting at 7.30pm
Present: Margaret Chadwick-Chairman (MC), Brian Ambrose (BA), Bert Collins (BC), James Hardwicke, Lynn Reed-Vice Chairman (LR), Sharyn Robinson (SR), Sue Romero(SRo) and Ian Woodroffe(IW).
Members of the Public: None.
In attendance:
CCC – Cllr David Brown
Karen King – Clerk
3029: Apologies for Absence:
Cllr Allen Alderson – conflicting meeting
Mary Smith – conflicting commitment
3030: Members’ Declaration of Interest for Items on the Agenda:
Sharyn Robinson declared an interest for item 14 of the agenda (Min.ref 3043).
3031: To Approve & Sign the Minutes of Annual Meeting Number 372, 1st May 2012:
The minutes were approved and signed as a correct record. Proposed: Sharyn Robinson. Seconded: Bert Collins.
3032: To Approve & Sign the Minutes of Meeting Number 373, 1st May 2012:
Min.ref.373/3020: LR noted that SRo carried out the play area inspections. Following this correction, the minutes were approved and signed as a correct record. Proposed: Brian Ambrose. Seconded: Sharyn Robinson.
3033: To Approve & Sign the Minutes of Extraordinary Meeting Number 374, dated 15th May 2012:
The minutes were approved and signed as a correct record. Proposed: Lynn Reed. Seconded: Brian Ambrose.
3034: Matters Arising from Previous Minutes (for information only):
Min.ref.373/3016: MC thanked everyone involved with the Diamond Jubilee celebrations. Everyone agreed it was a great success. IW told the meeting that he was keen to see a similar event happen annually. SRo said there was to be a final committee meeting in the coming week to finalise the spending, etc.
Min.ref.374/3027: LR asked MC if she had met with the neighbours to Mitchell Lodge Farm. MC confirmed that she had and was shown the heap of stone stored on the site and its vicinity to the neighbours’ property. MC said she appreciated the ongoing difficulties being experienced by the neighbours because of noise, etc., but was not sure what could be done to help.
3035: County Councillor’s Report: A copy of Cllr Brown’s report was circulated prior to meeting.
There were no questions for Cllr Brown.
3036: District Councillor’s Report: (MC read out written report provided by Cllr Allen Alderson).
• On the 29th May councillors visited Cambourn, St Neots and Northampton to look at new housing developments. ECDC will soon be undertaking a development of 800 houses to the north of Ely. This will be the first phase of a larger development. The information gathered from the visit was very useful.
• With regard to possible funding, the Youth Club should apply to ECDC’s ‘Community Structure – Small Grants’. This is for parishes that do not normally attract section 106 monies.
There followed some discussion of Youth Club funding. MC asked how many houses were proposed for the development north of Ely. Cllr Brown replied approximately 1500.
3037: Correspondence for Consideration/Circulation:
CCC – Grass Cutting: Public Rights of Way. Request for details of paths that require cutting or adding to schedule for 2013. This prompted discussion on a replacement PC representative for the CCC Parish Paths Partnership scheme. JH agreed to take on this role. SR noted that there were only two parish paths – Heath Road and Gutterbridge.
ECDC – Better Broadband for East Cambridgeshire. It was agreed to encourage everyone to support this aim. To be added to Beacon report.
Audit Commission: Consultation on appointment of external auditor for 2012/13 & future years. Noted.
General – Neighbourhood Panel Meeting. Date and agenda of next meeting received. Clerk to check if MS able to attend.
Min.ref. 373/3012: ECDC – Council Design Guide SPD. Paper copy circulated to PCs.
3038: Access & Parking at Play Area, Cemetery Corner:
• Min.ref.373/3013 – land ownership & boundaries: The Clerk confirmed that an email had been sent to the Butler family solicitors requesting a reply to her letter dated 7/3/12 – no reply was received. MC concluded that as no reply had been received, it was assumed that the Parish Council would not receive a reply and as such this matter would now be closed and not included on future agendas.
BC referred to the original concern of parking noting that the Parish Council had erected a sign. BC considered that the PC had done all it that could. IW suggested monitoring the parking now that the sign was in place.
• Min.ref.373/3013 – Report on Meeting with Susan Mills, CCC Highway Development Control Engineer: SRo, SR, BC, BA, MS, Geoff Reed, Molly Butler and Diana & Simon Butler-Finbow attended the meeting with Susan Mills. The meeting was held in response to a letter sent to Ms Mills on 5 April 2012 from MC to request further help on finding an acceptable solution to parking issues at Cemetery Corner. SR took notes and produced a report which was circulated to all parties for consultation with amendments made as requested. Following consideration by the meeting SR asked for confirmation that she could send in the report. Agreed by all. Report held on file.
Following discussion the following resolution was agreed in relation to land ownership & boundaries:
“The Council should determine to entertain no further discussion on the subject of land ownership unless to discuss new and irrefutable evidence subsequently presented to the Parish Council for consideration.”
Proposed: Brian Ambrose. Seconded: Bert Collins.
3039: Review of Land Rents:
MC confirmed that the land rents were last increased in 2008. To carry out a further review the PC was required to give 12 months notice to tenants. It was agreed that the Clerk would write to tenants giving them notice of a review in September 2013. It was also agreed to ask Nick Harris of Redmayne Arnold & Harris to carry out a land rent review on behalf of the Parish Council. Unanimously agreed.
Cllr David Brown left the meeting at 8.15pm.
3040: Care Network Community Car Scheme – assessment of village need:
Following a presentation at the Annual Parish Meeting on Transport for Older and Isolated People in the Swaffhams by Thelma Wadsley, Senior Community Development Officer for Care Network Cambridgeshire, it was suggested that the first step would be to assess the need in the village with perhaps a questionnaire that could be included on the village website and, in consultation with the Beacon Editors, circulated to households. The Clerk was to follow up.
3041: Consideration of RoSPA’s Annual Inspection Report for Play Area:
SR reviewed the inspection report noting that there were no high risk items. Low-medium risk items included:
• Realigning the gate to avoid entrapment. Action: JH/BC/BA
• Zip wire – move cable stop 4m from cable end. Considered not practical – to be monitored.
• Planks missing from multi-play unit. Action: BC/BA/JH
• Damage to wet pour surfacing. The Clerk obtained a quotation from PRO-TEQ Surfacing for a repair system to wet pour play surfaces in the sum of £6,247.65 plus VAT (£7,497.18). This was considered an expensive solution and alternatives were discussed. The Clerk was to ask the advice of specialist contractors on the different types of replacement surfacing available and the costs involved. SR asked if the wet pour surfacing was covered as an insurance item – Clerk to check. Action: Clerk
3042: Parish Council Representative for Cambridgeshire County Council’s Parish Paths Partnership Scheme.
C/R item 3037 above. JH agreed to represent Parish Council.
3043: Donation to School to help with Refurbishment of School Hall Floor:
As a community facility, a donation of £300 to help with the refurbishment of the School hall floor was agreed. Proposed: Lynn Reed. Seconded: Ian Woodroffe. Unanimously agreed.
3044: Donation to Red-2-Green for Sensory Kitchen Portable Oven & Hotplate:
Members considered a written request received from Red2Green for funding to purchase a hob and microwave for their Options service. A donation of £150 was agreed. Proposed: Brian Ambrose. Seconded: Sue Romero. Unanimously agreed.
3045: Grants of Exclusive Rights of Burial:
Grant No 164 – Mr J & Mrs M Rowe (M153) – approved and signed.
Grant No 165 – Mr B & Mrs V Ambrose (M154) – approved and signed.
3046. Clerk’s Reports:
Grasscutting: Email received from Deborah Welton asking what the grass cutting contract in the village covers noting that where village residents cut the grass outside their properties the contractors leave resulting in an uneven finish. The contractor confirmed that some residents preferred to cut the areas outside their properties themselves and as such it was normal practice to leave these areas.
Phone box – Green Bank Road. This has been removed.
Planning Permissions received for:
– Hill Side Mill, Quarry Lane
– 91 High Street
Approvals for Tree Works:
– The Abbey, Abbey Lane – pruning of trees.
– The Old Maltings, 98 Commercial End – pruning of a tree.
3047. Finances including Approval of Payment of Outstanding Accounts:
a) Karen King – Clerk’s salary, May 2012 £ 283-53
b) Inland Revenue – Clerk’s PAYE £ 70-80
c) Karen King – Clerk’s expenses/reimbursements £ 56-58
d) Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance – grasscutting services £ 1,028-40
e) Pavilion Charity – subvention £ 500-00
f) Playsafety Limited – annual inspection £ 100-80
g) Swaffham Internal Drainage Board – drainage rates £ 121-94
h) Viking Direct – stationery/computer supplies £ 61-75
Total: £ 2,223.80
The above payments were agreed. Proposed: Brian Ambrose. Seconded: Ian Woodroffe.
BIAA Bank Interest – May 2012 £ 0-87
ECDC – ½-year Precept £8,000-00
3048. Parish Councillors’ Reports:
• SRo reported on a meeting of the Church Reordering Working Group to look at ways to extend the use of the Church as a community facility. ECDC’s ‘Village Vision’ team was to be asked to help with a questionnaire/ survey.
• JH reported on the possible closure of the Fire Station asking to make everyone aware. Clerk to add note to Beacon report. It was suggested that a letter should be sent to James Paice.
• MS forwarded to the Clerk an email from Kevin Hall suggesting possible dates for a meeting to discuss the crossing on Station Road. PC’s to confirm to Clerk dates they are available.
• LR carried out play area inspections noting some cracking in path. Also rabbit scrapings inside play area.
• LR reported that the memorial plaque for Dr Towriss needed cleaning.
• Ian Woodroffe asked about the use of ‘bird scarers’, noting that these started up very early in the mornings. The Clerk to follow up.
• SR asked about Diamond Jubilee Oak – no progress to date.
Meeting closed at 9.40pm
3049. Dates of Next Meetings:
3rd July
7th August (if called)
4th September
2nd October
6th November
4th December
Passenger Transport – Stagecoach notification of changes to services
Kate Day – Grass Cutting: Public Rights of Way
Ally Clarke – mobile library service – promotional materials
Chairman’s Weekly Highlights
South Area Neighbourhood Panel – meeting date and newsletter
Giles Hughes – approval for treeworks at 98 Commercial End
Doug Perkins – Better Broadband for East Cambridgeshire
Democratic Services – Information about the new Library Management System being rolled out in Cambridgeshire Libraries
Democratic Services – Your views on Economy, Transport and Environment Services
Sarah Ratcliffe – East Cambridgeshire Community Infrastructure Levy – Draft Charging Schedule
Planning Permission – Hill Side Mill, Quarry Lane
Planning Permission – 91 High Street
Barchams – “Time for Trees” – a guide to species selection for the UK.
Cambridgeshire ACRE – membership
Audit Commission – Consultation on appointment of external auditor for 2012/13 and future years
SB School – request for donation towards refurbishment of School Hall floor
Deborah Welton – grass cutting for Commercial End
CAPALC – CiLCA Module on General Power of Competence training session