Minutes 11th May 2011


Held at the School on Tuesday, 11th May 2011, starting at 7.30pm

Explanation Note for change of date of meeting:
LGA 1972 schedule 12 s 7(2). To comply with the requirement for 4 clear days from the Election Day of the 5th May 2011 before the annual Parish Council meeting to elect Chairman, Vice-Chairman, etc., the meeting date was moved from Tuesday 10th to Wednesday 11th May with correct notice. (Notification from CPALC).

Present: Margaret Chadwick (Chairman), Bert Collins, Brian Ambrose, Lynn Reed (Vice-Chairman), Sharyn Robinson (for part), Mary Smith and David Turner.

In Attendance: Cllr David Brown
Karen King-Clerk

2750: Apologies for Absence:
Giles Merritt (work commitments)

2751: To Approve & Sign the Minutes of Meeting Number 352, 5th April 2011: Amendments included min.ref.2741 – correction from Frank Readhead to Frank Frankland plus numbering of items. Following these changes the minutes were signed as a correct record. Proposed: Lynn Reed. Seconded: Bert Collins.

2752: Matters Arising from Previous Minutes (for information only):
Min.ref: 2730: Bert Collins and Brian Ambrose confirmed that they were progressing work to the bus shelter. They also noted that the new seat at the bus stop opposite was being well used.
Min.ref: 2730: Mary Smith confirmed that she was happy to liaise with GM and the Beacon team to progress the development of the website.
Min.ref: 2740: The Clerk contacted the Probation Team about moving the waste heap from the Cemetery to the adjacent land and they had confirmed that they would be willing to carry out this work. Following discussion it was agreed to leave the waste heap in its current position until November.

Sharyn Robinson left meeting at 7.40pm.

2753: Members’ Declaration of Interest for Items on the Agenda:
There were none.

2754: County Councillor’s Report: (Cllr David Brown reported to the meeting)
• Represented the County Council at a meeting of the Local Government Association Rural Commission. One of the main topics for discussion was the practicalities of the Government plans to roll-out superfast Broadband nationwide. The Greater Cambridgeshire Local Enterprise Partnership has applied to be one of the first areas to take part in the project.
• The East Cambridgeshire Community Safety Partnership met to receive various updates on crime and disorder matters. The ECCSP has been given a new duty by Government, which is to undertake a review of any homicide in which domestic violence has played a part. We had a lengthy discussion on how to fulfill that duty (which hopefully will not be needed) and agreed to ask the next meeting to appoint 2 Councillors to a County-wide panel from which an independent Chairman for any review will be selected.
• Attended a number of informal cabinet meetings.
• As reported previously, Cllr Jill Tuck has announced that she will not be seeking re-election as Leader of the Council at the Annual Meeting on 17 May. At a Conservative Group meeting we elected Cllr Nick Clarke as Leader (designate) of the Conservative Group. Subject to a formal vote on 17 May Cllr Clarke will be confirmed as the new Leader of Cambridgeshire County Council. I feel greatly honoured that, subject to a formal vote at the same meeting Cllr Clarke has asked me to join the County Council Cabinet to take responsibility for the Children and Young People’s portfolio. Since that news became public my Email in-box has been filling up with meeting requests! I am currently receiving numerous briefings from Directors and other officers and I am really looking forward to the challenge of my new role.

2755: District Councillor’s Report: (Clerk read out brief report in Cllr Alderson’s absence)
• Newmarket Recycling Centre: This was due to close on the 9th May but has been given a reprieve until the 31st July to allow discussions on how to secure its future.
• Report received on the 7th May that travellers had set up on 40 Acre Drove to Red Tile Farm. This was due to a farmer using the adjacent land having lost the key to the access gate allowing the travellers to gain access. This was reported to Brian Hicks, Traveller Liaison Officer for immediate action.

2756: Correspondence for Consideration/Circulation:
CCC – Grass Cutting: Public Rights of Way. Details of reduced budget for spending on path maintenance and asking to be kept notified of any path that appears to have been missed from the grass cutting contract. There was some confusion as to the number of public rights of way CCC were responsible for cutting. Clerk to check maps.

2757: Footpaths Leaflet – consideration of quotes received from printing:
Giles Merritt had obtained three quotes:
Quadrant Print £260 per 1,000 copies
Cambridge Printers Ltd £344 per 2,000 copies
Flyer Design (email) £343 per 1,000 copies
The leaflet designer had worked with Quadrant Print on previous projects and strongly recommended them. The quotes were discussed but there was some confusion on the quantities with Cambridge Printers Ltd’s quote being for £2,000 copies. Mary Smith said she would liaise with GM about the details. Subject to all being in order it was agreed to accept the quote from Quadrant Print. Proposed: Brian Ambrose. Seconded: Bert Collins. The Clerk asked that letterhead copies of the quotes be provided.

2758: Annual Parish Meeting Agenda:
The Clerk confirmed that Mark Mahaffey of ECDC would be attending to give a talk on his role as Clean Neighbourhood Enforcement Officer.
Other agenda items as included in previous years.
Mary Smith, Margaret Chadwick and Lynn Reed were to liaise on providing coffee, tea and biscuits for those attending.

Cllr David Brown left the meeting at 8.10pm

2759: Review of Assets Register:
The Clerk pointed out that the new play equipment and village furniture needed to be added to the Assets Register and the assets value increased to approximately £262,000. This figure was agreed. Proposed: Brian Ambrose. Seconded: Mary Smith. The Chairman asked that the Property Maintenance Committee carry out a full review of the Assets Register and report back in due course.

2760: Approval of Annual Audit Return including Governance Statement:
The Clerk confirmed that Frank Frankland had carried out an Internal Audit of the Parish Council accounts as required. A copy of the Annual Audit Return was circulated for information. The Audit Return including the Governance Statement was agreed and signed by the Chairman. Proposed: Brian Ambrose. Seconded: Lynn Reed.

2761: Clerk’s Reports:
• Min.ref.351/2721: Copy of Planning Permission received for Mill Lodge, Mill Lane.
• Min.ref.3502711: Highways Warden Scheme–this was further discussed but it was felt that appointing a Highways Warden would be of little benefit to the Parish.
• (late item of correspondence) ECDC – Draft Protocol. Copies were circulated for information. Noted with no further comment.
• Fishing Rights – no increase. Invoice for £5 annual rent to be sent to Waterbeach Angling Club.
• Damage road sign at Heath Road reported to ECDC for repair work.

2762: Finances including Approval of Payment of Outstanding Accounts:
a) Karen King – Clerk’s salary, April 2011 £ 265-27
b) Inland Revenue – PAYE £ 66-20
c) E.ON Energy – streetlighting, 1/1-31/3/11 £ 5-79
d) Herts & Ground Maintenance – grasscutting £1,129-20
e) Viking Direct – computer supplies £ 42-46
f) CPALC – annual subscription fees £ 258-45
g) Elizabeth Raby – Royal Wedding Picnic expenses £ 39-33 (Min.ref.352/2737)
Total: £1,806-70

BIAA Bank Interest – March 2011 £ 0-67
HMRC – VAT refund £ 952-30
BIAA Bank Interest – April 2011 £ 0-79
Total: £953-76

2763: Parish Councillors’ Reports:
• Lynn Reed reported on the problems caused by overhanging hedges at a High Street property. She had been made aware of the hazard to neighbours trying to drive out onto the High Street as the hedge, etc., was blocking the view of the road. The Clerk confirmed that a letter was sent to residents in September 2010 asking that they cut back hedges to property boundaries to ensure the footpath was kept clear. It was suggested that a stronger letter be sent insisting that the work was done or it would be necessary to pass to CCC to take the appropriate action to enforce.
• Margaret Chadwick told meeting that she had received a phone call from a resident asking that the contractors take more care when strimming in the cemetery. Whilst on the subject of the Cemetery MC suggested that it might be a good idea to remind people about the cemetery rules such as planting, edging, etc. This is to be followed up.
• David Turner carried out the play area inspections for April – no items to report.
• Margaret Chadwick was to carry out inspections for May.

Meeting closed at 9pm

2764: Future Meeting Dates:
17th May (Annual Parish Meeting)
7th June
5th July
No August meeting unless called
6th September
4th October
1st November
6th December

Central Cambridgeshire – Cycle Map
Chris Tucker – Update on Parish Paths Policy
Chairman – Weekly Highlights
Julie Cornwell – A Strategy for Sustainable Communities in East Cambs 2011-2031
John Hill – The Future of Neighbourhood Panels in East Cambridgeshire
Darren Hughes – alternative household waste recycling centres
Lyn Bagwell – Draft Zoo Licensing Policy
Joan Cox – co-option of vacancies
Katie Child – Managing Future Changes in East Cambs – Parish Plans
Melanie Sage – Parish Councillors – Registration & Declaration of Interests following an Election
The Voluntary Network – information on services/request for donation
Brian Tully, Cambs Policy – ASBO’s – Government consultation
Cambridgeshire Playing Fields Association – newsletter
Cambridgeshire ACRE – newsletter
Suffolk ACRE – confirmation of renewal of insurance/receipt
NALC – policy consultation – review of statutory duties
CPALC – Future of local public audit consultation
CPALC – Localism Bill update
CPALC – Local Government pay briefing
CPALC – Equality Act 2010